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Презентация на тему Abai- a great Kazakh poet презентация

Eating How many conditional sentences in English?Meals in the UKReal conditionalUnreal conditionalGive me example ‘Real conditional’The farmer and his apple treea great Kazakh poet Abai-
Welcome Eating How many conditional sentences in English?Meals in the UKReal conditionalUnreal conditionalGive Unit 2. Step 1. Abai –a great Kazakh poetThe 18th of October, Friday World [w∂:ld]-әлем, дүниеSettlement [setlment]-елді жер, елді мекенMasterpiece [mɅstә,pi:s]-үлгілі шығармаStrict [strict]-қаталNew words: Abai Cluster Listen and read Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904)Abai was a great Kazakh poet, musician and writer. He Answer the questions What is Abai Kunanbaev famous for?When and where was True or false 1.Abai was a great Russian poet2.He began to learn 1.His father Kunanbai was very _______2.His mother ________________________Zere very kind.3.Abai went a Abai’s songsLet’s find Kazakh translation123 Құлақтан кіріп бойды алар,  Жақсы ән мен тәтті күй. Oh my luckless KazakhAn unkempt moustache hides your mouth and shin,Blood on “The tick of a clock”.The tick of the clock is not something Find the sentencesWorldSettlementMasterpieceStrict Find the sentencesWell Done!WorldHe is well- known all over the worldSettlementHe was 1Who is Abai?жауапт2жауаптWho was his real name?3жауап4жауапWho is his grandmother?His mother’s name Let’s sing a song: Giving the home task: Writing Report ‘Abai’ The lesson is over! Good- bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Eating
How many
in English?
Meals in

Eating How many conditional sentences in English?Meals in the UKReal conditionalUnreal

the UK
Give me
The farmer

his apple tree

a great




Слайд 3 Unit 2. Step 1. Abai –a great Kazakh

Unit 2. Step 1. Abai –a great Kazakh poetThe 18th of October, Friday

The 18th of October, Friday

Слайд 4 World [w∂:ld]-әлем, дүние
Settlement [setlment]-елді жер, елді мекен
Masterpiece [mɅstә,pi:s]-үлгілі

World [w∂:ld]-әлем, дүниеSettlement [setlment]-елді жер, елді мекенMasterpiece [mɅstә,pi:s]-үлгілі шығармаStrict [strict]-қаталNew words:

Strict [strict]-қатал

New words:

Слайд 5

Abai Cluster

Слайд 6 Listen and read

Listen and read

Слайд 7 Abai Kunanbaev
Abai was a great Kazakh poet,

Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904)Abai was a great Kazakh poet, musician and writer.

musician and
writer. He was born in Abai settlement

near the
City of Semei. His father Kunanbai was very strict.
But his mother Ulzhan and grandmother Zere were
kind, warm-hearted and good-natured people.
They were good story- tellers, too. They told little
Abai a lot of interesting stories, tales and legends
of Kazakh people. Abai went to a religious school at the
Age of 9. But when he was 13 he began to learn
Russian school in Semei. He liked to read books of
great Russian poets and writers: Pushkin, Lermontov,
Krylov. Later Abai translated their works into Kazakh
and wrote a lot of masterpieces of literature.
His poetry is very popular nowadays.
The Words of Abai have been translated into many
foreign languages. Abai Kunanbaev died in 1904.
Kazakh people are proud of their great poet.
He is well-known all the world

Слайд 8 Answer the questions
What is Abai Kunanbaev famous

Answer the questions What is Abai Kunanbaev famous for?When and where

When and where was he born?
Who acquanted him with

tales and
legends of Kazakh people?
4. Who were his parents?
5. When did Abai go to school and
what did he learn there?
6. What impression did the
Russian writers make on him?
7.What poems written by Abai do you know?
8. What makes Abai so very much popular
with people all over the world?

Слайд 9

True or false
1.Abai was a great Russian

True or false 1.Abai was a great Russian poet2.He began to

2.He began to learn Russian
3.He entered the Russian

school in Semei
4.Abai wrote a few masterpieces of literature.
5.He was born on Semtember 10, 1845
6.His family was aristocratic



Exercise 1







Слайд 10 1.His father Kunanbai was very _______
2.His mother ________________________

1.His father Kunanbai was very _______2.His mother ________________________Zere very kind.3.Abai went

very kind.
3.Abai went a religious school at the

of _____.
4.The Words of Abai have been
__________ into many foreign languages.
5.He is well-known all over the ________.
6.Abai Kunanbaev died in _______.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences

Слайд 11 Abai’s songs
Let’s find Kazakh translation

Abai’s songsLet’s find Kazakh translation123

Слайд 12 Құлақтан кіріп бойды алар,

Құлақтан кіріп бойды алар, Жақсы ән мен тәтті күй. Көңілге

ән мен тәтті күй.
Көңілге түрлі ой салар

Әнді сүйсең менше сүй.
Дүние ойдан шығады,
Өзімді өзім ұмытып.
Көңілім әнді ұғады,
Жүрегім бойды жылытып.

Intruding on the ear,the wonderful song,
And the sweet melody captured the soul
Various thought wafted
If you love the song, love it like I do
Everything is born from thought
I forget irretrierably
The soul is penetrated by the song
And the heart warms the body

Слайд 13 Oh my luckless Kazakh
An unkempt moustache hides your

Oh my luckless KazakhAn unkempt moustache hides your mouth and shin,Blood

mouth and shin,
Blood on right cheek, fat on your

When will the dawn of your reason begin?
Your looks are not bad, your number is vast.
Yet why do you change your favours so fast?
You will never listen to sound advice
Your tongue in its rashness is unsurpassed.

Қалың елім, қазағым, қайран жұртым,
Ұстарасыз аузыңа түсті мұртың,
Жақсы мен жаманды айырмады
Бірі қан, бірі май боп енді екі ұртың,
Бет бергенде шырайым сондай жақсы,
Қайдан ғана бұзылды сартша сыртың
Өзімдікі дей алмай өз малыңды,
Күндіз күлкің бұзылды, түнде ұйқың,

Слайд 14 “The tick of a clock”.
The tick of the

“The tick of a clock”.The tick of the clock is not

clock is not something slight
The sounds mark fleeting

fractions of day
Each minute transient life in full flight.
That never returns when once passed away
The ticking of clock unheeded still shows.
The count of our days and seconds exciting wished.
Time is not constant, it changes and flows
The past in its march cast off and distinguished.

Сағаттың шықылдағы емес ермек,
Нөлінше өмір өтпек – ол білдірмек.
Бір минут бір кісінің өміріне ұқсас,
Өтті, өлді тағдыр жоқ қайта келмек,
Сағаттың өзі ұры шықылдаған,
Өмірді білдірмеген, күнде ұрлаған
Тиянақ жоқ, тұрлау жоқ, келді кетті
Қайта айналмас, бұрылмас бұлдыр заман.

Слайд 15

Find the sentences




Find the sentencesWorldSettlementMasterpieceStrict

Слайд 16

Find the sentences
Well Done!
He is well- known all

Find the sentencesWell Done!WorldHe is well- known all over the worldSettlementHe

over the world
He was born in Abai settlement near

the City of Semei


He wrote a lot of masterpieces of literature


His father Kunanbai was very strict

Слайд 17
Who is Abai?


Who was his real name?
Who is

1Who is Abai?жауапт2жауаптWho was his real name?3жауап4жауапWho is his grandmother?His mother’s

his grandmother?
His mother’s name is …
He loved …..

When was

he born?



He composed about … melodies.




Слайд 18 Let’s sing a song:

Let’s sing a song:

Слайд 19

Giving the home task: Writing Report ‘Abai’

Giving the home task: Writing Report ‘Abai’

  • Имя файла: abai-a-great-kazakh-poet-prezentatsiya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
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