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Презентация на тему Чудеса современной архитектуры Великобритании

Scottish Parliament very difficult project there were over 15000 changes.
Wonders of modern architecture in Britain Scottish Parliament very difficult  project there were over 15000 changes. The Angel of the NorthThe wings do not stand straight sideways, but The London EyeThe London Eye was designed by architects, husband-and-wife team of Julia Barfield and David Marks is so well balanced that it uses as much electricity as only The Gateshead Millennium Bridge   «Blinking Eye» Barrier on the River ThamesAt the time of its construction, the barrier The English TunnelThe Channel Tunnel is a tunnel linking Folkston, Kent, in the UK, with Pas-de-Calais, France, The Wembley Stadium90,000 seats134-metre-high roof
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Scottish Parliament
very difficult project


Scottish Parliament very difficult project there were over 15000 changes.

were over
15000 changes.

Слайд 7 The Angel of the North
The wings do not

The Angel of the NorthThe wings do not stand straight sideways,

stand straight sideways, but are angled 3.5 degrees forward;

Gormley did this to create "a sense of embrace".

Слайд 10 The London Eye
The London Eye was designed by

The London EyeThe London Eye was designed by architects, husband-and-wife team of Julia Barfield and David Marks

architects, husband-and-wife team of Julia Barfield and David Marks

Слайд 14 is so well balanced that it uses as

is so well balanced that it uses as much electricity as

much electricity as only two electric kettles.
The Falkirk


Слайд 17 The Gateshead Millennium Bridge «Blinking Eye»

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge  «Blinking Eye»

Слайд 21 Barrier on the River Thames
At the time of

Barrier on the River ThamesAt the time of its construction, the

its construction,
the barrier was expected to be used

2–3 times per year.
It is now being used 6–7 times
per year.

Слайд 25 The English Tunnel
The Channel Tunnel is a tunnel linking 
Folkston, Kent, in

The English TunnelThe Channel Tunnel is a tunnel linking Folkston, Kent, in the UK, with

the UK, with Pas-de-Calais, France, beneath the English Channel at the Strait of


Слайд 30 The Wembley Stadium
90,000 seats
134-metre-high roof

The Wembley Stadium90,000 seats134-metre-high roof

  • Имя файла: chudesa-sovremennoy-arhitektury-velikobritanii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 0