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Презентация на тему книги Daddy Long Legs 9-11класс

Jean Websterpseudonym for Alice Jane Chandler Webster,She was born in 1876 She was an American writer and author of many books including Daddy-Long-Legs and Dear Enemy. Her best-known books feature is lively and likeable young female character who come
Daddy-Long-LegsBy Jean  Webster Jean Websterpseudonym for Alice Jane Chandler Webster,She was born in 1876 She was Daddy Long-Legs is a 1912 epistolary novel by Jean Webster. It tells the story of a One day, after the asylum's trustees have made their monthly visit, Judy «Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,I've changed my name. I'm still 'Jerusha' in the catalogue, but When she entered that college she realized that she knew absolutely nothing She writes to Daddy-Long-LegsI have a new unbreakable rule: never, never to This novel shows the girl’s development from 15years-old orphan to a young The book is dedicated The themes of this book reflect upon Webster's interests in social work In 2009, Daddy-Long-Legs was made into a two person musical play 
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Слайд 2 Jean Webster
pseudonym for Alice Jane Chandler Webster,
She was born

Jean Websterpseudonym for Alice Jane Chandler Webster,She was born in 1876 She

in 1876
She was an American writer and author

of many books including Daddy-Long-Legs and Dear Enemy. Her best-known books feature is lively and likeable young female character who come of age in intellectual moral, and social sense of word.
Her books are full humor and snappy(колкий, остроумный) dialogue.
Jean attended the Lady Jane Grey School and then entered Vassar College for girls.
Her experiences at Vassar provided material for her books.

Her novels also promote the idea of education for women, and her major characters explicitly(недвусмысленно, ясно) support women's suffrage(право голоса).


Слайд 3 Daddy Long-Legs is a 1912 epistolary novel by Jean Webster. It tells

Daddy Long-Legs is a 1912 epistolary novel by Jean Webster. It tells the story of

the story of a girl named Jerusha Abbott, an

orphan whose attendance at a women’s college is sponsored by an anonymous benefactor(покровитель). Jerusha Abbott was brought up at the John Grier Home, an old-fashioned orphanage(приют). The children were wholly dependent on charity and had to wear other people’s cast-off clothes.

Слайд 4 One day, after the asylum's trustees have made

One day, after the asylum's trustees have made their monthly visit,

their monthly visit, Judy is informed by the asylum's

matron(надзирательница,хозяйка) that one of the trustees has offered to pay her way through college.
He has spoken to her former teachers and thinks she has potential to become an excellent writer. He will pay her tuition and also give her a generous monthly allowance. Judy must write him a monthly letter, because he believes that letter-writing is important to the development of a writer. However, she will never know his identity; she must address the letters to Mr. John Smith, and he will never reply.
Jerusha catches a glimpse of the shadow of her benefactor from the back, and knows he is a tall long-legged man. Because of this, she jokingly calls him Daddy-Long-Legs. She attends a "girls' college" on the East Coast. She illustrates her letters with childlike drawings, also created by Jean Webster.

Слайд 5 «Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,I've changed my name. I'm still 'Jerusha'

«Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,I've changed my name. I'm still 'Jerusha' in the catalogue,

in the catalogue, but I'm 'Judy' every place else.

It's sort of too bad, isn't it, to have to give yourself the only pet name you ever had? I didn't quite make up the Judy though. That's what Freddy Perkins used to call me before he could talk plain.I wish Mrs. Lippett would use a little more ingenuity about choosing babies' names. She gets the last names out of the telephone book—you'll find Abbott on the first page—and she picks the Christian names up anywhere; she got Jerusha from a tombstone. I've always hated it; but I rather like Judy. It's such a silly name. It belongs to the kind of girl I'm not—a sweet little blue-eyed thing, petted and spoiled by all the family, who romps her way through life without any cares.»

Judy’s attitude to her name

Слайд 6 When she entered that college she realized that

When she entered that college she realized that she knew absolutely

she knew absolutely nothing of the world of art

and literature..

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, Did you ever hear of Michael Angelo?He was a famous artist who lived in Italy in the Middle Ages. Everybody in English Literature seemed to know about him, and the whole class laughed because I thought he was an archangel. He sounds like an archangel, doesn't he? The trouble with college is that you are expected to know such a lot of things you've never learned. It's very embarrassing at times. But now, when the girls talk about things that I never heard of, I just keep still and look them up in the encyclopedia.I made an awful mistake the first day. Somebody mentioned Maurice Maeterlinck, and I asked if she was a Freshman. That joke has gone all over college. But anyway, I'm just as bright in class as any of the others—and brighter than some of them!

Слайд 7 She writes to Daddy-Long-Legs
I have a new unbreakable

She writes to Daddy-Long-LegsI have a new unbreakable rule: never, never

rule: never, never to study at night no matter

how many written reviews are coming in the morning. Instead, I read just plain books—I have to, you know, because there are eighteen blank years behind me. You wouldn't believe, Daddy, what an abyss of ignorance my mind is; I am just realizing the depths myself. The things that most girls with a properly assorted family and a home and friends and a library know by absorption, I have never heard of. For example:I never read Mother Goose or David Copperfield or Ivanhoe or Cinderella or Blue Beard or Robinson Crusoe or Jane Eyre or Alice in Wonderland or a word of Rudyard Kipling. I didn't know that Henry the Eighth was married more than once or that Shelley was a poet. I didn't know that people used to be monkeys and that the Garden of Eden was a beautiful myth. I didn't know that R. L. S. stood for Robert Louis Stevenson or that George Eliot was a lady. I had never seen a picture of the 'Mona Lisa' and (it's true but you won't believe it) I had never heard of Sherlock Holmes.Now, I know all of these things and a lot of others besides, but you can see how much I need to catch up. And oh, but it's fun! I look forward all day to evening, and then I put an 'engaged' on the door and get into my nice red bath robe and furry slippers and pile all the cushions behind me on the couch, and light the brass student lamp at my elbow, and read and read and read
She also does sports, take part in theatre performances and goes out with friends

But she doesn’t lose time and try to become aware of all popular and famous books…

Слайд 8 This novel shows the girl’s development from 15years-old

This novel shows the girl’s development from 15years-old orphan to a

orphan to a young lady in her mid-twenties, who

became a real writer and finally discovered that a man for whom she wrote loads of letters and who supported her all the time(though he didn’t write answers to her letters) was always nearby.

Слайд 9 The book is dedicated "To You." Today this

The book is dedicated

book is often classified as children’s literature, but at

the time it was part of a trend of "girl" or "college girl" books which featured young females dealing with post-high-school concerns such as college, career, and marriage

Слайд 10 The themes of this book reflect upon Webster's

The themes of this book reflect upon Webster's interests in social

interests in social work and women's suffrage. Some people

criticized Daddy-Long-Legs as being an "anti-feminist fairy tale", while others have argued that Judy shows growing independence, including increasing disobedience to her benefactor and his wishes, and indeed succeeds in educating Daddy-Long-Legs that he cannot control her.

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