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Презентация на тему по английскому языку для старшеклассников

Articles This is probably the most common error. Russian language does not have the indefinite and definite articles which are a/an and the respectively. Examples: “I am good person” corrected: “I am a good person.” “Tarkovsky
TYPICAL MISTAKES OF RUSSIAN LEARNERS OF ENGLISH Материал подобранЖурбиной С.МДля старшеклассников Articles This is probably the most common error. Russian language does not Connecting Verbs In Russian it is “Я хочу учиться.”, but we don’t Using future tense in connected sentences.Example: “If I will see him tonight, I Negative sentencesExample: “I don’t like this movie too.” ” In negative sentences we Incorrect use of comma (,) Two common mistakes; 1. “Come here, please”. Prepositions Some Russian learners prefer to speak without any prepositions, or totally Verb Forms Although they know the rules for conjugation and sequence of Pronunciation - the -0/6-sound as 'Z” it words like “the”, “there', “this”, “that”, etc.; - not pronouncing the
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Слайд 2 Articles
This is probably the most common error. Russian

Articles This is probably the most common error. Russian language does

language does not have the indefinite and definite articles

which are a/an and the respectively. Examples: “I am good person” corrected: “I am a good person.” “Tarkovsky is a genius.” “I liked cake.” corrected: “I liked the cake.. Mmm it was delicious!”.Russians sometimes don't recognise and even don't read the articles even if they are simply reading a text, where they are obviously present.

Слайд 3 Connecting Verbs
In Russian it is “Я хочу учиться.”,

Connecting Verbs In Russian it is “Я хочу учиться.”, but we

but we don’t say “I want learn.” instead “I

want to learn.” We connect two verbs in mainly three ways: we either add ‘to’ or a preposition after the first verb or use the second verb in gerund(ING) form. Another example: “I liked spend time with him”. Corrected: spending not spend (gerund from after the verb ‘like’). I am thinking of doing it. (connected with preposition)

Слайд 4 Using future tense in connected sentences.
Example: “If

Using future tense in connected sentences.Example: “If I will see him tonight,

I will see him tonight, I will punch him in the

face!” WRONG! Don’t punch anyone; violence is bad so is the grammar. Even the action is in the future, we don’t use will with if. Same goes for this one: “Andrey is going to be mad at me when he will find(s) it out.”

Слайд 5 Negative sentences
Example: “I don’t like this movie too.” ”

Negative sentencesExample: “I don’t like this movie too.” ” In negative sentences

In negative sentences we use EITHER, not too. “I

don’t like this movie either.” Another one: “She doesn’t like him and me.”Wrong again! We use OR instead of ‘and’ in negative sentences.

Слайд 6 Incorrect use of comma (,)
Two common mistakes; 1.

Incorrect use of comma (,) Two common mistakes; 1. “Come here,

“Come here, please”. (сюда, пожалуйста) 2. “It seems, that

she is busy”. Writer thinks of “кажется, что она занята” and adds a comma. Both sentences should be written with no comma.

Слайд 7 Prepositions
Some Russian learners prefer to speak without any

Prepositions Some Russian learners prefer to speak without any prepositions, or

prepositions, or totally misuse them: “I arrive from Moscow

“ instead of I arrive in Moscow; “I called to John” instead of 'I called John”.

Слайд 8 Verb Forms
Although they know the rules for conjugation

Verb Forms Although they know the rules for conjugation and sequence

and sequence of tenses, most Russian learners still tend

to use the infinitive rather than the correct form of the verb. Ex: “I lose my CD” instead of “I lost/I have lost my CD”.;using auxiliary DO instead of DID/DOES; some learners tend to avoid the perfect tenses and use the past simple instead.

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