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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Уэльс

Country symbols
Презентация выполнена учителем Абмаевой М.Н.МБОУ СОШ 22, г. Ульяновскак уроку английского языка Country symbols Population3 074 067 чел.Age of the population (2007):From 0 to 4 years: Relation to religionAtheists: 18,53%;Agnostics: 8,07%;Believers:Christians: 71,9%Buddhists: 0,19%Hindus: 0,19%Judaists: 0,08%Muslims: 0,75%Sikhs: 0,07%Other religions:  Geographical position Famous peopleIwan Rheon. Actor, singer and author of songs. Better known for The capital of Wales is Cardiff Interesting factsMount Everest was named after Welshman Sir George Everest from Gwernvale, Завтрак  Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Country symbols

Country symbols

Слайд 3 Population
3 074 067 чел.
Age of the population (2007):

Population3 074 067 чел.Age of the population (2007):From 0 to 4

0 to 4 years: 5%;
From 5 to 14 years:

From 15 to 29 years: 19%;
From 30 to 44 years: 19%;
From 45 to 59 years: 20%;
From 60 to 64 years: 6%;
From 65 to 74: 9%;
Of 75 years is also more senior: 9%.
Age structure of the population:
From 0 to 4 years: 167 903 people;
From 5 to 9 years: 185325 people;
From 10 to 14 years: 195976 people;
From 15 to 19 years: 184704 people;
From 20 to 24 years: 169493 people;
From 25 to 29 years: 166348 people;
From 30 to 44 years: 605962 people;
From 45 to 59 years: 569676 people;
From 60 to 64 years: 152924 people;
From 65 to 74 years: 264191 persons;
From 75 to 84 years: 182202 people;
From 85 to 89 years: 38977 people;
Of 90 years is also more senior: 19404 people.

Ethnic structure
Ethnic groups:
British: 95,99%;
Welshmen: 74%;
Irish: 0,61%;
Caucasians: 1,28%;
Mulattos: 0,29%;
Metises (Caucasians + Mongoloids): 0,17%;
Metises (others): 0,15%;
Indians / British Indians: 0,28%;
Pakistanis / British Pakistanis: 0,29%;
Bangladeshis / British Bangladeshis: 0,19%;
Asians (others): 0,12%;
Negroids: 0,25%;
Chinese: 0,40%;
Formal Welshmen: 14%;

Слайд 4 Relation to religion

Atheists: 18,53%;
Agnostics: 8,07%;
Christians: 71,9%
Buddhists: 0,19%
Hindus: 0,19%

Relation to religionAtheists: 18,53%;Agnostics: 8,07%;Believers:Christians: 71,9%Buddhists: 0,19%Hindus: 0,19%Judaists: 0,08%Muslims: 0,75%Sikhs: 0,07%Other

Muslims: 0,75%
Sikhs: 0,07%
Other religions: 0,24%
Knowledge of Welsh
The level of

proficiency in Welsh aged from 3 years is also more senior:

know and speak only Welsh: 4,93%;
speak on Welsh, but don't read or aren't able to write: 2,83%;
speak and read on Welsh, but aren't able to write: 1,37%;
speak, read and are able to write on Welsh: 16,32%;
other combinations of knowledge of Welsh: 2,98%;
don't know Welsh: 71,57% (perhaps data became outdated).

Слайд 5  Geographical position

 Geographical position

Слайд 6 Famous people
Iwan Rheon. Actor, singer and author of

Famous peopleIwan Rheon. Actor, singer and author of songs. Better known

songs. Better known for Simon Bellamy's role, in series

"Garbage" and a role of Ramsi in series "Game of Thrones". Carmarthen, Wales, Great Britain was born on May 13, 1985,

Christian Charles Filip Bale was born on January 30, 1974 in Haverfordwest, Wales, Great Britain.

Catherine Zeta Jones - on September 5, 1969, Swansea, Wales — the British actress, the owner of the award "Oscar" and BAFTA for Best Supporting Actress in the movie "Chicago".

Слайд 7 The capital of Wales is Cardiff

The capital of Wales is Cardiff

Слайд 8 Interesting facts
Mount Everest was named after Welshman Sir

Interesting factsMount Everest was named after Welshman Sir George Everest from

George Everest from Gwernvale, Breconshire.
Only 21% of the entire

Welsh population of Wales can speak the native language.

Wales is believed to have more castles per square mile than anywhere else in the world.

Wales is the only part of the UK not to be represented on the Union Flag (Union Jack).

Wales has a population of around 3 million.

The population sheep in Wales is four times greater than the Welsh population of humans.

Слайд 9 Завтрак "Зверь" в ресторане города Суонси, Уэльс


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