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Презентация на тему At your servsce. Make up the word combinations

Make up the word combinations
At your service Make up the word combinations Choose the odd word What kind of shops do you know?What can you buy there? Kinds  of shopsDepartment storeSupermarketShopping Mall How much is it?How much are they?expensivebeautiful£ 35£ 23bigcheap£ 67£ 89 cheap£ 19£ 59comfortable£ 200£ 10 000 Complete the dialogue Let’s playMake up a dialogue You have 50 £What can you buy?55 £10 £5 £15 £25 £ Write wordsThings people can buyTypes of shops Our lesson is overThanks for you work Homeworkв. 1, с. 110 (вивчити види магазинів, записати у словник)в. 3 ,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Make up the word combinations

Make up the word combinations

Слайд 3 Choose the odd word

Choose the odd word

Слайд 4 What kind of shops do you know?
What can

What kind of shops do you know?What can you buy there?

you buy there?

Слайд 8 Kinds of shops
Department store
Shopping Mall

Kinds of shopsDepartment storeSupermarketShopping Mall

Слайд 12 How much is it?
How much are they?
£ 35

How much is it?How much are they?expensivebeautiful£ 35£ 23bigcheap£ 67£ 89

£ 67
£ 89

Слайд 13 cheap
£ 19
£ 59
£ 200
£ 10 000

cheap£ 19£ 59comfortable£ 200£ 10 000

Слайд 14 Complete the dialogue

Complete the dialogue

Слайд 15 Let’s play
Make up a dialogue

Let’s playMake up a dialogue

Слайд 16 You have 50 £
What can you buy?
55 £

You have 50 £What can you buy?55 £10 £5 £15 £25 £

5 £
15 £
25 £

Слайд 17 Write words
Things people can buy

Types of shops

Write wordsThings people can buyTypes of shops

Слайд 18 "I'm not rich enough to afford cheap things”

Слайд 19 Our lesson is over
Thanks for you work

Our lesson is overThanks for you work

  • Имя файла: at-your-servsce-make-up-the-word-combinations.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 120
  • Количество скачиваний: 0