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Презентация на тему Human tongue

The tonguea muscular(taste and sensitive)
Human tonguePrepared by student of group 39fm4Korotkova KristinaBryansk 2015 The tonguea muscular(taste and sensitive) Locatedin the mouth The organ of systemgastrointestinal Colorpink cleaner of teethmeans conversationFunction That on mind that and in tongue Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The tongue
a muscular
(taste and sensitive)

The tonguea muscular(taste and sensitive)

Слайд 3 Located
in the mouth

Locatedin the mouth

Слайд 4 The organ of system

The organ of systemgastrointestinal

Слайд 5 Color


Слайд 6 cleaner of teeth
means conversation

cleaner of teethmeans conversationFunction

Слайд 7 That on mind that and in tongue

That on mind that and in tongue

  • Имя файла: human-tongue.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 1