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Types of pollutionAir PollutionWater PollutionThermal PollutionSoil PollutionRadioactive Pollution
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Types of pollutionAir PollutionWater PollutionThermal PollutionSoil PollutionRadioactive Pollution Air pollutionImbalance in the quality of air so as to cause adverse Causes of air pollution1.Natural sourcesVolcanic eruptionsForest firesPollen grains of flowers2.Man-made sourcesDeforestationEmission from vehiclesRapid industrializationWars Water Pollution Contamination of water by addition of undesirable organic, inorganic or Sources of water pollutionCommunity waste watersIndustrial wastesAgricultural sourcesUnder ground water pollutionMarine pollutionThermal pollution Soil pollutionUndesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological property which adversely Sources of Soil PollutionDomestic wastesAgricultural wastesIndustrial wastesExcretory productsSalination Radioactive pollutionPhysical pollution that affects air, water and soil. Caused by ionizing Man made sourcesNuclear weaponsReactors and Nuclear fuelWaste waters containing these wastesX-rays used EffectsMutationCancerRadioactive substances in food chain cause retarded growth and bone cancer.Increases infant mortality rate Noise pollutionUnwanted high pitch sound that pollutes the environment.Maximum tolerable intensity of Effects of noise pollutionDamage to ear drum and impairment to hearing.Damages heart, Thermal PollutionThe term thermal pollution has been used to indicate the detrimental Causes of thermal pollutionNuclear power plantsCoal fired power plantsIndustrial effluents The End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Types of pollution
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Thermal Pollution
Soil Pollution
Radioactive Pollution

Types of pollutionAir PollutionWater PollutionThermal PollutionSoil PollutionRadioactive Pollution

Слайд 3 Air pollution
Imbalance in the quality of air so

Air pollutionImbalance in the quality of air so as to cause

as to cause adverse affects on the living organisms

existing on earth.

Слайд 4 Causes of air pollution
1.Natural sources
Volcanic eruptions
Forest fires
Pollen grains

Causes of air pollution1.Natural sourcesVolcanic eruptionsForest firesPollen grains of flowers2.Man-made sourcesDeforestationEmission from vehiclesRapid industrializationWars

of flowers
2.Man-made sources
Emission from vehicles
Rapid industrialization

Слайд 5 Water Pollution
Contamination of water by addition of

Water Pollution Contamination of water by addition of undesirable organic, inorganic

undesirable organic, inorganic or biological substances to water sources

sources: soil erosion, leaching of minerals from of rocks and decay matter.
Industrial effluents
Destroys ecosystem and effects human health

Слайд 6 Sources of water pollution
Community waste waters
Industrial wastes
Agricultural sources

Sources of water pollutionCommunity waste watersIndustrial wastesAgricultural sourcesUnder ground water pollutionMarine pollutionThermal pollution

ground water pollution
Marine pollution
Thermal pollution

Слайд 7 Soil pollution
Undesirable change in the physical, chemical or

Soil pollutionUndesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological property which

biological property which adversely affects its productivity
Caused by dumping

of wastes, agrochemicals and as indirect result of air pollution

Слайд 8 Sources of Soil Pollution
Domestic wastes
Agricultural wastes
Industrial wastes
Excretory products

Sources of Soil PollutionDomestic wastesAgricultural wastesIndustrial wastesExcretory productsSalination

Слайд 9 Radioactive pollution
Physical pollution that affects air, water and

Radioactive pollutionPhysical pollution that affects air, water and soil. Caused by

soil. Caused by ionizing radiations of harmful nature emitted

from disintegrating atomic nuclei.
The natural sources include cosmic rays that reaches the earth surface and radiations from radium 224, uranium 235 thorium 232 etc

Слайд 10 Man made sources
Nuclear weapons
Reactors and Nuclear fuel
Waste waters

Man made sourcesNuclear weaponsReactors and Nuclear fuelWaste waters containing these wastesX-rays

containing these wastes
X-rays used in medical practices
Ultra violet rays

present in solar radiations

Слайд 11 Effects
Radioactive substances in food chain cause retarded growth

EffectsMutationCancerRadioactive substances in food chain cause retarded growth and bone cancer.Increases infant mortality rate

and bone cancer.
Increases infant mortality rate

Слайд 12 Noise pollution
Unwanted high pitch sound that pollutes the

Noise pollutionUnwanted high pitch sound that pollutes the environment.Maximum tolerable intensity

Maximum tolerable intensity of sound is 85 decibels
The main

sources are automobiles, aero planes, loudspeakers, industries and other electro-mechanical devices.

Слайд 13 Effects of noise pollution
Damage to ear drum and

Effects of noise pollutionDamage to ear drum and impairment to hearing.Damages

impairment to hearing.
Damages heart, liver and brain
Emotional disturbances and

behavioral changes
Leads to anxiety and stress

Слайд 14 Thermal Pollution
The term thermal pollution has been used

Thermal PollutionThe term thermal pollution has been used to indicate the

to indicate the detrimental effects of heated effluents discharged

by various power plants.

Слайд 15 Causes of thermal pollution
Nuclear power plants
Coal fired power

Causes of thermal pollutionNuclear power plantsCoal fired power plantsIndustrial effluents

Industrial effluents

  • Имя файла: nvironmental-pollution.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 0