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Презентация на тему Средняя школа

State schoolsComprehensive Schools (общеобразовательные школы)Grammar schools (after examination at 11)
Secondary school State schoolsComprehensive Schools (общеобразовательные школы)Grammar schools (after examination at 11) Private schoolsPublic schools ( usually boarding schools) ExamsGCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) between ages 14-16 A-levels (Advanced)AS (Advanced GCSEGCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) between ages 14-16 Compulsory subjects : A-LEVELSAfter 16. Traditional subjects: French, Physics or HistoryUniversity needs 2-3 A-levels AS The same standard as A-levels, but only half the content.For example, GNVQVocational qualificationsSubjects: Business, Leisure and Tourism, Manufacturing and Art and Design1 GNVQ = 2 A-levels
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 State schools
Comprehensive Schools (общеобразовательные школы)
Grammar schools (after examination

State schoolsComprehensive Schools (общеобразовательные школы)Grammar schools (after examination at 11)

at 11)

Слайд 3 Private schools
Public schools ( usually boarding schools)

Private schoolsPublic schools ( usually boarding schools)

Слайд 4 Exams
GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) between ages

ExamsGCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) between ages 14-16 A-levels (Advanced)AS

A-levels (Advanced)
AS (Advanced Supplementary)
GNVQ (Greater General Vocational Qualifications)

Слайд 5 GCSE
GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) between ages

GCSEGCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) between ages 14-16 Compulsory subjects

Compulsory subjects : English Language, Maths and Science.

half GCSE subjects: a foreign language and Technology

Слайд 6 A-LEVELS
After 16.
Traditional subjects: French, Physics or History

A-LEVELSAfter 16. Traditional subjects: French, Physics or HistoryUniversity needs 2-3 A-levels

needs 2-3 A-levels

Слайд 7 AS
The same standard as A-levels, but only

AS The same standard as A-levels, but only half the content.For

half the content.
For example, a pupil only takes the

German language and does not take the German Literature exam.

Слайд 8 GNVQ
Vocational qualifications
Subjects: Business, Leisure and Tourism, Manufacturing and

GNVQVocational qualificationsSubjects: Business, Leisure and Tourism, Manufacturing and Art and Design1 GNVQ = 2 A-levels

Art and Design
1 GNVQ = 2 A-levels

  • Имя файла: srednyaya-shkola.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 178
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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