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Презентация на тему Water Polution

Petroleum products are the most dangerous problem of the World Ocean.
Water pollution Petroleum products are the most dangerous problem of the World Ocean. There are about 2000 drilled oil wells in the oceans Oil pollution cause very terrible damage to the nature. Rare species of fishes, mollusks and algaes dissapears. Oil is not soluble in water, it's a huge problem. In the beginning, oil spots are in surface of water. Then oil settles to the bottom and stays there forever.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Petroleum products are the most dangerous problem of

Petroleum products are the most dangerous problem of the World Ocean.

the World Ocean.

Слайд 3 There are about 2000 drilled oil wells in

There are about 2000 drilled oil wells in the oceans

the oceans

Слайд 4 Oil pollution cause very terrible damage to the

Oil pollution cause very terrible damage to the nature.


Слайд 5 Rare species of fishes, mollusks and algaes dissapears.

Rare species of fishes, mollusks and algaes dissapears.

Слайд 6 Oil is not soluble in water, it's a

Oil is not soluble in water, it's a huge problem.

huge problem.

Слайд 7 In the beginning, oil spots are in surface

In the beginning, oil spots are in surface of water.

of water.

Слайд 8 Then oil settles to the bottom and stays

Then oil settles to the bottom and stays there forever.

there forever.

  • Имя файла: water-polution.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 95
  • Количество скачиваний: 0