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Презентации по Английскому языку

Authoritarianism vs. Democracy
Authoritarianism vs. Democracy

How To Read This PresentationEach slide describes an aspect of government.The bullets written in red describe authoritarian or totalitarian systems. The bullets written in white represent democratic elements. Extent of Government Power Representative DemocracyGovernment is limited by the


SubculturesThere are many interesting subcultures in the modern world. They are: hippies, punks, mods, rockers, goths, ravers, bickers, skinheads, hackers, furry, grange and others. All of them are in their own unusual and attract a great interest, especially among the young


Thanksgiving HistoryThanksgiving started in1621. A group of Pilgrims from England went to North America because they wanted religious freedom. Thanksgiving HistoryWhen they arrived,they had no food and no houses. It was a very hard Winter. One day,they met some Native American

Greek cuisine
Greek cuisine

The main components are: olive oil bread grains хлебные злакиdairy products молочные продуктыvegetableslegumes бобовыеhoneyfish goat козлятина lamb ягнятина pork The most widely used herbs and spices are: oregano дикий майоранmintgarlicdill укропparsley петрушкаbay leaf лавровый листbasil базиликthyme [taɪm]тимьянcinnamon корицаclove гвоздика rosemarynutmeg мускатный

Do they have similar tastes in music?
Do they have similar tastes in music?

Which of the ideas below are expressed by teens? Which of them belong to James and to Stephanie? 1. Appealing and powerful music is all I want.2. Gershwin’s music is special because it’s jazz and classics at the same time.3.

Do your parents understand you?
Do your parents understand you?

The list of problems that teenagers may have with their parents Parents: 1.make their children do chores 2.nag their children about their friends 3.don't give their children any pocket money 4.control their children 5.don't understand their children 6.don't respect

The natural world
The natural world

Since ancient time Nature has served Man being the source of his life. For thousands of years people and animals lived in harmony with nature.

Николас Хиллиард
Николас Хиллиард

Nicholas Hilliard is one of the greatest miniature painters in the world. He is a person who is considered to be unique in the direction of art. Portrait of English queen Elizabeth I, nearby 1590, Walker Art Gallery,


The Louvre Museum (French: Musée du Louvre), located in Paris, is the world's most visited art museum, a historic monument, and a national museum of France. It is a central landmark, located on the Right


Англо говорящие страны. Индия флаг Индиигерб Индии History of India The Republic of India - a country in South Asia. India is ranked seventh in terms of area, the second largest population. India borders Pakistan to

The forgotten symbols of the USA
The forgotten symbols of the USA

Every country has its national symbols which differentiate this particular country from the other ones and indicate the way of life. The American flag “The Stars and Stripes”The national anthem of the United States "The Star Spangled Banner“The Washington MonumentThe Statue

Сказка про глагол to be
Сказка про глагол to be

В одной английской стороне, Сидит на троне весь в красе Один известнейший король, Он величавый ,как посол. Пред ним три сына впереди, А как зовут его?


The aims of the lesson are: - to learn and train new words- to read the text and try to speak - to revise some grammar material There are names of holidays ChristmasNew Year's DaySt. Patrick's Day April Fool's Day Mother's


An auction-”The famous writers of Great Britain” William Shakespeare.


Formation of Adjectives-able (capable of being) – manageable-ful (full of) – boastful-ic – energetic-ive (capable of being) – attractive-ant – hesitant-ible (like -able) – permissible-(i)an (historical period, etc.) – Victorian-ish (having the quantity of) – foolish, reddish-ly (having this quantity) -

Differentiated nouns
Differentiated nouns

Differentiated nouns are nouns where ending -s (in plural number) changes the semantic meaning of a word. On the surface of semantic relations, the meaning of the singular will be understood as simply "one", as opposed to the meaning of

Степень сравнения прилагательных
Степень сравнения прилагательных

a betterOlga won the competition because she is … player in the team.the besta worse Absolutely right!Here is a nut for you from Timmy!Next!

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