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Презентации по Английскому языку

Diana - the People's Princess
Diana - the People's Princess

Diana Spencer was born on the first of July 1961 in Sandringham in England. She had two older sisters and a younger brother.


Wales????Great Britain WHAT IS THE CAPITAL OF … ?ScotlandNorthern IrelandWalesEnglandEdinburghBelfastCardiffLondon

Мой английский язык 5
Мой английский язык 5

One, two, three, four, Mary at the cottage door, Five, six, seven, eight Eating cherries off a plate.Выучите считалочку1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Один, два, три, четыреМери у двери коттеджаПять, шесть, семь, восемьКушает вишни с тарелки Чтоб продукты

Let’s play rhymes
Let’s play rhymes

Cовсем один ты бродишь тамОдин, одна иначе--one Две изюминки во ртуПо английски двойка--two

How did you spend your holidays (Как ты провел каникулы)
How did you spend your holidays (Как ты провел каникулы)

Holidays are over No more fun. Holidays are over School has begun! Let's talk about your summer holidays.The summer holidays are over. Schoolchildren are at school again.

Reported Speech
Reported Speech

We can report people’s words by using direct speech or reported speech. ‘I’m tired!’, Helen said.Helen said (that) she was tired. The main verb of the sentence is usually past ( Tom said that... / I told her that...) and the

Употребление глагола to be
Употребление глагола to be

Вопросительная формаAm I …?Are you …?Is he …?Is she …?Is it …?Are we …?Are you …?Are they …? Отрицательная формаI am not …You are not …He is not …She is not …It is not …We are not …You are not …They

My Dream Profession
My Dream Profession

I hope, you like  PlanProfessions in the WorldI Would Like to Be a ...EducationFootball EmotionsWorking Everyday Each Coach Want to WinThe Most Famous CoachesQuotes of Great Coaches

Earthquake in Haiti
Earthquake in Haiti

By 24 January, at least 52 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater had been recorded. An estimated three million people were affected by the quake. The government of Haiti also estimated that 250,000 residences and 30,000 commercial buildings had collapsed or were

Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach wurde 1685 in der Stadt Eisenach in Thüringen geboren. Er war das achte Kind vom Hofmusiker Johann Ambrosius Bach, und seiner Frau Elisabeth. Eisenach um 1647 1695, mit fast zehn Jahren, war Bach Vollwaise. Erst starb seine Mutter.

The Great Fire of London
The Great Fire of London

The famous ‘Great Fire of London’ started on Sunday 2 September 1666 in a bakers shop. The shop was in ‘Pudding Lane’ and belonged to Thomas Faynor who baked for the King.

Legends of Great Britain
Legends of Great Britain

The history of nation is similar to the mosaic, created by wonderful combination of facts and myths. And the United Kingdom is not exception Since ancient times, Great Britain and Ireland have been amongst the most significant countries in the world

Famous People of Our City
Famous People of Our City

Kuzma Minin(?-1616)He was born in the end of the 16th century,in Balakhna. He was a merchant,together with tne Prince Dmitry Pozharskybecame a national hero in struggleof Russian people against the Poland invaders. The centralsquare of Nizhny Novgorod was named after Kuzma

World of superstitions
World of superstitions

World of superstitions is a world of mystery…Nobody knows exactly, what is it…But a great amount of people believe in it…Let’s get acquainted with some of them! Animals and plantsAnimals always played a big role in different cultures…And a lot of

Дом. Семья
Дом. Семья

Click hereat the endof the lessonChoose a petal and do the task Pronounce the words with the sounds: [e] [r] [ f ] [o] [h]

My room rules
My room rules

Don t not scream the house It is necessary to keep order in his room

Изобретатели и изобретения
Изобретатели и изобретения

20.5.11"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old questions from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance"."Imagination is more important than knowledge". Albert Einstein 20.5.11To invent is to see anew. An invention is a new composition, device,

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