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Презентации по Английскому языку


The life of William ShakespeareW. Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. His father was a glove-maker. William went to a grammar school and had a good education. There he learned to love reading.William married when he was still

Do you know Complex Object?
Do you know Complex Object?

Choose the correct item.Good luck! 1). Did you hear Sally … at the party?A) singB) singingC) sang


Subculture. What are pros and cons? Познавательный аспект – знакомство с мнениями людей о субкультурах.Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к обобщению, развитие логичности и доказательности.Воспитательная цель - формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого человека, потребности в высказывании своего собственного

Everyone has the right to…
Everyone has the right to…

HistoryThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1948, was the result of the experience of the Second World War. With the end of that war, and the creation of the United

Great Britain
Great Britain

Great Britain (the full name - the United Kingdom of and Northern Ireland, England). An island nation in Western EuropeGreat Britain (the full name - the United Kingdom of and Northern Ireland, England). An island nation in Western Europe Great

My school
My school

INTRODUCTION When a person is born first of all he gets to know the world with his mother and father. Then he goes to the kindergarten and just after these steps he goes to school. Our school… What is it for us?


Santa – Father Christmas Christmas tree


David Beckham David Robert Joseph Beckham (born 2 May 1975) is an English former footballer. He has played for Manchester United, Preston North End, Real Madrid, Milan, Los Angeles Galaxy, Paris Saint-Germain, and the England national team for which he holds

Jerome David Salinger
Jerome David Salinger

Jerome David Salinger (January 1, 1919 – January 27, 2010) was an American writer, best known for his 1951 novel ”The Catcher in the Rye”. Salinger was born and raised in Manhattan, New York City. He began writing short stories while in secondary school. He went


William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s HomeWilliam Shakespeare1564 – 1616Born in Stratford – upon –Avon, EnglandKnown as Bard of AvonWrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets, various short poems Master of Tragedy10 of Shakespeare’s 37 plays were tragediesCreated some of the most memorable characters

5 o’clock tea”
5 o’clock tea”

TEA“elevenses” “5 o’clock tea”The man with no tea in him.English Breakfast Tea.English Tea № 1Tea break TEA “five- o’clock”English Afternoon Tea.“ high tea” Earl Grey Tea

Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books, with a total of over ten thousand individual lines of verse. A second edition followed in


Pronounce the words correctly: [a:] [ju:] [∫] [t∫]art you

Mysterious creatures in the folktales of the British Isles
Mysterious creatures in the folktales of the British Isles

Fairy-tales are the most mysterious and the oldest genre in literature. Classification of mysterious creatures in the British fairy-tales

Буква Аа в открытом и закрытом слогах
Буква Аа в открытом и закрытом слогах

Цели:Научить детей чтению буквы Аа в открытом и закрытом слоге. Повторить и закрепить изученный материал по теме. Создавать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка. Отгадайте загадки:На этом едят.Поможет в темноте.Мягкий и пушистый.Насекомое.Жалит ядом.Слова для справки: snake, table, ant, rabbit, lamp

День Валентина
День Валентина

Сегодня мыПознакомимся с историей празднования Дня святого Валентина.Узнаем новые слова.Научимся подписывать валентинки.Почитаем стихи, посвященные Дню святого Валентина.Проверим свои знания. Наш планЛегенды.Новые слова.Стихи, посвященные празднику.Тест.Задание «Найди слова».Валентинки.

What had been before?
What had been before?

Pass the happy news along,Listen to the birds sweet songs.Spring is coming, winter’s gone!Pass the happy news along. детсадхудожникбиблиотекарьспасательзаводмагазин полицейский участокбизнесменбухгалтержурналистрабочиймодельa kindergartena paintera librariana relief workera factorya shopa police stationa businessmanan accountanta journalista workera model

Звери и птицы
Звери и птицы

A a alligator The alligator sails quickly It goes on the land slowly. It lives in Africa B bBear The Bear lives in the forest.It loves fish аnd honey.It sleeps in winter.

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