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Презентации по Английскому языку


Архитектура Древнего ЦарстваПриблизительно в XXX веке до н. э. фараоном I династии Нармером, или Менесом, были объединены в единое государство Северный и Южный Египет со столицей в Мемфисе.Создание мощного централизованного государства под властью фараона, который считается сыном бога Ра, продиктовало и основной

Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy person ExerciseOne of the biggest reasons we're have a weight problem these days is because we sit around too much.


Abraham Lincoln BORN: February 12, 1809 BIRTHPLACE: Hardin County, Kentucky

The mature Middle Ages Gothic style XIII - XV centuries
The mature Middle Ages Gothic style XIII - XV centuries

Gothic style (gothic style)– (From ital. gotico, it is literally – gothic, i.e., Concerning to the German tribe it is ready),Art style, Become by the final stage in development of the European medieval art and existed Between the middle XII and

Современное телевидение
Современное телевидение

USA (1903)Charley Chaplin made his first film, Making a living, in 1914 in the USA The Russian film industrywas going its own way. It produced such great films as Protazanov’s“The Queen of Spades” in 1916.In 1927 Warner Brothers in Hollywood made

Национальная Бииблиотека Испании
Национальная Бииблиотека Испании

National library of Spain is an Autonomous body of the country, storing bibliographic and documentary heritage of Spain. It was created to collect, catalogue, and preserve library collections in the country. National library of Spain is in the mansion,

Walt disney presents
Walt disney presents

All people in our world adore to watch cartoons, Especially cartoons from Walt Disney pictures . Children and adults like different heroes, funny stories and situations. Cartoons and films of WALT DISNEY always distinguish from other productions. so we want to

The Great People. William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
The Great People. William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)

William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare was born in 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon. Located in the centre of England, the town was (and still is) an important river-crossing settlement and market centre. The register of Stratford’s Holy Trinity Church records Shakespeare’s baptism on 26 April.


В 2010 ГОДУ исполняется 130 лет со дня рождения Саши Черного настоящее имя Александр Михайлович Гликберг

Complex Object в английском языке
Complex Object в английском языке

Изучая инфинитив в английском языке, мы, так или иначе, узнаем о такой замечательной конструкции, которая имеет целых три названия: сложное дополнение, Complex Object и The Accusative with the Infinitive. Как называть этот комплекс в английском языке, каждый выбирает сам. Но второе

Английский язык. Путешествие самолетом.
Английский язык. Путешествие самолетом.

At the AirportBuy a ticket, go by planeTo the Netherlands or SpainPlanes are taking off the groundWith a very loud sound.They arrive and fly awayIn a very busy way.Airplanes with landing lightsFinish their endless flights.There’s a runway long and

Vitamins for children: pros and cons
Vitamins for children: pros and cons

Cross-sectional study of randomized population (>7000 children)Hypovitaminoses in children`s organisms (a Russian study) Example: aim at folate RDA


Аня в Париже. Она собирается посетить Эйфелеву башню (Eiffel Tower). Ann is in Paris. She is going to visit the Eiffel Tower. Слишком жарко. Я открою окно. It’s too hot. I will open the window.

George Martin
George Martin

GEORGEMARTINGeorge Raymond Richard Martin (born September 20, 1948), often referred to as GRRM, is an American novelist and short story writer in the fantasy, horror and science fiction genres, as well as a screenwriter and television producer. He is best

Графический планшет, grafic tablet
Графический планшет, grafic tablet

What is it?This device allows to enter the drawing by hand directly into the computer. Consists of a pen and a flat tablet, pressure-sensitive pen or proximity. It may also be accompanied by a special mouse. HistoryThe first graphics tablet was

Christmas traditions
Christmas traditions

ФОНЕТИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗМИНКА CHRISTMAS TONGUE TWISTERSSanta's sleigh slides on slick snow.Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel.Bobby brings bright bells.Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant. What do you know about Christmas?

Healthy food
Healthy food

The theme: Health. Healthy food Let’s revise some words related to our new theme: Drinks: tea, …Vegetables: tomatoes, …Fruits: apples, …Cold food: cheese, …Hot food: fish,…Sweet food: pie,…


a poemMama loves coffeePapa loves teaI love my teachersAnd my teachers love me NEW WORDS Divide the words into 3 categories: Thanksgiving Day, roast

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