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Презентации по Английскому языку

Three Gorges Dam
Three Gorges Dam

Location: China (Yangtze River).Height: 181 m.Width: 115 m.Length: 2309 m. Build time: 1992 – 2012.Capacity: 22,500 MW.Cost: $28 billion. Material used:- cement (10.82 million tons) steel (2 million tons) timber (1.6 million cubic meters)

What did you do
What did you do

165432712111098131817161514192423222120 When did you start learning English?

Adjective in English
Adjective in English

Adjective-is one of the English parts of speech and describes a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives tell us more about nouns (someone or something).An adjective usually comes before a noun.For example: John lives in a new house.

School supplies
School supplies

a red table3 blue booksan orange pencil2 pink pensa green chair4 purple erasers

Cairngorms. National Park
Cairngorms. National Park

Success CriteriaAimI can describe the physical features of Cairngorms National Park and can say where it is located.Having explored my local area, I can present information on different places to live, work and relax and interesting places to visit. SOC

The History of the Holiday Halloween
The History of the Holiday Halloween

The History of the Holiday Halloween has origins in ancient celtic festival known as Samhain, which means “summer’s end”


triangle [traiæŋɡl] square [skweə]

My sport idol Vasily Mosin
My sport idol Vasily Mosin

Vasily Mosin (born 9 may 1972 in Kazan) is a Russian shooter, bronze medalist of the Olympic games in 2012. Career arrow The shooting sports since childhood, preferring bullet fire, but 13 years went Skeet shooting. The first coach was

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Wife, Natalia Nikolaevna Native Goncharova, married to A.S. Pushkin in 1831 Between the spouses from the very beginning of a cordial and friendly relationship. By the end of 1831g. Natalia Nikolaevna gets acquainted with Dantes. Despite all restraint in her behavior

Classroom languagе
Classroom languagе

Good morning everybody!teachers Sit down, please!teachers

What do we do with?
What do we do with?

Late, bare, party, fat, face, hat, sharp, land stamp, snake, salad, take, lake, park, square, skate, game, plate, bat, dark, Mary, black, cake, rare, large, parents, car, rat, arm, jam, plane, shade, start, fare, garden, stare dare, bag, flag, apple, cat,

The smart man
The smart man

THE FIRST ROUND TENSES303050701005070100305070100150150150150Articles, pronouns & prepositionsOther rules?Second round

Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs

with “T”sleep / sleptkeep / keptdream / dreamtspell / speltsit / satshoot / shotlend / lentspend / spentbuild / builtlose / lostsend / sentget / gotwith “D”say / saidsell / soldtell / toldhave / hadfind / foundhear / heardpay / paidmake

The Scientific Research Process
The Scientific Research Process

Specifying the Research QuestionThe most important purpose of social science research is to answer questions about social phenomena. As scientists we are driven by curiosity about the social world and search for causal explanations. Why is wealth distributed more equally in

Phonostylistics, its aims, subjects and methods of investigation
Phonostylistics, its aims, subjects and methods of investigation

Phonostylistics is a branch of phonetics that studies the way phonetic means are used in this or that particular situation which exercises the conditioning influence of a set of factors


As every road had once led to Rome, every road in America leads to Chicago. Chicago map shows that Chicago is located in the Midwestern United States on the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan, bordering the Illinois-Indiana State Line.

Easter: history, symbols and traditions
Easter: history, symbols and traditions

Do you know… When people celebrate Easter? What do they celebrate? What are the symbols of Easter? What do people do at Easter? When is Easter?Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. That’s why

Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol

Born Andrew Warhola; August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987In 1949, he moved to New York and changed his name to Warhol.Warhol was an US painter, film-maker and author, and a leading figure in the Pop Art movement

Презентации из раздела Английский язык. Для просмотра учебных материалов воспользуйтесь проигрывателем. Любую презентацию на заданную тему можно скачать внизу страницы, поделившись ссылкой в социальных сетях. Не забудьте добавить наш сайт презентаций в закладки!