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Презентации по Английскому языку

Reading and writing poems and haiku. Lesson 2
Reading and writing poems and haiku. Lesson 2

Our tasks for today’s lesson:1. to revise vocabulary related to seasons2. to write and illustrate haiku3. to assess each other’s haiku Winter Snow is falling / feeling now I am snug in my warm bed / bench Snow/


Basketball is a game which nowadays is popularall over the world. It was invented in 1891. The inventor of the game was a Canadian clergyman, James Naismith.The game of basketball was fashioned from fragments ofother games, seeking to eliminate flaws of

lndustгial electгonics
lndustгial electгonics

Hundreds of electronic equipments arc now used for scientific,industrial and everyday purposes. They help to do jobs better or morerationally than before and take over jobs that couldn’t be done otherwise.So, industrial electronics undoubtedly plays а very important role today.You can

Present perfect vs past simple tense
Present perfect vs past simple tense

…………………….EVER …………………..?WHEN ………………………………………….? ………………………….EVER ……………………?WHEN …………………………………………?

Настоящее неопределенное время
Настоящее неопределенное время

Present Indefinite обозначает обычное регулярно повторяющееся действие. СПОСОБ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯЯ работаю на фабрике.Они говорят по-английски.Он работает на фабрике.Она говорит по-английски.ИнфинитивIto workat a factory.toworkTheyto speaktoworksat a factory.Heto worktospeakEnglish.Sheto speaktospeaksEnglish.(неопределенная форма глагола) Правила орфографииУ глаголов, основа которых оканчивается на –y с предшествующей согласной,

Trave lling
Trave lling

To rest and relaxTo see and learn new and interestingTo get new experiencesTo come home againWhy travel… ? Your education or learning becomes richer as you travel, meet people and read.It depends on your likes and dislikes and has some advantages

Comparison. Two places in the USA
Comparison. Two places in the USA

Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:Makaha Beach, State Hawaaii Mountains, State Colorado Comparison Translate 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison

Philosophy of the Newly Modern Times
Philosophy of the Newly Modern Times

It should also be mentioned that the influence of religion was still there, though the conflict of interests with the discoveries in the natural sciences was obvious. Religious fanatism was scaling down with the new trend like deism (dues, - lat.,

Modal and semi-modal verbs
Modal and semi-modal verbs


What was life 50 years ago
What was life 50 years ago

At home 50 years ago50 years ago the houses were very old.There were not many-storeyed houses, there were a lot of khrushchevites. Apartaments 50 years agoThen people washed clothes with their hands,heated food with a gas stove,they cleaned the floor with

The city of Perth
The city of Perth

General Infothe capital and largest city of Western Australiapopulation - 1,659,000 (2009)fourth amongst the nation's citiesgrowth rate - above the national average Historyfounded on 12 June 1829 by Captain James Stirling as the political centre of the free-settler Swan River Colony

Аттестационная работа. Проектная деятельность при обучении английскому языку по теме: Страна изучаемого языка и родная страна
Аттестационная работа. Проектная деятельность при обучении английскому языку по теме: Страна изучаемого языка и родная страна

Пояснительная запискаОбщая характеристика программыРабочая программа дополнительного образования «Проектная деятельность при обучении английскому языку» по теме: «Страна/ страны изучаемого языка и родная страна» предназначена для учащихся 4 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Программа составлена на основе требований Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования

My sports idol
My sports idol

Ilya Kovalchuk Striker SKA. Russian professional ice hockey left winger and alternate captain of the St. Petersburg club SKA of the Kontinental hockey League. Kovalchuk is a graduate of the Moscow "Spartak", which he debuted at the professional level in 1999

Practical tasks in english. Task 2
Practical tasks in english. Task 2

You are planning to watch a football match at the new stadiumTickets for match on FridayBooking onlineStudent discountsFood Facilities for disabled You want to join a tennis club. Monthly feePersonal trainersStudent discountsCourt availability on WednesdaysOther facilities

Present Simple. Summer time
Present Simple. Summer time

What’s the weather like in summer?It usually hot in summer.It usually cold in summer.isisn’t What do they usually do in summer?They usually

Monuments to World War I in Russia
Monuments to World War I in Russia

World War I was a global war originating in Europe. It lasted from 1914 to 1918. The Russian Empire was involved in that war. There are many monuments of the First World War in Russia. They are situated in different

Features of education in Italy
Features of education in Italy

Education is compulsory in Italy from 6 to 16 years. The learning process is divided into several stages. 1.Сreche (for children from 3 months to 3 years) 2.Kindergarten (from 3 to 5 years) 3.Primary School (Duration of primary school 5

Reported speech statemenes
Reported speech statemenes

“ Reading is my favourite hobby”He said that reading was his favourite hobby “This man is celebrating St Patrick’s Day”The kid said that that man was celebrating St Patrick’s Day

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