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Презентации по Английскому языку

Lecture 2 old english phonology
Lecture 2 old english phonology

PlanWord Stress in OE.Comparison of PIE, PG and OE vowel systems.Qualitative changes within the system of vowels.Quantitative changes within the system of vowels.The system of consonants.The main processes within the system of consonants. LiteratureРасторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. – М.: Астрель,

Гарри Поттер
Гарри Поттер

Harry didn’t have to do his homework under the blankets by flashlight anymore; now he could sit in the bright sunshine outside Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor, finishing all his essays with occasional help from Florean Fortescue himself, who, apart from

Функциональные тексты как средство развития поискового чтения с помощью аутентичных материалов
Функциональные тексты как средство развития поискового чтения с помощью аутентичных материалов

Поисковое чтение reading for specific information or scanningЦель - быстрое нахождение в тексте или в массиве текстов конкретных фактов, характеристик, цифровых показателей. Этапы работы с текстомПредтекстовыйТекстовыйПослетекстовый

Victory chant
Victory chant

Hail Jesus, You're my KingChinese goes hereYour life frees me to singChinese goes hereOh I will praise you all my daysChinese goes hereYou're Perfect in all Your waysChinese goes here Ohhhh Hail Jesus, Your my LordChinese goes hereI will obey Your

Театральный английский язык
Театральный английский язык

Fly to Londonповторяем песню We are flying in the air, and across the sea We're going to a really nice place to have a cup of tea When we see their flag in the air then we know we're near  Oh

Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Who Wants to be a Millionaire

151413121110987654321$1 Million$500,000$250,000$125,000$64,000$32,000$16,000$8,000$4,000$2,000$1,000$500$300$200$100

You are great
You are great


Autumn is one of the four seasons
Autumn is one of the four seasons

Autumn is one of the four seasons.  It is the transition from Summer into Winter. The weather also begins to get colder & windy and many plants stop making food. The weather starts to get cooler. We start to wear long

Describine pictures. Tom's world
Describine pictures. Tom's world

Hi, my name is Tom and this is Chammy, my pet.Can you describe the following pictures?Let’s have a look!

Demonstrative pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronounsnearer in distance or time - this, thesefurther in distance or time - that, thoseDemonstrative pronouns may be subjects, predicatives, objects and attributes. As attributes they always precede the modified noun.These are bad times (subject)This tastes good. (subject)The only smart

Test assignments
Test assignments

Task 31. f2. c3. j4. a5. e6. i7. k8. b9. g10. h11. l12. dTask 41. interview2. compete3. work4. salary5. run6. charge7. fire 8. idea Task 51. A: contacting B: good idea2. A: see B: agree3. A: call B:

Attack and defense. Атака и оборона. Развитие аргументативной ситуации
Attack and defense. Атака и оборона. Развитие аргументативной ситуации

Развитие аргументативной ситуации После презентации аргумента и установления его адекватности противник обязан либо его (а) принять, либо (б) отвергнуть, либо, (в) атакуя, опровергнуть.Опровержение – это, по сути, встречная аргументация, атакующая исходный аргумент; при этом обе стороны стремятся найти правильное решение спорного

Infinitive and ingforms
Infinitive and ingforms

To – Infinitive употребляется :Для выражение цели (чтобы) He came to Moscow to find a better job.


Christmas is: on the 1st of Januaryon the 25th of Decemberon the 14th of January Текст слайдаWe often hear Christmas words:


This is a butterfly. They come in different colors

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