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Презентации по Английскому языку

My Idol Oksana Chusovitina
My Idol Oksana Chusovitina

Plan :IntroductionSoviet UnionUzbekistanGermanyRetirement and returnFilm Oksana ChusovitinaShe was born 19 June 1975 in Bukhara, the Uzbek SSR.Oksana Chusovitina is a world and Olympic level gymnast who has competed for the : 1. Soviet Union 2. Uzbekistan

Времена глаголов
Времена глаголов

я покупаюPresent Perfect Continuous я покупаю?Present Simple

Snake Game
Snake Game

Innovative ideaScore: 99 Question exampleIf player answer the question correctly player gets the bonus point to score else gets minus points.

English. Tell about Czech republic. Where is situated. Incredible places
English. Tell about Czech republic. Where is situated. Incredible places

The Czech Republici a landlocked nation state in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the northe The Czech Republic covers an area of 78,866 square kilometres (30,450 sq mi) with a mostly temperate continental climate and oceanic climate. It is a unitary parliamentary republic, has 10.6 million

What do we do with?
What do we do with?

What do we do with?We smell with our ___nose____, We see with our ____eyes_____, We eat with our ____mouth____ Tasty puddings and pies.With _legs___

Учимся писать эссе. Письмо. Написание развернутого высказывания. Задание 2(С2)
Учимся писать эссе. Письмо. Написание развернутого высказывания. Задание 2(С2)

Hot Tip Критерии оценки эссеПисьменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения оценивается по пяти критериям: содержание, организация текста, лексика, грамматика, орфография и пунктуация.(максимально - 14баллов)NB! Особенность - при получении экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию «Содержание» все задание оценивается в 0 баллов. Вербицкая

World achievements
World achievements

Dennis Schneider was written in the Guinness Book as an owner of the biggest collection of baseballs with signatures. There are more than 4600 pieces. They cost more than 3 mln $ Adam Lee created the biggest statue of balloons. He

All about penguins
All about penguins

Penguins Penguins — family of not flying sea birds . All representatives of this family well float and dive.The PENGUIN - a unique bird who can float, but cannot fly. Besides, it is the unique bird, going standing.The native land of

Circus. Dictionary
Circus. Dictionary

Cat [ kæt ] – кошкаkæt ] DOG [ dɒɡ ] – собака

Grammar in Use
Grammar in Use

READ AND REMEMBERCoastReachWild documentaryLots of noiseHigher groundWardenAliveHappenPredictSense, sensitiveCertain Atmospheric pressureWarnAlthoughTake noticeПобережьеДостигатьФильм о дикой природеМного шумаВозвышенностьСмотрительЖивойСлучатьсяПредсказыватьЧувство, чувствительныйТочный, определенныйАтмосферное давлениеПредупреждатьХотяЗамечать, обратить внимание FIND THESE PHRASES AND SENTENCES IN THE TEXTЧувствовать изменения атмосферного давленияДостигать землиПредупреждать другихЧувствовать вибрации землиРешить забежать на возвышенностьОни могут услышать определенные

Traditional Russian kitchen
Traditional Russian kitchen

Traditional Russian kitchen Traditional Russian dish is borsch and others

The rare meanings of the prepositions m and xr
The rare meanings of the prepositions m and xr

THE RARE MEANINGS OF THE PREPOSITIONS m AND xr PT 254, §277b: jr.kA wnjs fAt m jt(j).f gbb"then Unis will carry out a threat against his father Geb"PT 288, §429c: jm.k jr wpt.k m wnjs"You should not carry out your commission against Unis" THE

Statistical Terminology
Statistical Terminology

Correlation What is correlation?A statistical measurement that shows the relationship between two variables. Example: Height & Weight


WISH…Use WISH + past simple to talk about things we would like to be different in the present/future It’s a difficult problem. I wish I knew the answer to it!Use WISH + past perfect to talk about things which happened/didn’t happen in

The english tenses. Past simple
The english tenses. Past simple

PAST SIMPLE be (was/were) had could/might VII The PAST SIMPLE tense is used:

Problems for discussion
Problems for discussion

Problems for discussionHandling equivalent forms and structuresHandling equivalent-lacking forms and structuresHandling modal formsKey words:Correspondence, grammatical forms, syntactic order, permanent grammatical equivalent, grammatical transformations, similarity/dissimilarity, a lack of equivalence. HANDLING EQUIVALENT FORMS AND STRUCTURES Every word in the text is used in

Present Simple and Present Continuous
Present Simple and Present Continuous

PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUSPresent Simpleповторяющееся действие или фактWe read every day.We have books.Present Continuousдействие происходит сейчасWe are reading now. Present SimpleДействие происходит: every day, often, usually, always, sometimes, never, on MondaysPresent ContinuousДействие происходит: today, now, at the moment

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