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Презентации по Английскому языку


Классификация местоимений личныепритяжательныевозвратныеуказательныевзаимныевопросительныеотносительныеотрицательныенеопределённые Неопределённые местоименияsomebodyanybodysomehowanysomethingsomewheresomewhereanywheresomeanythinganyhow

Big Time
Big Time

“Welcome to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!” Цель:повторение и систематизация знаний по теме: “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Mini-dictionary Mass media
Mini-dictionary Mass media

ADVERT – is programm about anything that attract people.Александр РыбакКонцерт с его песнями: 18:00 Четверг DOCUMENTARY- is a programm which gives facts and information about a particular subject.

Environment protection
Environment protection

VOCABULARYenvironment-окружающая среда chlorofluorocarbons- хлорофторуглеводыprotection-защита to release-выбрасыватьsurroundings-окружение

The way to success
The way to success

Our goals today:to practice the vocabulary on the topic;to develop speaking abilities; to practice reading & listening for gist. Active vocabulary practiceBeautifulSuccessfulTalentedHandsomeWell-knownFamousGreatathletewriteractorartistperformerpoliticianactress

Будущая профессия на английском
Будущая профессия на английском

a doctor a reporter a model a vet a sportsmana pilot a singer an actor a teacher a police officer a farmer a writer WHO?Works in a hospital and helps people?Works in a theatre?Works in a school?Looks after animals?Flies a plane?Works

First Inhabitants of Ukraine
First Inhabitants of Ukraine

Archeological finds show that the earliest inhabitants of Ukraine were Neolithic tribes in the Dnipro and Dniester valleys.The first organized society in the region were the Scythians, who had tamed horses and used this mobility to rule most of the region

Затланышлы фигыльләр
Затланышлы фигыльләр

Зат-сан белән төрләнә Хикәя фигыльләрнең грамматик категорияләреЗат-сан белән төрләнәЗаман белдерәБарлыкта-юклыкта киләЮнәлеш белдерә

Russia’s state emblem is a double headed eagle
Russia’s state emblem is a double headed eagle

Russia is the largest country in the world. The are steppes in the south,….

The First Drifting Station
The First Drifting Station

Drifting station — the research station created on drifting ices in deep-water part of the Arctic Ocean. The work on the drifting polar station under the leading of O.Y.Shmidt and I.D.Papanin. O.Y.Shmidt and I.D.Papanin , 1937

I or Me
I or Me

When you write about yourself, you use the pronouns I or me. I like to go to church.

Welcome to DisneyLand
Welcome to DisneyLand

Help me, please![ e ][ ai ][ æ ][ ei ][ I ][ ju:]fatslimnamemusiclikepen Thank you! I can go to the castle! Let's go!

Как написать письмо ?
Как написать письмо ?

Почтовая открытка: заданиеRead the postcard you’ve got from your English pen friend and write back. Your friend Ann White lives in Oxford at 2 Victoria Street. Her postcode is OX 2 006.Write 25 – 35 words.Remember to write the address in


TransportBy busBy underground On footBy shipBy helicopter By train By taxi By car By train

The Almanac “Nature’s seven greatest wonders”
The Almanac “Nature’s seven greatest wonders”

The expression ‘one of the seven wonders of the world’ is sometimes used to describe something wonderful or great. Sometimes the phrase «the eighth wonder» is used in the same meaning but it is usually used ironically. What are the seven

Modal verb must
Modal verb must

Must be Can be used to say that we are sure about something because it is logically necessary.Употребляется для выражения предположения, которое говорящий считает вполне правдоподобным ( в чём он уверен). Must в этом случае переводится должно быть, а инфинитив –

Paradise on the Earth. The Maldives.
Paradise on the Earth. The Maldives.

The average upland of the Maldives above the sea level is 1.5 m. The Maldives is the most low-lying country in the world. Interestingly, the highest point in the country is only 2.3 meters! Only 200 of the 1,192 islands are

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