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Презентации по Английскому языку

Healthy Food
Healthy Food

AimToday we are going to speak about healthy and unhealthy food. We learn the new worlds and listen the dialogues about healthy food. Youll read and discuss a text about English meals. Check on Homework

History of Great Britain
History of Great Britain

The living Tower of London The Tower of London was founded in 1078 when William the Conqueror ordered the White Tower to be built inside the SE angle of the City walls, adjacent to the Thames. This was as

Article the
Article the

Определенный артикль «the» употребляется с существительными в единственном и множественном числах, если существительное уже упоминалось или из контекста ясно о каком предмете (лице) идет речь. My sister has a bag. The bag is black. Pass me the salt, please. I

Rate mal !
Rate mal !

Ich schleiche auf weichen Pfotten Mich anzufressen ist verboten. Ich bin so stolz und kämfe gern Und mag die Zirkusschou sehr ! Der Kõnig der Tiere werde ich genannt,Ich wohne in

Christmas in Britain and in Russia
Christmas in Britain and in Russia

Christmas is Britain is the most popular holiday and is characterized by traditions which date back hundreds of years. Many Christmas customs which originated in Britain have been adopted in the United States.

Страдательный залог
Страдательный залог

Passive VoiceУпотребляется обычно когда неизвестно,кто выполняет действиеВ английском языке употребляется чаще,чем в русском.Подлежащее в таких предложениях пассивно, на него направлено действие. Simple Present Passiveam / is / are + V3The dress id decorated with embroidering.Платье украшено вышивкой.

Ecological Problems. Natural disasters
Ecological Problems. Natural disasters

Natural disasters “Eco” means “home" in Latin language. It’s a science about our mutual home – about nature.Science, which teachers us to treat very carefully to our homeland.What does it mean “Eco”?

An Englishman’s home is his castle
An Englishman’s home is his castle

Proverbs.East or West home is best.(В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше).There is no place like home.(Нет лучше места, чем дом).An Englishman’s home is his castle.(Мой дом – моя крепость). Home- the place where you live or where you feel that you

глобус и карта
глобус и карта

ПЛАН НАБЕРЕЖНЫЕ ЧЕЛНЫМАСШТАБ 1:100000 Соедини изображения предметов верхнего рядас их условными обозначениями на плане в нижнем ряду

Английские идиомы, связанные с едой
Английские идиомы, связанные с едой

Что такое идиома? Это устойчивое выражение, имеющее самостоятельное значение, обычно не совпадающее с дословным переводом Bean Idioms full of beans – живой, энергичныйnot know beans about (someone or something) – не знать ничегоnot worth a hill of beans – ничего

I and my family
I and my family

About me My name is Nadya Mutnykh. I am 9 years old.I study at school № 7,in the fourth class. I study well, especially in because it is my favorite subject. English

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday

BirthdayHappy Birthday to You!!! – С Днем Рождения!What can I give you for your birthday? – Что я могу подарить тебе на день рождения?When is your birthday? – когда твой день рождения? Cakebirthday cake — именинный торт

Весёлый алфавит
Весёлый алфавит

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ Aa AppleЯблоко с ветки, в траву  упадет, Яблоко с ветки, ёжик найдет.


State is situated in the Midwestern of the US. Date of formation of Michigan - January 26, 1837Michigan USA on the map The capital of Michigan – Lansing The largest city - Detroit, other cities - Grand Rapids, Warren, Flint,

Интервью с Леонардо ДиКаприо
Интервью с Леонардо ДиКаприо

His latest venture is heading up survival epic Revenant and has already had whispers of Oscar nominations. We take a trip down Memory Lane to when we spoke to him in 2010 after he'd just made Inception, where we picked his brains on some



Jim  Carrey 
Jim  Carrey 

James  "Jim" Carrey (born January 17, 1962) is a Canadian-American actor, comedian, singer and writer. He has received two Golden Globe Awards and has also been nominated on four occasions. Early life Carrey was born in Newmarket, Ontario, the son of Kathleen (née Oram), a homemaker, and Percy


It is located in the southwest region of the country The state capital is Salt Lake City


About half of the US territory is covered by plateaus and mountains The Eastern part of the country is occupied the Appalachian Mountains, which is in the North come close to the Atlantic coast and in the South are separated from

Latest political news
Latest political news

New wordsExplicitly – недвусмысленноNaval – морской (-ая)Prankster – шутник (в конт. – «пранкер») Latest political newsTwo Russian pranksters known for high-level prank calls claim they spoke to Turkish President Erdogan posing as Ukraine’s President Poroshenko and PM Yatsenyuk.

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