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Презентации по Английскому языку

Пришкільний Мовний табір Rainbow
Пришкільний Мовний табір Rainbow

Grand Opening Day Ранкова зарядкаВідкриття табору. Ознайомлення з планом роботи таборуПрезентація команд. Hello! Summer!Активна ранкова зарядкаРозучування віршів, римівок та пісень про літо Веселий відпочинок


Спойте песенку- диалог между кошкой и мышкой-Little mouse (2p), where is your house? – маленькая мышка где твой домик?(литл мауз вериз ё хауз)?Little cat (2p), i have no flat. –маленький котик, у меня нет домика. (литл кат ай хев ноу флэт).


Realism in the arts may be generally defined as the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements. The term originated in the 19th century, and was used to describe the work

francis Scott Fitzgerald
francis Scott Fitzgerald

He was born 1896, 24 SeptemberHis father was a Southern gentleman whose persona he used to develop the character of Nick Carraway in the Great Gatsby. 1911 Princeton football team which made him choose to attend Princeton. Football was an important

Lviv National Art Gallery
Lviv National Art Gallery

the largest art museum in Ukraine. Located on the street Stefanik 3, opposite the library name Stefanik. The total number of items is more than 50 thousand.

Past Simple
Past Simple

The aim of this lesson is to repeat all information about the Past Simple Choose the right sentences in the Past Simple Tense: 1. We celebrate my birthday today. a) We celebrated my birthday today. b) We

Human’s body
Human’s body

Цели и ЗадачиЦель урока:1) формирование навыков употребления новой лексики и продуктивное ее применение при решении учебных задач на основе уже имеющихся знаний лексики и грамматики;2) расширение знаний грамматикиВоспитательные задачи:1) заинтересовать изучением языка; 2) воспитывать уважение к мнению другого;3) Пробудить стремление к

London city
London city

Презентация «Лондон» __________________________ Выполнена учителем английского языка МОУ - лицея №60, Урбанской О.Б. London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river, the largest city in Britain and


THE DIALOGUES ABOUT ANIMALS I. Choose the odd word. Explain your choice.1. TigerLionLeopardHyenaPanda


What is print advertising? Print advertising is a form of advertising, which is made on a special printed products and is aimed, first of all, on visual perception. Printing or polygraph advertising the most widespread form of advertising


Be Safer Online Rose-anne Camilleri -ICTWhat is Netiquette? "Netiquette" stands for "Internet Etiquette" Conduct while online that is appropriate and courteous to other Internet usersWhat is Netiquette? Be Safer Online

Interesting places of Australia
Interesting places of Australia

Capital CanberraNational language EnglishMonarch Elizabeth IIArea ~ 8 millions km2Population  ~ 22 millions Great Barrier Reef

Ukrainian cuisine
Ukrainian cuisine

Soups Borsch (borshch) is a vegetable soup made out of beets, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, dill, sometimes green pepper, served with sour cream. There are about 30 varieties of Ukrainian Borsch soup, and the dish often includes meat.Kapusniak soup made with pork,

New Zealand
New Zealand

What Do You Know about New Zealand?What is the capital of New Zealand? a. Auckland b. Wellington c. DunedinWhich city is the largest? a. Wellington b. Gisborne c. Auckland What

The most popular professions in America
The most popular professions in America

Statistics :In 2012, half of the popular professions were health workers.U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 12.7 million Americans are unemployed.Most of the unemployed are recent college graduates.

Употребление глагола to have
Употребление глагола  to have

Отрицательная форма глагола « to have »I have not got…You have not got…He has not got…She has not got…Have not = haven’tHas not = hasn’tWe have not got…You have not got…They have not got… Вопросительная форма глагола « to have»Have

Физические явления
Физические явления

Игра «Калейдоскоп физических явлений»В этой игре ребят привлекает азарт и возможность поэкспериментировать, быстро двигаясь по кругу переходя от выполнения одного опыта к другому.Игра требует предварительной подготовки, нужно приготовить приборы и материалы для проведения опытов и расположить их на столах кабинета по

Once upon a time, in New York
Once upon a time, in New York

My house is quite a large flat in the centre of a big city, on the top of a high skyscraper. The project of the flat is called «Once upon a time, in New York», and it is designed in a

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