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Презентации по Английскому языку

Up-to-Date Diplomatic Links
Up-to-Date Diplomatic Links

Although relations were restored in 1929, continued distrust exacerbated by the Soviet purges made close collaboration impossible in the face of the rise of Fascism in the 1930s A new Stage of Russian – British

A Few Words about Scotland
A Few Words about Scotland

Some geographical factsOfficially Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe area is 78,772 square km (almost twice as large as Holland)Population- 5.1 million, but declining, 66 people per square kilometer.


What kind of sport is it?It is one of the types of parachyting. It is a team sportThere are 2 people in a team:a skysurfer and an airoperator

Park of Great Britain
Park of Great Britain

Snowdonia -Area: 2170 sguare kilometres -North of Wales -Founded in 1951 One of the first three national parks of England. Snowdonia took its name from the hignest paint of Welsh mountains Snowdon.

Индивидуальный и дифференцированный подходы преподавания английского языка в школе
Индивидуальный и дифференцированный подходы преподавания английского языка в школе

« Если педагогика хочет воспитывать человека во всех отношениях, то она должна прежде всего узнать его тоже во всех отношениях». К. Д. Ушинский

Перевод на английский
Перевод на английский

Пояснительная запискаДанная программа предназначена для подготовки студентов по направлению 500520 Лингвистика на степень Бакалавра лингвистики и полностью соответствует Государствен-ному образовательному стандарту подготовки студентов по направлению Лингвистика. Курс читается в качестве факультативного в 5 и 6 семестрах (третий год обучения) и пред-шествует

The Taming of the Shrew
The Taming of the Shrew

...Image... it is nothing. A magnificent room in the Californian hotel...Wedding alarm from the early morning...Firstly masseurs then stylists, relatives, mum and grandmother showing too importunate care. Sometime late Avril, it was just she, having got rid of the

Welcome to London
Welcome to London

London City the West End the East End Westminster Flag English Big ben The End A flag isn’t just a piece of cloth. Very often it is an expression of human hopes and ideals. Behind it is the history of the

Year after year
Year after year

WeatherWeather is hot, Weather is cold, Weather is changing As the weeks unfold.Skies are cloudy, Skies are fair, Skies are changing In the air.It is raining, It is snowing, It is windy With breezes blowing.Days are foggy, Days are clear, Weather


Biography of Katherine Mansfield Katherine Mansfield (Kathleen Beauchamp) was born on the 14th of October, 1888 at Tinakori Road, Thorndon, Wellington.  The house of her birth had newly been built for her parents, Annie and Harold Beauchamp. Harold Beauchamp

Welcome to London
Welcome to London

Trafalgar Square Trafalgar SquareThere are always a lot of people and pigeons on the square.Every winter there is a big Christmas tree which is a gift from Norway in the middle of the square.On New Year’s Eve people gather around the

School subjects (3 класс)
School subjects (3 класс)

School subjectsEnglish – английский языкRussian – русский языкMaths – математикаArt – рисование Crafts – труд PE – физкультура Nature Study – природоведение Music – музыка What’s your favourite subject?My favourite subject is …EnglishPEMathsCraftsNature studyMusicMariArt

7 wonders of Belarus
7 wonders of Belarus

Belovezhskaya PushchaBelovezhskaya Pushcha is the oldest national Park of Europe situated in Western part of Belarus and partially on the territory of Poland, it occupies the area of 85 thousands hectares. Once the area was reserved exclusively for hunting for Polish

Humanistic psychology
Humanistic psychology

Why humanistic? Humanistic psychology - this is a direction in modern Western, American psychology, the study of which is the subject of the whole human in his highest, specific for human manifestations:development and self-actualization, its highest values ​​and meanings, love, creativity,

People speak English all over the world
People speak English all over the world

Choose the reasons for learning EnglishEnglish is necessary for communication with people when you are abroad.Learning foreign languages takes too much time.There are many newspapers and radio programmes in Russian- there is no need in reading newspapers and listening to radio

English tenses
English tenses

Зима приходит после осени. Зимние месяца – декабрь, январь, февраль. В декабре – 31 день, в январе – 31 день тоже, а в феврале – 28 дней постоянно, и 29 дней в каждый високосный год. Зимой дни становятся еще короче, а


Cinema - public institution to public demonstration of films. The main premise of the cinema - hall with a screen size is large and the system of reproduction of sound, consisting of several speakers, providing surround sound. Theater, public building (or


Материально-техническая база 18 учебных кабинетов спортивный зал актовый зал медицинский кабинетпищеблок столовую на 100 посадочных мест библиотеку этнографический музей”Світлиця” зал боевой славы уголок«Мир профессий», спортивную площадку, компьютерный класс.

Clothes. Shopping for clothes
Clothes. Shopping for clothes

Fur coat BootsFur cap MittensWinter Spring / AutumnCoat JacketRaincoat

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