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Презентации по Английскому языку


THERE ARE FIVE TYPES OF QUESTIONS IN ENGLISHYES/NO QUESTIONSSPECIAL QUESTIONSSUBJECT QUESTIONSQUESTION TAGSALTERNATIVE QUESTIONS YES/NO QUESTIONS(questions without questions words, questions are usually formed by changing the word order; this means the auxiliary or modal verb comes before the subject).Can she type?Will you

Как правильно задать вопрос
Как правильно задать вопрос

Общий вопрос определение \ примеры Специальный вопрос определение \ примерыАльтернативный вопрос определение \ примерыРазделительный вопрос(вопрос «с хвостиком») определение

St.Valentine’s day
St.Valentine’s day

St.Valentine’s Day roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman god of love,who is represented by the image of a young


A language that came from nowhere to conquer the world…  Read, explain and illustrate proverbs in your own opinionRain at seven, fine at elevenRome wasn’t built a day.Politeness costs nothing, but yields much.


Skateboarding – is an action sport which involves riding and performing tricks using a skateboard Skateboarding styles : TransportationMilitaryTrampboardingSwing boardingControversy Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by many skateboarders throughout the years. A 2002 report found that

Праздники великобритании на английском
Праздники великобритании на английском

Crufts Dog Show In February.Valuable dogs from all over the world compete in Birmingham. The best dog gets the title Crufts Supreme Champion. Saint Valentine’s Day February 14Was started in the time of Roman Empire.Is dedicated to St. Valentine.People send a

Sport in our life
Sport in our life

Development of sportSport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It has been developing with the developing and growing of the mankind. Importance of sportSport is very important in our life. It’s popular among young and old people. Many people


Russia — democratic federal prezidentsko-parliamentary Capital — the city of Moscow.Is the greatest state of the world (17 075 400 km ²)The population for 2011 makes 142 914 136 persons. The head of the state is the President of Russia selected

My kitten
My kitten

My little kittenI have a kitten. It is Scottish straight . It is named Anfisa. It is so funny and beautiful. It is play and eat all day long. When it was a small kitten at it there were brothers and sisters, they

Типы проблем, связанных с алкоголем
Типы проблем, связанных с алкоголем

Developmental Crises: Among children to relieve stress Experimentation in adolescence In old age to fight off depression Кризисы развития : Среди детей - чтобы снять стресс Эксперименты в подростковом возрасте В пожилом возрасте – чтобы избавиться


CHAPTER 1: A GREAT CITY Roman LondonThe Romans came to England in the year 43. Their ships came up the river Thames.They started a city on the banks of the river. They called it Londinium.It was a rich town.


Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland, situated in Lothian on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth. It is the second most populous city in Scotland and the seventh most populous in the United Kingdom. The population in 2012

My future choice
My future choice

Every person at the age of 14 to 16 has to make an extremely stressful decision, to choose his or her own career. You might be wondering what the difference is between a career and a job. Basically a job is


A subculture Life Is Fate   What for we live? What for we die? Why can we dream, but cannot fly? Sometimes we’re happy and we smile, Sometimes we’re sad, we scream and cry.


Russian matryoshka is the most popular Russian national souvenir. You can buy it at all fairs and festivals not only in our country but in different countries of the world too. . It seems that the matryoshka has come to us

Greek cuisine
Greek cuisine

The main components are: olive oil bread grains хлебные злакиdairy products молочные продуктыvegetableslegumes бобовыеhoneyfish goat козлятина lamb ягнятина pork The most widely used herbs and spices are: oregano дикий майоранmintgarlicdill укропparsley петрушкаbay leaf лавровый листbasil базиликthyme [taɪm]тимьянcinnamon корицаclove гвоздика rosemarynutmeg мускатный

Rhythm of Flamenco
Rhythm of Flamenco

Flamenco - is a form of Spanish folk music and dance from the region of Andalusia in southern Spain In recent years flamenco has become popular all over the world and is taught in many countries: in Japan there are more

Слогоделение английский
Слогоделение английский

Цель проекта:Обобщение и углубление знаний учащихся о фонетическом строе современного английского языка, установить различия в слогоделении в русском и английском языках. Задачи проекта: Формирование и развитие исследовательских умений и навыков,способности к самостоятельной мыслительной и практической деятельности Ознакомить с различиями в слогоделениях

Leisure centre
Leisure centre

Something for everyoneWe offer a range of activities from skiing and skating to curling and ice hockey. They will not only help you to avoid boredom, but also to improve your health and get a lot of fun. The varied timetables

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