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Презентации по Английскому языку

Extreme outdoors
Extreme outdoors

Extreme Sports Mountaineering Scuba divingParkourSurfingParachutingParkourRafting inflatableflippersladlespikeelasticfilled with aira rubber shoe to swim fastera large deep spoon with a long handlesharp and pointeda material that stretches easily


ALCOHOLS (alcohols) - a class of organic compounds containing one or more groups-HE, with the hydroxyl group linked to an aliphatic carbon atom (compounds in which the carbon atom in the group WITH-IT is part of the aromatic nucleus, are called

Белоснежка (Snow White)
Белоснежка (Snow White)

Вы ошиблись!Придётся всё начать сначала.ПодсказкиТест Глагол be в настоящем времени имеет 3 формы: am, are, is. В русском языке эти формы соответствуют форме глагола быть – есть, которая в большинстве случаев опускается.


ДЕЙСТВИЕ ПРОИСХОДИТ В НАСТОЯЩЕМ ВРЕМЕНИ, ВООБЩЕ, МОМЕНТ НЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНСлова-помощники:usually – обычно always – всегда sometimes – иногда often – часто never – никогда every

Business correspondence or How to make business successful
Business correspondence or How to make business successful

The principal question: How does the business correspondence help to be successful in business? The problem questions:How to write business letters?What types of business letters exist nowadays?What typical expressions are used in different types of

Практика устной английской речи
Практика устной английской речи

Говорение как вид речевой деятельностиГоворение – сложный процесс, позволяющий осуществлять вместе с аудированием устное вербальное общение. Устная речьслушаниеговорениеПисьменная речь чтениеписьмо

What Do We Wear?
What Do We Wear?

When it’s cold I usually wear (a) …When it’s warm I usually wear (a) …Now I’m wearing (a) …

What they are?
What they are?

He works in a hospital. He is …a doctora teacheran engineera pilotpupilsa cosmonauta pupila teacheran artistShe works at school. She is …Answer: “What are they?”Bravo!!!Завершить тестАвтор шаблона: Манжула Анна Михайловна, г.ХерсонThey fly planes. They are…I fly rockets.I am…We are at school.We

Модальный глагол can
Модальный глагол can

Илюшкина АлевтинаВикторовнаГОУ школа №340 Невского района Санкт-Петербурга Read, match and sayjumprunclimb swimsing

Описание фотографии на английском языке
Описание фотографии на английском языке

Воспользуемся стандартным способом описания, то есть начнем с общего плана и постепенно будем переходить к частному, а именно, к деталям. Кстати, в конце, обязательно, надо сказать несколько слов о теме фотографии и о своем отношении к данной теме.Итак, порядок такой:общее описание того,

Shopping: buying products
Shopping: buying products

AIMS:To repeat words and combinations in oral speechTo develop dialog skillsTo repeat grammar material in oral speech

The little red hen and the grain
The little red hen and the grain

She found a grain of wheat and called the cat, the duck, and the pig.Who will help me to plant it? Not I. I must go down to the pond for swim

Past Perfect Tense. English Grammar
Past Perfect Tense. English Grammar

FORMExamples:You had studied English before you moved to New York. Had you studied English before you moved to New York?You had not studied English before you moved to New York. Past Perfect by 6 o’clock yesterday – вчера к 6 часамby

New Zealand
New Zealand

Цель урока познакомить учащихся с историей, культурой, традициями, достопримечательностями Новой Зеландии Задачи урокаОбразовательные: обобщить знания об истории, географии, культуре, традициях и достопримечательностях Австралии, совершенствовать умения слушать, читать с извлечением нужной информации; создать условия для обсуждения учащимися полученных

New Zealand (the Land of the Long White Cloud)
New Zealand (the Land of the Long White Cloud)

The country was named New Zealand after the Dutch province of Zeeland which means “Sea Land” in Dutch.New Zealand has another name, Aotearoa, which means “the land of the Long white cloud” in the Maori language. Discovery When the Dutch explorer

Robert Burns
Robert Burns

Burns is one of the greatest English Romantic poets in the late 18th century England.He was born into a poor Scottish peasant family. Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) (also known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the

The hippies
The hippies

By developing themselves, subcultures work out their unique style and own views. The style of subculture is not only clothes, but it’s a system of values that the members of subculture propagandize.Epigraph The idea of equality and freedom lies in hippies

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