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Презентации по Английскому языку

How much do we know about the USA
How much do we know about the USA

What’s this? The Bald Eagle It is the national bird and symbol of the United States of America.

Modern technology
Modern technology

Convenience of modern technologyDo not need to carry a lot of money, just take a phone or a bank card. You will bring the phone to termenal and account is removed your money. Glasses of realityUnreal world can you will seen

Food Tongue twisters
Food Tongue twisters

Tongue twistersYellow butter, red jam, brown bread – spread it thick, say it quick!My Brother buys black Bananas by the bunch Let’s meet piglet!Why do you cry, piglet?I’m hungry, I’m thirsty!

You are what you eat
You are what you eat

It is very important to have a healthy way of life. If you feel good it is easier to be happy and optimistic.Nowadays a lot of people are keen on a healthy diet. They believe some products can make you strong,

Методика обучения В.Ф. Шаталова. Запоминание через опорные сигналы
Методика обучения В.Ф. Шаталова. Запоминание через опорные сигналы

Шаталов Виктор Фёдорович (родился в 1927 г., в г. Сталино (Донецк)) – педагог-новатор, народный учитель СССР (1990 г.), участник Великой Отечественной войны, кавалер ордена Дружбы (2007 г.), заслуженный учитель Украины, профессор Донецкого института социального образования, лауреат нескольких международных премий.Разработал систему обучения

Морфология глагола. (Лекция 8)
Морфология глагола. (Лекция 8)

Глаголзнаменательная часть речи, объединяющая в своем составе слова, обозначающие действие или состояние.действие (контролируемое динамическое)положение (контролируемое статическое)состояние (неконтролируемое нединамическое)процесс (неконтролируемое динамическое)основная синтаксическая функция глагола – предикативность: глагол обозначает действие (состояние) через отношение к субъекту или объекту действия. Классификация глаголовсемантико-грамматические разряды:лексические глаголывспомогательные глаголымодальные

Present simple. Present continuous. Past simple. Present perfect. Future simple
Present simple. Present continuous. Past simple. Present perfect. Future simple

1. Usually 2. Now 3. Yesterday 4. Have you ever…? 5. Be going to 6. any 1The trumpetGlass ofCall a waiterBowl of

City breaks in England
City breaks in England


Elative clauses
Elative clauses

Relative Clauses are formed by joining 2 sentences: - “Peter is the student”+ “He comes from Glasgow”: “Peter is the student WHO comes from Glasgow”.- “The books are on the table” + “They are mine”: “The books WHICH are on

New black aesthetic
New black aesthetic

МАНИФЕСТЫ: "On Black Art” “Black Cultural Nationalism” by Ron Karenga "The Black Arts Movement" by Larry Neal "Black Writing: Release from Object’, "Black Writing is Socio-Creative Art’

American major cities
American major cities

NEW YORK STATE: New York.POPULATION: 9 million.The largest city in the USA. It is divided into five areas: Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx and Manhattan.Manhattan has a grid system, with over 200 streets (east to west), 11 big avenues (north to

Types of questions
Types of questions

General question Общий вопросMost of them start with an auxiliary verb and expect an answer Yes or No. Auxiliary verb+subject+predicateExample:Are you from Russia?Does she drive a car? Do they like cats? Will we go to the cinema? Did he work here?Yes,


We use a Demonstratives pronouns to indicate how far or how close is /are the object(s) we are pointing This (Close objectsSingular)That (Far objectsSingular)These (close objectsPlural)Those (Far objectsPlural)

Useful vocabulary
Useful vocabulary

Useful vocabulary: Pretty as a picture — очаровательная, хороша как картинка I wanna = I want to

Germany. Hamburg
Germany. Hamburg

In Hamburg there are 3 modern terminal for cruise ships. The main is in Hafen city on the territory of the old reconstructed warehouse, and the second is located in the area of Altona in the rebuilt fishing dock and

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