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Презентации по Английскому языку

Косвенная речь
Косвенная речь

Direct and Reported Speech. Прямая и косвенная речь в английском языке. Чужое высказывание может быть либо передано так, как оно было произнесено (прямая речь), либо описано с помощью сложносочинённого предложения (косвенная речь). Сравните: Прямая речь - (

Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle

Charles de Gaulle was born on 22 Nov 1890 in Patriotic Catholic. Although the genus Galley de noble, de in the names — not traditional for France. Already as a boy he showed great interest in military Affairs. After a year

Chinese discoveries and Inventions
Chinese discoveries and Inventions

LEARNING OBJECTIVEStudents will be able to describe key Chinese advances in industry, specifically paper, printing, porcelain, and steel. Industry refers to the manufacture (making) of items THINK / PAIR/ SHARE: WHAT DO YOU SUPPOSE THE ITEMS ON THIS PAGE ARE MADE

Talk for a minute
Talk for a minute

BHECAJFGDILROMKTPQNS EndAWhy do people choose to shop in these kind of places?

Глагол Быть
Глагол Быть

She ______ at school.. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.was were Verb "To Be" They ______ happy yesterday. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.was were Verb "To Be"

ОГЭ Speaking
ОГЭ Speaking

Give a talk about your home lifeWhat things you do to help out at homeHow you spend your free time at homeWhat you like about your home and why Give a talk about your familyWho your family consists ofHow you spend

Retronemy. History of the term
Retronemy. History of the term

HISTORY OF THE TERM The word “retronym” was invented by Frank Mankiewicz (May 16, 1924 – October 23, 2014), a jouralist, Senator Robert Kennedy’s press secretary and the president of National Public Radio. He collected this peculiar conbinations of words, and

Present continuous tense
Present continuous tense

USAGEThe grasshopper is playing the violin. USAGEThe cat is dancing.

Dare. Модальный глагол
Dare. Модальный глагол

Утверждение Модальный глагол dare в утвердительных предложениях используется редко. Только в двух случаях: в восклицательных предложениях, выражающих укор, критику, злость и в выражении «I dare say» в значении «я считаю», «мне кажется».В утверждениях модальный dare используется только в форме настоящем времени

Geographical region Siberia
Geographical region Siberia

Siberia is an extensive geographical region, and by the broadest definition is also known as North Asia. Siberia has historically been a part of Russia since the 17th century. Map of Russian federal subjects belonging to Siberia: Siberian

My house
My house

Hello my name Andrew I am 12 years old.Today I will tell you about your home My porch

Части речи в английском языке
Части речи в английском языке

Каждое слово английского языка можно отнести к определенной категории, которых несколько и именуются они частями речи (parts of speech). Изучением частей речи в английском языке занимается такой раздел грамматики, как морфология (morphology). Части речи – основные лексико-грамматические разряды, по которым распределяются

Cover letter
Cover letter

Why you need a good covering letter Before even looking at your CV, an employer usually reads your covering letter. If it is badly-written, or untidy, or difficult to read, your CV will probably go into the nearest bin. If it

Idioms describing people
Idioms describing people

Positive and negative qualitiesShe has a heart of gold. [очень добрая, щедрая; золотое сердце]He is as good as gold.  [щедрый; хорошо воспитанный, обычно используется в разговоре о детях; золотой ребенок] Negative (-)She's as hard as nails.  [никакого сочувствия к другим]He's rather a

Magruder’s American Government
Magruder’s American Government

C H A P T E R 4 FederalismSECTION 1 Federalism: The Division of PowerSECTION 2 The National Government and the 50 StatesSECTION 3 Interstate RelationsChapter 4231 Chapter 4, Section 1S E C T I O N 1 Federalism: The Division of PowerWhat is

Употребление наречий
Употребление наречий

My sister __________walks our dog in the afternoon. David __________takes a shower at midday.

We eat to live, but do not live to eat
We eat to live, but do not live to eat

I eat similar food every day. It is usually very simple. My daily meal consists of light breakfast, lunch (at school), dinner and supper.In the morning I usually have some tea with cheeseburgers or hamburgers, some porridge or cottage cheese

Sochi city
Sochi city

Sochi Continent:EuroaziaPopulation:500000Language:Russian Currency:rublesTOURISMSochi is one of the world’s largest cities .It has beautiful landscapes,golden beaches,hotels and sanatoria,museums,green parks,night clubs,colourful street cafes,restaurants and shops.It’s a great place to visit.Five million people visit it every year. Homes Many people live in beautiful houses

The 12th of April is Cosmonautics Day
The 12th of April is Cosmonautics Day

Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft on 12 April 1961. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857—1935) Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky – the founder of astronautics in Russia, put

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