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Презентации по Английскому языку

Learning foreign language in college, university
Learning foreign language in college, university

Hello!Created by Kobeleva Eugene Petrova Kira Alina LysenkoZiliya Valieva Alexandra StolyarovaBulat Hairullin1164 To begin withLearning a foreign language opens many doors for the learner. Even if you don't go into something that is directly related to the language(s) you

Animals. Let’s do some puzzles and riddles
Animals. Let’s do some puzzles and riddles

AnimalsWild animals:A lionA tigerA bearA foxA wolfA monkeyA giraffeAn elephantA squirrelA hareDomestic animals:A dogA catA cowA sheepA horseA pigA parrot Let’s do some puzzles and riddles!

School in Russia
School in Russia

Russian EducationPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolSenior Schoolfrom 6 to 10 years oldfrom 10 to 15 years oldfrom 15 to 17 years old School SubjectsMaths

Fairy tale characters
Fairy tale characters

Do you like fairytales? What fairytale did you read last year? Fairies witchesprincesses Character – герой сказки или рассказаFull of magic - полные волшебстваPass from generation to generation – передаются из поколения в поколенияA few different versions - несколько разных вариантовWritten

ОГЭ. Английский язык. Тренажер по отработке навыков чтения. 8 класс
ОГЭ. Английский язык. Тренажер по отработке навыков чтения. 8 класс

Подготовка к ОГЭ английский язык Данный тренажер позволяет в режиме времени, отведенного на экзамене, отрабатывать навыки чтения 8 класс Чтение текста вслух Полезно вначале прочитать текст задания про себя; выделить трудные для произношения слова; разметить интонацию; прочитать

Types of digital learning
Types of digital learning

1. Simulation This resource aids teacher's explanation, and allows learners to test out their ideas and experiment. 2. Animation This can demonstrate processes which are difficult to describe or show in two dimensions.

Обучение чтению на иностранном языке (6 класс). Вид: извлечение необходимой информации (scanning reading)
Обучение чтению на иностранном языке (6 класс). Вид: извлечение необходимой информации (scanning reading)

Чтение в средней школе по ФГОС с выборочным пониманием содержания (извлечение необходимой информации).Чтение с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации осуществляется на несложном аутентичном тексте и предполагает выбрать информацию, которая необходима или представляет интерес для учащихся.Объем текста для чтения – около

Great Britain. (Часть 1)
Great Britain. (Часть 1)

The London Eye Лондонский глазThe London Eye is a giant 135-metre tall Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames in the British capital. It is the tallest Ferris wheel in

Is this a bat?
Is this a bat?

Is this a bat?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t. Is this a witch?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.

Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day

Dear All Happy Valentine Day !!! Be loved, take care of each other. Do not be afraid to confess your love ... A bit of historyThere are several legends about the day of Saint Valentine. One of them says that. in


London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames, it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Its

Robert Burns January 25, 1759 – July 21, 1796
Robert Burns January 25, 1759 – July 21, 1796

Robert Burns is the best known of the poets who have written in Scots. His poem Auld Lang Syne is often sung at Hogmanay. Born in Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland to a poor farming family, his parents made sure that

Урок-презентация Seasons and the weather
Урок-презентация Seasons and the weather

Today we are going to - learn new words on topic “ The weather and seasons”;- speak about the weather and seasons. The winter months are:December, January,February.

Формы глагола
Формы глагола

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. ОБРАЗУЕМ 3 ЛИЦО ЕД ЧИСЛО В PRESENT SIMPLE1.Про себя говорится I + глагол в первой форме ( инфинитив) I do, I like, I go2.Про людей, которых много- They do, they like, they go3.Про нас- We do , we like,

Work and tools
Work and tools

The topic of the leson: "WORK AND TOOLS" To sew with scissors, needles and thread.To use a sewing-machine/ a thimble.To mend a hole.To sew on a button.To lay the table.To do the dinner dishes.To use a hammer and nails.To use a

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