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Презентации по Английскому языку


Father ClausSanta ClausSanta ChristmasGREAT scootersleighbusGREAT

Christmas Vocabulary
Christmas Vocabulary

Christmas TreesChristmas trees are popular symbols of Christmas.They are decorated with ornaments, lights, and garland.This Christmas tree has a star on top. OrnamentsChristmas ornaments are made from glass, wood, or plastic.They have hooks on top and are hung from the branches

My future speciality
My future speciality

ПЛАН1) Запитання та відповіді2) Present Simple Tense -What professions do you like best of all? -I like engineering

Jeopardy. Game
Jeopardy. Game

1 - $100Type question to appear hereType answer to appear with a mouse-click here 1 - $200Type question to appear hereType answer to appear with a mouse-click here

Spelling cracker
Spelling cracker

ELFCHECKClick on the crackerCan you spell and say the word?1/10 ELFNEXTCan you spell and say the word?1/10

What are animal prosthetics
What are animal prosthetics

Introduction"One small step for a dog" can in fact end up as "one giant leap for mankind," Noel Fitzpatrick said, a neuro-orthopedic veterinary surgeon based in the United Kingdom. THERE HAS NEVER been a better time to be an injured animal.

The Jetson
The Jetson

She is Jane Jetson. She is the mother.He is George Jetson. He is the father.He is Elroy Jetson. He is the brother.She is Judy Jetson. She is the sister. George is Jane’s husband. Jane is Judy’s mother.Judy is Elroy’s sister.Elroy is

Travel and tourism
Travel and tourism

Marco PoloMarco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. A traveller and merchant, he was one the first Europeans to travel across Asia and into China. His journey lasted 24 years.He set out, aged 17, with hif father Nicolo and his

Olympic games
Olympic games

Winter Olympic Games Winter Olympic Games: biathlon, tobogan, curling, ice hockey,

Academic language. (Part 2)
Academic language. (Part 2)

BoostingBoosting is used in academic texts to make a claim more assertive and is often carried out by the use of a range of adverbial and prepositional constructions (plus some other types of expressions):“This is clearly a very restrictive hypothesis, which

My hobby
My hobby

MUSICOne of my favorite Hobbies right now is music.I like playing the guitar the most.I'm self-taught, but I graduated from music school in piano and it's easier for me to learn. SPORTI really like sports games. I play football, basketball, volleyball, table

Экзаменационный перевод. Предупреждение и контроль случаев травматизма среди молодых игроков в бейсбол и софтбол
Экзаменационный перевод. Предупреждение и контроль случаев травматизма среди молодых игроков в бейсбол и софтбол

Характеристика текстаТекст оригинала адресован начинающим тренерам молодежных бейсбольных и софтбольных команд, которые могут столкнуться с травмами игроков во время игр и тренировок, текст говорит о том, как нужно действовать в таких ситуациях, поэтому он насыщен большим количеством специфических терминов и лексических

Problem-solving essay
Problem-solving essay

Analyzing the questionOverpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems._______________________________________________Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number

My day without TV
My day without TV

I rarely watch TV. Abandon the TV for one day - not a problem for me. Nowadays I choose a phone or computer, to watch a movie or comedy. On the TV I have only a few channels that I watch.

Аттестационная работа. Образовательная программа элективного курса Занимательный английский
Аттестационная работа. Образовательная программа элективного курса Занимательный английский

Краткая характеристика жанра работыДанная работа представляет собой характеристику образовательной программы элективного курса углубленного изучения английского языка, которая предназначена для обучающихся 8 класса общеобразовательных школ и рассчитана на 34 часа (из расчета 1 час в неделю). Программа нацелена на развитие метапредметных и

Present perfect and Present perfect progressive
Present perfect and Present perfect progressive

Present perfect Present perfect progressive have, like,know, be,for, since.They have been friends for twenty years. (They met each other twenty years ago and they are still friends.)for, since, all

Евангелие от Луки 22:19-20
Евангелие от Луки 22:19-20

ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ ОТ ЛУКИ 22:19-20 / LUKE 22:19-20Затем, взяв хлеб и поблагодарив за него Бога, Он разломил его и дал ученикам со словами: «Это Мое тело, отдаваемое за вас. Делайте это в воспоминание обо Мне».He took bread, and when he had given

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