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Презентации по Английскому языку

Useful technical. Adjectives
Useful technical. Adjectives

SVEC™CUTTING-EDGEinnovationmethodstechnologyconceptadvanced, progressive SVEC™STATE-OF-ARTdevicetechniquescienceUP-TO-DATEprocedure

The Research Process
The Research Process

Purposes of ResearchExplorationgaining some familiarity with a topic, discovering some of its main dimensions, and possibly planning more structured researchDescriptionCensus Bureau’s report on number of AmericansPolitical poll predicting who will win an electionAnthropologist’s ethnographic account of a preliterate tribeExplanationTake it one

My favourite singer
My favourite singer

My favorite singer is the rap singer Oleg Savchenko, better known under the scenic pseudonym of the LSP. And I want to talk a little about him. The debut mini-album of Oleg LSP "To see colored dreams" was released on September

Sentences with There is… There are…
Sentences with There is… There are…

Phonetic Drill Read the wordstherethistherefatherbrotherthinkthickthinthemetheatre

My Big Dinner. Menu
My Big Dinner. Menu

1. An appetizer. Salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions and olive oil. Recipe:1)cut the vegetables;2)add olive oil;3)mix it. 2. A soup.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Ivan Pavlov - one of the most respected scientists of Russia, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1904. Ivan Petrovich was born in the of Ryazan on 26th September, 1849 into the family of a clergyman.Father -

Job hunting
Job hunting

If you want to find a job, then you should take a few points:Seach of vacancyCV (Curriculum vitae)Cover LetterInterview Seach of vacancyNewspaperSurf the InternetAsk for help from friends

Friends and friendship
Friends and friendship

What does the word “friend” mean? How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?Do you have any long distance friends?

Британские и русские суеверия
Британские и русские суеверия

ЦЕЛЬЮ МОЕЙ ПРОЕКТНОЙ РАБОТЫ ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ РАССКАЗАТЬ КАКИЕ СУЕВЕРИЯ В ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИИ И РОССИИ. Выяснить:Схожи они или разныеВ каких случаях жизни они употребляются Насколько британцы суеверный народПривести примеры основных суеверий Великобритании и России. WHITE RABBIT

Don’t or Doesn’t
Don’t or Doesn’t

He_________have a dog.don’tdoesn’tGreat I ________go to school.don’tdoesn’tGreat

Writing. Letter of advice
Writing. Letter of advice

DEAR …,Paragraph 1 – Introduction (showing sympathy)Having read your problem…I was sorry to read about your problem…I understand how you feel and…I was in the same situation a few years ago… Paragraphs 2&3 – Main body (giving advice)It would/might be a

Проект Мое любимое животное 3 класс
Проект Мое любимое животное 3 класс

Цель: исследовать роль метода проектов в формировании коммуникативной компетенции учащихся . Задачи:-рассмотреть актуальность использования проектной методики в условиях новой парадигмы образования;-определить эффективность коммуникативного потенциала проектной методики ;-показать практические результаты применения проектной методики на уроках.

Essay Opinion
Essay Opinion

Make an introduction (Raise a problem) The problem of …… is discussed a lot nowadays (state the problem). Some people think (that)…. (Give one opinion). Others believe (that)…. (Give a different opinion). As a result this is not an

Урок-игра. (3 класс)
Урок-игра. (3 класс)

Конкурс № 1 «Разминка»    How many seasons are there in a year?    How many days are there in a week?   What day comes after Friday?   Who is my mother’s mother?   Who is my mother’s daughter?   When do the English celebrate Christmas?  What is

Global Problems of Ecology
Global Problems of Ecology

Professor A. Hertzberg. " We have a responsibility to life, to defend it everywhere, not only against our own sins, but also against those of others. We are all passengers together in this fragile and glorious world ". I

Мое Любимое Время года (3 класс)
Мое Любимое Время года (3 класс)

There are four seasons in a year.Добавьте первый маркерДобавьте второй маркерДобавьте третий маркер They are : winter, spring, summer and fall.

Alternations and modifications of speech sounds in English
Alternations and modifications of speech sounds in English

Types of modification: assimilation, accommodation, reduction, elision,inserting. The adaptive modification of a consonant by a neighbouring consonant in a speech chain is assimilation. 1. Place of articulation• t, d > dental before [ð, θ]: eighth, at the, said that•

Письмо личного характера (задание 33)
Письмо личного характера (задание 33)

Требования к оформлению письма 12Contents3Критерии оценивания письма личного характераПлан письма4Рекомендации по структуре письма Требования к оформлению письма ответить на все поставленные в письме вопросы;соблюдать неофициальный стиль;соблюдать формат неофициального письма;написать не менее 90, но не более 132 слов.

Market it research
Market it research

Portfolio The structure of the Group. ДмитрийАлександрОлегСергейАлексейЮлияАндрейАлександрСветлана

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