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Презентации по Английскому языку

Passive voice
Passive voice

PASSIVE VOICE Конструкция Passive Voice употребляется, когда действие, выраженное сказуемым, происходит над подлежащим (само подлежащее бездействует.)I wrote the letter. – Active VoiceThe letter was written by me. – Passive Voice PASSIVE VOICEКонструкция Passive Voice употребляется, когда объект действия более важен

Why Aapple
Why Aapple

The Aapple studio is located in many town and it is very convenient Aapple is not only the studio of English,you can explore a lot of other different languages


A a B b C c D d E e F f G gH h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P pQ q R r S s T t U u

Phonetic Expressive Means and Devices
Phonetic Expressive Means and Devices

Phonetic EMs and devices are used to produce a certain acoustic effect,thus giving emphasis to the utterance and arousing emotions in the reader or listener.In oral speech intonation and stress are expressed directly by the speaker.In written speech they are conveyed

Grammar Reference: Modal Verbs
Grammar Reference: Modal Verbs

Can I go to the toilet?You should stop smoking! If you want a healthier life, you must change your habits.

Фразовые глаголы
Фразовые глаголы

http://www.azargrammar.com/grammarSpeaks/fegi/fegi_appendix01/fegi_a1_001.html It's a verb + a particle (preposition or adverb) that changes the meaning to make a new verb.What is a phrasal verb?Meet Phrasal Verbs, please!press Contents (part one)LookPutComeGetGo

Present Perfect and Past Simple
Present Perfect and Past Simple

PRESENT PERFECTВремя действия не указано или используются слова: только что (just), уже (already), ещё нет (not yet). He has just fed his pet. She has already gone to the Zoo. We have not written a composition yet.PAST SIMPLEУказано время

Art. What is your favourite art
Art. What is your favourite art

What is your favourite art?I like _____________because it makes me feel __________. e.g. I like painting because it makes me feel relaxed.

Inside House free
Inside House free

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How to write a country profile
How to write a country profile

1) Most pressing problems of your stateStructure of Country profile Geography and Demographics


Capital – Buenos AiresOfficial languages-NoneNational language –SpanishArea - 2,780,400 km2 Population - 43,847,430 BUENOS AIRES


India, officially the Republic of India (Bhārat Gaṇarājya) is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world. India is

The present perfect tense
The present perfect tense


Обучение диалогической речи на уроках английского языка
Обучение диалогической речи на уроках английского языка

Для учебного общения диалогическая речь представляет гораздо больше трудностей, чем монологичес­кая. Основные характеристики диа­лога: - реактивность (непредсказуемая реакция, отсутствие реакции; зависимость от партнера, умения аудировать; владение необходимыми компенсаторными технологиями); - ситуативность - ситуация определяет мотив говорения, который, в свою очередь, является

Theoretical phonetics
Theoretical phonetics

Loss of plosion/ˈglæd_tə siː / / əbˈteɪn//ˈgreɪt ˈtrəbəl/ / ˈpɪt ˈbʊl//ˈbɪg ˈtriː//ˈstɑp ˈtɔkɪŋ/ Fricative plosion/ˈstæts /


Informal - a social group ; the common name for members of different subcultural youth movements. This social group born in 1980-1990 in West Europe and USA.

Zoo Animals
Zoo Animals

yasamansamsami@gmail.com yasamansamsami@gmail.com

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