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Презентация на тему The relations between Russia and the UK

The relations between Russia and the UK Poll Were there any periods in our common history when both countries were enemies? 16th – 17th century  Kingdom of England and Tsardom In 1697–1698 during the Grand Embassy of Peter I On invitation of 18th century Shipbuilders such as Cozens and Nye, engineers such as Perry, War of the Austrian Succession (1740—1748)The war ended with the Treaty of Seven Years’ War (1756–63) The Seven Years’ War involved overseas colonial struggles 18th century The Indian March of Paul  The Indian Crimean War (1853—1856) Crimean War  fought by Britain, France, and the Boxer Rebellion (1899—1901) The Boxer movement spread to the Beijing area, where 20th century The Triple Entente was the alliance linking the Russian Empire, United Kingdom—Soviet Union relationsIn 1921 the Anglo-Soviet Trade Agreement was concluded between Soviet-UK agreement against Germany The Anglo-Soviet Agreement was signed by 21st century  After the collapse of the USSR, relations between Britain Conclusion This new bilateral camaraderie has the prospect of producing vast levels
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Poll


Слайд 3 Were there any periods in our common history

Were there any periods in our common history when both countries were enemies?

when both countries were enemies?

Слайд 4 16th – 17th century
Kingdom of England and Tsardom

16th – 17th century Kingdom of England and Tsardom of Russia established relations in 1553

of Russia established relations in 1553

Слайд 5 In 1697–1698 during the Grand Embassy of Peter

In 1697–1698 during the Grand Embassy of Peter I On invitation

On invitation of William III, Peter and part

of the mission also went to England in January 1698, where the tsar visited Gilbert Burnet and Edmond Halley in the Royal Observatory, the Royal Mint, the Royal Society, the University of Oxford, and several shipyards and artillery plants.

Слайд 6 18th century
Shipbuilders such as Cozens and Nye,

18th century Shipbuilders such as Cozens and Nye, engineers such as

engineers such as Perry, Lane and Upton, and a

host of naval officers, including the Admiral Greig, made an enormous contribution to the development of the Russian navy.

Слайд 7 War of the Austrian Succession (1740—1748)
The war ended

War of the Austrian Succession (1740—1748)The war ended with the Treaty

with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748, by which

Maria Theresa was confirmed as Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary, but Prussia retained control of Silesia.

Слайд 8 Seven Years’ War (1756–63)
The Seven Years’ War involved

Seven Years’ War (1756–63) The Seven Years’ War involved overseas colonial

overseas colonial struggles between Great Britain and France.

of Saint Petersburg (1762)
Treaty of Hamburg (1762)
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Treaty of Hubertusburg (1763)

Слайд 9 18th century The Indian March of Paul

The Indian March

18th century The Indian March of Paul The Indian March

of Paul was a secret project of a planned

allied Russo-French expedition against the British dominions in India.

Слайд 10 Anglo-Russian War (1807–1812) 19th century Anglo-Russian War (1807–1812)
Tsar Alexander I

Anglo-Russian War (1807–1812)

of Russia signed a disadvantageous peace treaty, known as

the Treaty of Tilsit.
Naval battles in the Baltic Sea as part of the Finnish War.

Слайд 11 Crimean War (1853—1856)
Crimean War fought by Britain,

Crimean War (1853—1856) Crimean War fought by Britain, France, and the

France, and the Ottomans against Russia.
The Crimean War was

one of the first conflicts to use modern technologies such as explosive naval shells, railways and telegraphs.

Слайд 12 Boxer Rebellion (1899—1901)

The Boxer movement spread to the

Boxer Rebellion (1899—1901) The Boxer movement spread to the Beijing area,

Beijing area, where the Boxers killed Chinese Christians and

Christian missionaries and destroyed churches.

Слайд 13 20th century
The Triple Entente was the alliance

20th century The Triple Entente was the alliance linking the Russian

linking the Russian Empire, the French Third Republic, and

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
The Triple Entente entered it as Allies against the Central Powers Germany and Austria-Hungary.

Слайд 14 United Kingdom—Soviet Union relations
In 1921 the Anglo-Soviet Trade

United Kingdom—Soviet Union relationsIn 1921 the Anglo-Soviet Trade Agreement was concluded

Agreement was concluded between the two countries.
In1924 Relations

between then and the Second World War were tense, typified by the Zinoviev letter incident.

Слайд 15 Soviet-UK agreement against Germany
The Anglo-Soviet Agreement was

Soviet-UK agreement against Germany The Anglo-Soviet Agreement was signed by

signed by the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union

against Germany on July 12, 1941.
Refrainment from hostile actions and/or undertakings against the other party
Removal of trade and economic blockades existing between the two aforementioned countries.
Each respective country may nominate a number of its nationals to ensure proper effect be given to the Agreement.

Слайд 16 21st century
After the collapse of the USSR,

21st century After the collapse of the USSR, relations between Britain

relations between Britain and the Russian Federation were initially

warm. In the 21st century, however, while trade and human ties have proliferated, diplomatic ties have suffered due to allegations of spying, and extradition disputes.

  • Имя файла: the-relations-between-russia-and-the-uk.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
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