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Презентация на тему Income Inequality

Why does income matter?Income allows for stratification among the nation’s population.It allows some people to prosper and others to plunder.Income is not distributed equally.Provides motives for social inequality.And while we may be making strides to end
Income Inequality Why does income matter?Income allows for stratification among the nation’s population.It allows Social Stratification What is social stratification?It is a hierarchy of relative privilege What determines social class?According to Karl Marx, social class is determined by Global Stratification Three worldsMost Industrialized Nations: US, Canada, France. They are capitalistic, Global Stratification Global Stratification Global Stratification Colonialism: occurred when industrialized nations made colonies of weaker nations Global Stratification Galbraith argued that some nations remain poor because they are The Importance of Global Stratification How a nation is stratified is dependent What it means here…The US like other most industrialized nations, operates under Social Class Placement How we would place our groups…In 2016, the median income for Native The Wealth Gap: Whites and African Americans Scholars have identified the following The Wealth Gap Cont’d How does this relate to other institutions and Asian Americans Economically advantagedMedian income 2017 $73, 060Weekly earnings average to at Asian Americans Gallop poll indicates 30-31% of Asian Americans report employment discrimination Median Weekly Earnings (all groups) and unemployment Underemployment Underemployment RatesThis category includes jobless workers actively seeking work, people who How do we align on stratification?Functionalists argue stratification is good and purposeful.It Implications of stratification Unequal distribution of wealth Ownership of property (real estate, Food for thought…Suppose you started working full time the year Jesus was Consequences of Social Class Social class affects our physical and mental health.Lower
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Слайд 2 Why does income matter?
Income allows for stratification among

Why does income matter?Income allows for stratification among the nation’s population.It

the nation’s population.
It allows some people to prosper and

others to plunder.
Income is not distributed equally.
Provides motives for social inequality.
And while we may be making strides to end other forms of discrimination, the differences in income or earnings in the US has widened over the past few decades; thus, creating competition among people who could otherwise use their exploitation to fight for better wages.

Слайд 3 Social Stratification
What is social stratification?
It is a

Social Stratification What is social stratification?It is a hierarchy of relative

hierarchy of relative privilege based on power, property, and


Every society stratifies its members.

4 Major systems of stratification: slavery, caste, estate, and class.

Слайд 4 What determines social class?
According to Karl Marx, social

What determines social class?According to Karl Marx, social class is determined

class is determined by one’s relationship to the means

of production.
Modern society composed of two classes: bourgeoisie and proletariat.
Class consciousness develops
Marx believed the workers would revolt and a classless society would form.
False class consciousness holds back this revolution.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR3igiwaeyc (Marx)

Marx concluded the only distinction to be made was whether one was an owner or a worker, as this decides everything else.
Max Weber did not believe that property was the sole basis of a person’s position.
He said instead: property, prestige, and power determine social class.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69VF7mT4nRU (Weber)

Слайд 5 Global Stratification
Three worlds
Most Industrialized Nations: US, Canada,

Global Stratification Three worldsMost Industrialized Nations: US, Canada, France. They are

France. They are capitalistic, although variations exist. 16 %

of the worlds people
Industrializing Nations: Eastern Europe. Lower incomes than the most industrialized nations.
Least Industrialized Nations: 68 % worlds people. Poverty.

Слайд 6 Global Stratification

Global Stratification

Слайд 7 Global Stratification

Global Stratification

Слайд 8 Global Stratification
Colonialism: occurred when industrialized nations made

Global Stratification Colonialism: occurred when industrialized nations made colonies of weaker

colonies of weaker nations and exploited their labor/natural resources.

purpose was to establish economic colonies.
Central and South America are examples of this

World System Theory: Wallerstein
Countries are politically and economically tied together.
4 groups of interconnected nations: Core nations, Semiperiphery nations, Periphery nations, and External area nations.
No nation lives in isolation

Слайд 9 Global Stratification
Galbraith argued that some nations remain

Global Stratification Galbraith argued that some nations remain poor because they

poor because they are crippled by a culture of


Most sociologists find colonialism/world system theory explanations preferable.

However, each theory partially explains global stratification.

Слайд 10 The Importance of Global Stratification
How a nation

The Importance of Global Stratification How a nation is stratified is

is stratified is dependent on their access to wealth

and power.
Poorer nations place different emphases on certain institutions that would other help change their circumstance.
What persons in that nation have access to directly influences their education and their health.
It is much harder for a person in a poor nation to break the shackles of poverty when they lack the resources needed to succeed.

Слайд 11 What it means here…
The US like other most

What it means here…The US like other most industrialized nations, operates

industrialized nations, operates under a class system.
Whether we

side with Marx or Weber, modern society cannot be explained the way they left it.
Many theorists have updated their work, included two sociologists who gave us a six-tier social class ladder.
Sociologically, the model is productive because it highlights the connection between education and income.

Слайд 12 Social Class Placement

Social Class Placement

Слайд 13 How we would place our groups…
In 2016, the

How we would place our groups…In 2016, the median income for

median income for Native Americans was $38, 530.
In 2016,

the median income for African Americans was $39, 490.
In 2016, the median income for Hispanics was $45, 148.
In 2016, the median income for Whites was $62, 950.
In 2017, the median income for Asian Americans was $73, 060.

The median net worth for households in 2013 was:
Whites 141, 900
Asian Americans 78, 066
Hispanics 13, 700
African Americans 11, 000
PEW Research

Слайд 14 The Wealth Gap: Whites and African Americans

The Wealth Gap: Whites and African Americans Scholars have identified the

have identified the following reasons for the wealth gap:

of home ownership (under 50% own homes)
Years of unemployment (15%)
Financial Support

Слайд 15 The Wealth Gap Cont’d
How does this relate

The Wealth Gap Cont’d How does this relate to other institutions

to other institutions and social order?
“Anomie” (Durkheim’s term) refers

to the strain people experience when they are blocked in their attempts to achieve those goals.
Robert Merton

Слайд 16 Asian Americans
Economically advantaged
Median income 2017 $73, 060

Asian Americans Economically advantagedMedian income 2017 $73, 060Weekly earnings average to

earnings average to at least $973
Asian Indians have highest

income followed by Filipino Americans, Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans
Unemployment low @ 7.5%
Poverty low

Conflict Theory & Economics
Conflict Perspective:
Also address “blaming the victim” but argues focus should be on society not individual
“Bamboo ceiling”
Despite educational attainment, Asian Americans represent fewer than 2% of Fortune 500 CEOs
Only 28% report feeling very comfortable “being themselves” at the workplace
Face institutional discrimination as well
Homeownership rates are a good example
Only 55% of Asian Americans own their home

Слайд 17 Asian Americans
Gallop poll indicates 30-31% of Asian

Asian Americans Gallop poll indicates 30-31% of Asian Americans report employment

Americans report employment discrimination despite high earnings.
However, in 2007

Asian Americans owned 1.5 million businesses.
And, 69% believe you can get ahead if you work hard.

Слайд 18 Median Weekly Earnings (all groups) and unemployment

Median Weekly Earnings (all groups) and unemployment

Слайд 19 Underemployment
Underemployment Rates
This category includes jobless workers actively

Underemployment Underemployment RatesThis category includes jobless workers actively seeking work, people

seeking work, people who are working part time yet

available to work full time, and those who have looked for work in the past year yet are not actively seeking employment.

Слайд 20 How do we align on stratification?
Functionalists argue stratification

How do we align on stratification?Functionalists argue stratification is good and

is good and purposeful.
It has the following functions:
Society must

make certain that its positions are filled.
Some positions are more important than others.
The more important positions must be filled by the more qualified people.
To motivate the more qualified people to fill these positions, society must offer them greater rewards.

Conflict theorists argue it perpetuates social inequality by allowing an elite to emerge.
Stress that conflict, not function, is the basis of social stratification.
No society can exist unless it is organized.
Leadership requires inequalities of power.
The dominant group takes control.
No way around these facts of life; every society will stratify itself along lines of power.

Слайд 21 Implications of stratification
Unequal distribution of wealth

Implications of stratification Unequal distribution of wealth Ownership of property (real

of property (real estate, stocks and bonds, etc.) is

not distributed evenly: 10 percent of the U.S. population owns 70 percent of the wealth, and the richest 1 percent of U.S. families are worth more than the entire bottom 90 percent of Americans.

Unequal distribution of income
Income is also distributed disproportionately: the top 20 percent of U.S. residents earn 47 percent of the income; the bottom 20 percent receive less than 5 percent. Each fifth of the U.S. population receives approximately the same proportion of national income today as it did in 1945.

Слайд 22 Food for thought…
Suppose you started working full time

Food for thought…Suppose you started working full time the year Jesus

the year Jesus was born. Assuming you earn todays

average per capita income of $42. 693, you would still have to work another 600 more years to earn what the highest-paid CEOs in this table earned in just one year.

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