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Презентация на тему Macro-prudential oversight within the European Union. The European Systemic Risk Board

Overview26/04/2016Slide Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board Tasks, organisation and accountability Recommendations and warnings
Macro-prudential oversight within the European Union:The European Systemic Risk BoardPeter Spicka, Senior Overview26/04/2016Slide 	Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board	Tasks, organisation and accountability	Recommendations and warnings European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) Establishment26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2013) European Systemic Risk Board  Establishment26/04/2016Slide European Systemic Risk Board  Establishment26/04/2016Slide Overview26/04/2016Slide 	Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board	Tasks, organisation and accountability	Recommendations and warnings European Systemic Risk Board Tasks	Responsible for macro-prudential oversight of the financial system European Systemic Risk Board  Tasks	Collecting and analysing all relevant and necessary European Systemic Risk Board Tasks26/04/2016Slide (1) Input gathering and analysis(2) Assessment(3) Policy Overview26/04/2016Slide 	Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board	Tasks, organisation and accountability	Recommendations and warnings European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (I)26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2012) European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (II)26/04/2016Slide European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (IV)26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2012) European Systemic Risk Board Organisational chart26/04/2016Slide European Systemic Risk Board Warnings and recommendations	Non-binding: „Comply or explain“	Moral suasion	Addressees	Public versus European Systemic Risk Board Accountability	ESRB is an independent EU body	Accountability to the Overview26/04/2016Slide 	Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board	Tasks, organisation and accountability	Recommendations and warnings European Systemic Risk Board Public recommendations26/04/2016Slide European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign currencies26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2012) European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign currencies	Enhancing risk awareness European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign currencies – Follow-up26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2015) European Systemic Risk Board Follow-up to ESRB recommendations26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2013) European Systemic Risk Board Follow-up to ESRB recommendations26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2013) European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on macroprudential mandate of national authorities	EU Member Recommendation on macroprudential mandate of national authorities Institutional framework of the national macro-prudential authority26/04/2016Slide European Systemic Risk Board  ESRB Risk Dashboard	Set of quantitative and qualitative European Systemic Risk Board ESRB Risk Dashboard26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2013) References	Bank for International Settlements, Committee on te Global Financial system, Operationalising 	the Thank you very much for your attention!Contact: Peter.Spicka@bundesbank.de
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Overview

Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board


Overview26/04/2016Slide 	Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board	Tasks, organisation and accountability	Recommendations and warnings

organisation and accountability

Recommendations and warnings

Слайд 3 European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) Establishment
Source: ESRB (2013)

European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) Establishment26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2013)

Слайд 4 European Systemic Risk Board Establishment

European Systemic Risk Board Establishment26/04/2016Slide

Слайд 5 European Systemic Risk Board Establishment

European Systemic Risk Board Establishment26/04/2016Slide

Слайд 6 Overview

Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board


Overview26/04/2016Slide 	Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board	Tasks, organisation and accountability	Recommendations and warnings

organisation and accountability

Recommendations and warnings

Слайд 7 European Systemic Risk Board Tasks

Responsible for macro-prudential oversight of

European Systemic Risk Board Tasks	Responsible for macro-prudential oversight of the financial

the financial system within the EU in order to

contribute to the prevention or mitigation of systemic risks to financial stability in the EU that arise from developments within the financial system and taking into account macro-economic developments

Establishes link between micro-prudential supervision and macro economy

Brings the systemic component into financial supervision



Слайд 8 European Systemic Risk Board Tasks

Collecting and analysing all

European Systemic Risk Board Tasks	Collecting and analysing all relevant and necessary

relevant and necessary information

Identifying and prioritising systemic risks

Issuing warnings

and recommendations for remedial action where systemic risks are deemed to be significant



Слайд 9
European Systemic Risk Board Tasks
(1) Input gathering and

European Systemic Risk Board Tasks26/04/2016Slide (1) Input gathering and analysis(2) Assessment(3)

(2) Assessment
(3) Policy response
assessment and
prioritisation of
Warnings and recommendations
Collection and

analysis of information

ESRB member organisations

Слайд 10 Overview

Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board


Overview26/04/2016Slide 	Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board	Tasks, organisation and accountability	Recommendations and warnings

organisation and accountability

Recommendations and warnings

Слайд 11 European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (I)
Source: ESRB

European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (I)26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2012)


Слайд 12 European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (II)

European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (II)26/04/2016Slide

Слайд 13 European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (IV)
Source: ESRB

European Systemic Risk Board Institutional set-up (IV)26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2012)


Слайд 14 European Systemic Risk Board Organisational chart

European Systemic Risk Board Organisational chart26/04/2016Slide

Слайд 15 European Systemic Risk Board Warnings and recommendations
Non-binding: „Comply or

European Systemic Risk Board Warnings and recommendations	Non-binding: „Comply or explain“	Moral suasion	Addressees	Public


Moral suasion


Public versus confidential

General versus specific

Source: ECB (2010)

Слайд 16 European Systemic Risk Board Accountability
ESRB is an independent EU

European Systemic Risk Board Accountability	ESRB is an independent EU body	Accountability to


Accountability to the European Parliament (regular hearings)


Слайд 17 Overview

Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board


Overview26/04/2016Slide 	Establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board	Tasks, organisation and accountability	Recommendations and warnings

organisation and accountability

Recommendations and warnings

Слайд 18 European Systemic Risk Board Public recommendations

European Systemic Risk Board Public recommendations26/04/2016Slide

Слайд 19 European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign

European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign currencies26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2012)

Source: ESRB (2012)

Слайд 20 European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign

European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign currencies	Enhancing risk

Enhancing risk awareness of borrowers

Creditworthiness of borrowers

Credit growth induced

by foreign currency lending

Improving internal risk management

Capital requirements, liquidity and funding




Слайд 21 European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign

European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on lending in foreign currencies – Follow-up26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2015)

currencies – Follow-up
Source: ESRB (2015)

Слайд 22 European Systemic Risk Board Follow-up to ESRB recommendations

European Systemic Risk Board Follow-up to ESRB recommendations26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2013)

ESRB (2013)

Слайд 23 European Systemic Risk Board Follow-up to ESRB recommendations

European Systemic Risk Board Follow-up to ESRB recommendations26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2013)

ESRB (2013)

Слайд 24 European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on macroprudential mandate of

European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation on macroprudential mandate of national authorities	EU

national authorities
EU Member States should bestow the macro-prudential authority

with the powers to conduct macro-prudential policy on its own initiative or as a follow-up to recommendations of the ESRB ? would also facilitate cooperation with ESRB

National authorities to have full access to all necessary statistical information and policy instruments

National authorities to have the necessary independence to fulfill its tasks, to ensure accountability and to reserve the maximum of transparency

National authorities to be able to issue public and confidential statements on systemic risks

Governments to take actions for implementation by mid 2013



Слайд 25 Recommendation on macroprudential mandate of national authorities Institutional framework

Recommendation on macroprudential mandate of national authorities Institutional framework of the national macro-prudential authority26/04/2016Slide

of the national macro-prudential authority

Слайд 26 European Systemic Risk Board ESRB Risk Dashboard
Set of

European Systemic Risk Board ESRB Risk Dashboard	Set of quantitative and qualitative

quantitative and qualitative indicators to identify and measure systemic

risk in the EU financial system

One of the input´s for the Board´s discussion on risks and vulnerabilities

Updated and revised on a regular basis

Not an early warning system! No reliance on indicators as a basis for any mechanical form of evidence!



Слайд 27 European Systemic Risk Board ESRB Risk Dashboard
Source: ESRB

European Systemic Risk Board ESRB Risk Dashboard26/04/2016Slide Source: ESRB (2013)


Слайд 28 References
Bank for International Settlements, Committee on te Global

References	Bank for International Settlements, Committee on te Global Financial system, Operationalising

Financial system, Operationalising the selection and application of macroprudential

instruments, CGFS Paper No 48, 2012

Dierick, Frank: Systemic Risk and the ESRB, Internal paper, 27 October 2011

European Central Bank, Financial Stability Review, various issues

European Systemic Risk Board, Annual Report, various issues

European Systemic Risk Board, ESRB Risk Dashboard, various issues

European Systemic Risk Board, Flagship Report on Macro-prudential Policy in the Banking Sector, 2014

European Systemic Risk Board, Handbook on the follow-up to ESRB recommendations, 2013

European Systemic Risk Board, Macro-prudential Commentaries, various issues

European Systemic Risk Board, The ESRB Handbook on Operationalising Macro-prudential Policy in the Banking Sector, 2014

European Systemic Risk Board, Recommendations, various issues

International Monetary Fund, Macroprudential Policy: An Organizing framework, March 14, 2011

Lim, Costa, Kongsamut et al, Macroprudential policy: What instruments and how to use them?, IMF Working Paper, WP/11/238, 2011



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