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Презентация на тему Energy generation

So What Exactly Is Electricity? Electricity by definition is electric current that is used as a power source!This electric current is generated in a power plant, and then sent out over a power grid to your
Electricity Generation So What Exactly Is Electricity? Electricity by definition is electric current that So How Is An Electric Current Generated? Electric current generation - whether Motion is Essential An electric current is not generated unless the magnetic Simple Electric Generator So simple electric generators found in power plants contain, - AC of 60 Hz produced by generator Resistance losses are smallest What Happens At Home? At home, electric current that was generated by Water generated - HydroelectricShasta Dam In CaliforniaHydroelectric Power Conversion from potential energy The Hydrologic Cycle - Hydroelectricity has dropped from producing 30 % to 10% of US Other Energy Considerations Solar Power – uses the sun energy to either Proportion of World’s energy consumption - 1997Proportion of the world’s Electricity generation - 1997
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Слайд 2 So What Exactly Is Electricity?
Electricity by definition

So What Exactly Is Electricity? Electricity by definition is electric current

is electric current that is used as a power


This electric current is generated in a power plant, and then sent out
over a power grid to your homes, and ultimately to your power outlets.

Today we will explore electrical energy, better known as electricity

Слайд 3 So How Is An Electric Current Generated?

So How Is An Electric Current Generated? Electric current generation -

current generation - whether from fossil fuels, nuclear, renewable

fuels, or other sources is usually
based on the:

Simple Equation For Electricity Generation

Слайд 4 Motion is Essential
An electric current is not

Motion is Essential An electric current is not generated unless the

generated unless the magnetic field is moving

to the copper wire, or the copper wire is moving relative to the
magnetic field.

If you place a magnet and a conductor (copper wire), in a room together
there will be no electric current generated.

This is because motion, from our equation for electricity, is missing!

Слайд 5
Simple Electric Generator
So simple electric generators found

Simple Electric Generator So simple electric generators found in power plants

in power plants contain, magnets
and copper wire that

when put into motion relative to one another
create the electric current that is sent out to homes.

The major problem in
electricity generation
Is where does the
Motion come from
that keeps the
copper wire and
magnets moving
relative to one

In this case, wind power applies a force to the blades that turns them.
The spinning blades, spin an armature that turns the copper wire
relative to the magnetic field. As long as the blades spin, electricity
will be generated!

Слайд 6 - AC of 60 Hz produced by generator

- AC of 60 Hz produced by generator Resistance losses are

Resistance losses are smallest at high voltages and low


Electricity Transmission

Слайд 7 What Happens At Home?
At home, electric current

What Happens At Home? At home, electric current that was generated

that was generated by
generators in the power

is used to power
electric appliances.

The electric current,
running through the
copper wire causes
the armature to spin
which is how most
motors generate

Слайд 8 Water generated - Hydroelectric
Shasta Dam In California
Hydroelectric Power

Water generated - HydroelectricShasta Dam In CaliforniaHydroelectric Power Conversion from potential

Conversion from potential energy of
water to electric

energy is at 80 – 90%

-Hydroelectric projects in the United
States have rated capacities from
950 – 6480 MW

The use of Water Power is much
greater in some other countries.
Norway obtains 99% of its electricity
from water power. Nepal, Brazil, and
New Zealand are close seconds.

Слайд 9 The Hydrologic Cycle

The Hydrologic Cycle

Слайд 10 - Hydroelectricity has dropped from producing 30 %

- Hydroelectricity has dropped from producing 30 % to 10% of

to 10% of US electricity
- Large fluctuations in output

are mainly due to variable rainfall totals

Слайд 11 Other Energy Considerations
Solar Power – uses the

Other Energy Considerations Solar Power – uses the sun energy to

sun energy to either boil water or directly converts

solar energy to electrical energy

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion – uses temperature differences
between different depths of ocean water to drive a heat engine. Working
fluid is ammonia which is gas at room temperature.

-Biomass Energy: Municipal Solid Waste – burning wastes to drive heat

Geothermal Energy – based on naturally occurring heat in the Earth in the
Earth due to radioactive decay

Tidal Energy – uses the gravitational pull of the moon on our oceans to
drive turbines

  • Имя файла: energy-generation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 0