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Презентация на тему Quantum Semantics

Bra-ket notation (Dirac, 1939) 
Bra-ket notation (Dirac, 1939)  Outer product  Eigenvectors and eigenvalues  Density operator (matrix)  Trace inner product  Distributional Semantics  Distributional Inclusion Hypothesis  Category Theory  Category Theory  Compact closed categories  Graphical calculus    Graphical calculus Swing rule Compositional Distributional Model  Pregroup (Lambek, 2001)  Pregroup grammar  Basic types  Pregroups as compact closed categories  Examples“John likes Mary”“John	does	not	like	Mary”      “From-the-meanings-of-words-to-the-meanings-of-the-sentence” map  Example: “John likes Mary”  Example: “John likes Mary”  Example Example Example Example Example ReadingsEsma Balkir. Using Density Matrices in a Compositional Distributional Model of Meaning.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Bra-ket notation (Dirac, 1939)

Bra-ket notation (Dirac, 1939) 

Слайд 3 Outer product

Outer product 

Слайд 4 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues 

Слайд 5 Density operator (matrix)

Density operator (matrix) 

Слайд 6 Trace inner product

Trace inner product 

Слайд 7 Distributional Semantics

Distributional Semantics 

Слайд 8 Distributional Inclusion Hypothesis

Distributional Inclusion Hypothesis 

Слайд 9 Category Theory

Category Theory 

Слайд 10 Category Theory

Category Theory 

Слайд 11 Compact closed categories

Compact closed categories 

Слайд 12 Graphical calculus

Graphical calculus   

Слайд 13 Graphical calculus
Swing rule

Graphical calculus Swing rule

Слайд 14 Compositional Distributional Model

Compositional Distributional Model 

Слайд 15 Pregroup (Lambek, 2001)

Pregroup (Lambek, 2001) 

Слайд 16 Pregroup grammar

Pregroup grammar 

Слайд 17 Basic types

Basic types 

Слайд 18 Pregroups as compact closed categories

Pregroups as compact closed categories 

Слайд 19 Examples
“John likes Mary”

“John does not like Mary”

Examples“John likes Mary”“John	does	not	like	Mary”

Слайд 22 “From-the-meanings-of-words-to-the-meanings-of-the-sentence” map

“From-the-meanings-of-words-to-the-meanings-of-the-sentence” map 

Слайд 23 Example: “John likes Mary”

Example: “John likes Mary” 

Слайд 24 Example: “John likes Mary”

Example: “John likes Mary” 

Слайд 25 Example


Слайд 26 Example


Слайд 27 Example


Слайд 28 Example


Слайд 29 Example


  • Имя файла: quantum-semantics.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0