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Презентация на тему Evolution of Isoconversional Methods

Early Methods
Evolution of Isoconversional Methods Evolution of Isoconversional Methods Early Methods Friedman methodsFig.1.2.The relative error in the activation energy as a function of Ozawa, and Flynn and WallFig. 1.3.  The activation energies determined by Friedman Modern Methods (Vyazovkin)Fig 1.4Relative error in the activation energy as a function Fig 1.5For a process that takes place on cooling from T0 to
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Early Methods

Early Methods

Слайд 3 Friedman methods
The relative error in the activation energy

Friedman methodsFig.1.2.The relative error in the activation energy as a function

as a function of the activation energy and the

distance between the initial temperature ( T0 ) and temperature of a given conversion ( Tf1) at the slowest heating rate β1 . (Reproduced from Starink [18] with permission of Springer)

Слайд 4 Ozawa, and Flynn and Wall
Fig. 1.3.  The activation

Ozawa, and Flynn and WallFig. 1.3.  The activation energies determined by

energies determined by Friedman for the thermal degradation of

phenolic plastic. (Reproduced from Friedman [13] with permission of Wiley)



Слайд 5 Modern Methods (Vyazovkin)
Fig 1.4
Relative error in the activation

Modern Methods (Vyazovkin)Fig 1.4Relative error in the activation energy as a

energy as a function of x= E RT ;

nonlinear method,( circles), linear Kissinger–Akahira– Sunose equation, Eq. 2.13 ( squares). (Reproduced from Vyazovkin and Dollimore [34] with permission of ACS

  • Имя файла: evolution-of-isoconversional-methods.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 292
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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