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Презентация на тему Intro to databases database management system

Intro to DatabasesDatabase Management System (DBMS) provides…. … efficient, reliable, convenient, and safe multi-user storage of and access to massive amounts of persistent data.
Data Modelling and DatabasesJooyoung Leehttp://www.dainfos.comSlides are adopted from Jennifer Widom @ Stanford University Intro to DatabasesDatabase Management System (DBMS) provides…. … efficient, reliable, convenient, and Intro to Databases Massive Persistent Safe Multi-user Convenient Efficient Reliable Intro to Databases Database applications may be programmed via “frameworks” DBMS may Intro to DatabasesKey concepts Data model Schema versus data Data definition language Intro to DatabasesKey people DBMS implementer Database designer Database application developer Database administrator The Relational Model Used by all major commercial database systems Very simple Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents at Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents at Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents at Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents at Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents at The Relational ModelCreating relations (tables) in SQL Create Table Student(ID, name, GPA, The Relational Model Used by all major commercial database systems Very simple Querying Relational DatabasesSteps in creating and using a (relational) database Querying Relational DatabasesAd-hoc queries in high-level languageAll students with GPA > 3.7 Querying Relational DatabasesQueries return relations (“compositional”, “closed”) Querying Relational DatabasesQuery Languages Relational Algebra SQLIDs of students with GPA > Assignment 1Write one page essay in latex [sharelatex.com] that includes the followings:Your Whether you know it or not,you’re using a database every day
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Intro to Databases
Database Management System (DBMS) provides….

Intro to DatabasesDatabase Management System (DBMS) provides…. … efficient, reliable, convenient,

efficient, reliable, convenient, and safe
multi-user storage of

and access to massive
amounts of persistent data.

Слайд 3 Intro to Databases

Intro to Databases Massive Persistent Safe Multi-user Convenient Efficient Reliable


Слайд 4 Intro to Databases
Database applications may be programmed

Intro to Databases Database applications may be programmed via “frameworks” DBMS

via “frameworks”
DBMS may run in conjunction with “middleware”

Data-intensive applications may not use DBMS at all

Слайд 5 Intro to Databases
Key concepts
Data model
Schema versus

Intro to DatabasesKey concepts Data model Schema versus data Data definition

Data definition language (DDL)
Data manipulation or query

language (DML)

Слайд 6 Intro to Databases
Key people
DBMS implementer
Database designer

Intro to DatabasesKey people DBMS implementer Database designer Database application developer Database administrator

Database application developer
Database administrator

Слайд 7 The Relational Model
Used by all major commercial

The Relational Model Used by all major commercial database systems Very

database systems
Very simple model
Query with high-level languages:

simple yet expressive
Efficient implementations

Слайд 8 Schema = structural description of relations in database

Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents

= actual contents at given point in time
The Relational


Слайд 9 Schema = structural description of relations in database

Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents

= actual contents at given point in time
Database =

set of named relations (or tables)
Each relation has a set of named attributes (or columns)
Each tuple (or row) has a value for each attribute
Each attribute has a type (or domain)

The Relational Model



Слайд 10 Schema = structural description of relations in database

Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents

= actual contents at given point in time
Database =

set of named relations (or tables)
Each relation has a set of named attributes (or columns)
Each tuple (or row) has a value for each attribute
Each attribute has a type (or domain)

The Relational Model

Schema – structural description of relations in database
Instance – actual contents at given point in time



Слайд 11 Schema = structural description of relations in database

Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents

= actual contents at given point in time
Database =

set of named relations (or tables)
Each relation has a set of named attributes (or columns)
Each tuple (or row) has a value for each attribute
Each attribute has a type (or domain)

The Relational Model

Schema – structural description of relations in database
Instance – actual contents at given point in time

NULL – special value for “unknown” or “undefined”



Слайд 12 Schema = structural description of relations in database

Schema = structural description of relations in databaseInstance = actual contents

= actual contents at given point in time
Database =

set of named relations (or tables)
Each relation has a set of named attributes (or columns)
Each tuple (or row) has a value for each attribute
Each attribute has a type (or domain)

The Relational Model

Schema – structural description of relations in database
Instance – actual contents at given point in time

NULL – special value for “unknown” or “undefined”

Key – attribute whose value is unique in each tuple
Or set of attributes whose combined values are unique



Слайд 13 The Relational Model
Creating relations (tables) in SQL


The Relational ModelCreating relations (tables) in SQL Create Table Student(ID, name,

Table Student(ID, name, GPA, photo)

Create Table Dorm

string, unit char(3), CAP integer)

Слайд 14 The Relational Model
Used by all major commercial

The Relational Model Used by all major commercial database systems Very

database systems
Very simple model
Query with high-level languages:

simple yet expressive
Efficient implementations

Слайд 15 Querying Relational Databases
Steps in creating and using a

Querying Relational DatabasesSteps in creating and using a (relational) database

(relational) database
1. Design schema; create using

2. “Bulk load” initial data
3. Repeat: execute queries and modifications

Слайд 16 Querying Relational Databases
Ad-hoc queries in high-level language
All students

Querying Relational DatabasesAd-hoc queries in high-level languageAll students with GPA >

with GPA > 3.7 applying to Stanford and MIT

All engineering departments in CA with < 500 applicants
College with highest average accept rate over last 5 years
Some easy to pose; some a bit harder
Some easy for DBMS to execute efficiently; some harder
“Query language” also used to modify data

Слайд 17 Querying Relational Databases
Queries return relations (“compositional”, “closed”)

Querying Relational DatabasesQueries return relations (“compositional”, “closed”)

Слайд 18 Querying Relational Databases
Query Languages
Relational Algebra


IDs of

Querying Relational DatabasesQuery Languages Relational Algebra SQLIDs of students with GPA

students with GPA > 3.7 applying to Stanford
Select Student.ID

Student, Apply
Where Student.ID=Apply.ID
And GPA>3.7 and college=‘Stanford’

Слайд 19 Assignment 1
Write one page essay in latex [sharelatex.com]

Assignment 1Write one page essay in latex [sharelatex.com] that includes the

that includes the followings:
Your name and email.
Your short bio.

databases based on your opinion by using any search engine.
Cite all the sources you use.
No copy-paste.

  • Имя файла: intro-to-databases-database-management-system.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 199
  • Количество скачиваний: 1