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Презентация на тему Text linguistics as a new perspective in linguistic studies

Plan.Text linguistics: from sentence to text. Defining the terms “sentence” and “text”. The notion of “textuality”.
Lecture 1  TEXT LINGUISTICS  AS A NEW PERSPECTIVE Plan.Text linguistics: from sentence to text. The sources of Text Linguistics Text linguistics: from sentence to textWerlich in an earlier comment (1976:14): “sentence Related disciplines: Text grammar vs. Text linguistics vs. Discourse analysis Defining the term “sentence”Robert de Beaugrande suggests the following sets of criteria:1. Definitions of the term “text”: 7 standards of textuality  by Robert De Beaugrande and W.Dressler CohesionCoherenceIntentionalityAcceptabilityInformativityContextualityIntertextuality Thanks for attention! Task for Seminar 1Lecture 1 (Test on terms and classifications).Studying ‘text’: the
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Слайд 2 Plan.
Text linguistics:

Plan.Text linguistics: from sentence to text. Defining the

from sentence to text.
Defining the terms “sentence” and

The notion of “textuality”.

Слайд 3 The sources of Text Linguistics

The sources of Text Linguistics

Слайд 4 Text linguistics: from sentence to text
Werlich in an

Text linguistics: from sentence to textWerlich in an earlier comment (1976:14):

earlier comment (1976:14): “sentence grammars do not tell the

learner of a foreign language the whole story about communication by means of language”..

Givon (1979): “... it has become obvious to a growing number of linguists that the study of the syntax of isolated sentences, extracted without natural context from the purposeful constructions of speakers is a methodology that has outlived it usefulness”.;

a slow shift away from a sentential perspective (as expressed primarily by Chomsky and his many followers) to a more textual or discoursal approach (Van Dijk, De Beaugrande & Dressler, Tannen);

Слайд 5 Related disciplines:

Related disciplines:

Слайд 6 Text grammar vs. Text linguistics vs. Discourse analysis

Text grammar vs. Text linguistics vs. Discourse analysis

Слайд 7 Defining the term “sentence”
Robert de Beaugrande suggests the

Defining the term “sentence”Robert de Beaugrande suggests the following sets of

following sets of criteria:
1. structural: a "sentence" consists of

an array of relations ("structures") among units, e.g., the "Subject" and the "Predicate" in an "independent clause";
2. formal: a "sentence" matches an array of formal symbols stipulated by a "formal grammar";
3. logical: a "sentence" is an "expression" derived via "rules" from a "logical system" of basic "axioms";
4. philosophical: a "sentence" is a "true or false statement" about a "state of affairs" in a "real or possible world";
5. cognitive: a "sentence" is a "proposition" with a "predicate" and one or more "arguments";
6. thematic: a sentence is a pattern for relating the "theme" (or "topic") conveying known or predictable information with the "rheme" (or "comment") conveying new or unpredictable information.

Слайд 8 Definitions of the term “text”:

Definitions of the term “text”:

Слайд 9 7 standards of textuality by Robert De Beaugrande

7 standards of textuality by Robert De Beaugrande and W.Dressler CohesionCoherenceIntentionalityAcceptabilityInformativityContextualityIntertextuality

and W.Dressler


Слайд 10 Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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