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Презентация на тему Intoxication by agricultural chemical poisonings


DefinitionPesticides (Latin pestis is a plague, contagion, caedere – to kill) are chemical matters which are used in agriculture for a fight against diseases and pests of cultural plants and destroying weeds. Application of such matters
KVASNITSKA O.S.Intoxication by agricultural chemical poisonings DefinitionPesticides (Latin pestis is a plague, contagion, caedere – to kill) are Where Are Pesticides Used? Forests to control insects and under-story vegetation;Landscapes, parks, Where Are Pesticides Used?Aquatic sites to control mosquitoes and weedsWood products to Main groups of pesticides1. Insecticides – substances which are used for a 4. Herbicides – for destroying weeds5. Bactericides – against bacteria6. Acaracides – Classification of pesticides according the chemical structure:1.     Chlorine organic connections (chloridan, heptachlor, Classification of pesticides according the chemical structure:6.     Cyanides (cyanic acid, cyanamid of AerialAir blast sprayerEnclosed cabBackpack wandBoom sprayerAgriculture Pesticide Applications Agriculture JobsOrchard thinnerMixer loaderFlaggerPicker 90% of pesticides used today are synthetic ROUTES OF EXPOSURESource: EPA Protect Yourself from Pesticides-Guide of Agricultural WorkersOP’s are The pesticide cyclePesticide use has helped increase agricultural productivity, pesticides may move Intoxication by phosphorus organic connections. Organophosphate poisoninghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organophosphate_poisoning Organophosphates are used in:Pesticides sprayed and dusted onto cereals, fruit and vegetablesDe-wormers Chemical names for organophosphates active ingridientsMethyl parathionEthyl parathionMalathionDiazinonFenthionDichlorvosChlorpyrifosTrichlorfonparathionDichlorvosChlorpyrifosMalathionhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organophosphate_poisoning Pathophysiology2007 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU), Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences.University of Washington opchild@u.washington.edu Common causes of OP poisoningInhalation The agricultural use without adequate protection. Airborne IngestionConsumption of domestic drinking water stored in contaminated, discarded poison containersConsumption of Absorption and ingestionFailure to wash hands after handling pesticides or pet flea http://blog.ecosmart.com/index.php/2008/09/19/the-history-of-pesticides/Clinical pictureSymptoms of acute OP poisoning develop during or after exposure, within Commonly reported early symptomsHeadacheNauseaDizzinessHypersecretion (sweating and salivation)Muscle twitchingWeaknessTremorsIn coordinationVomitingAbdominal crampsDiarrheaParalysis http://www.extension.org/pages/17854/symptoms-of-pesticide-poisoning Clinical picture	Basic symptoms of the acute poisoning by phosphorus organic pesticides are Muscarinic effects (result of excitation of M- cholinoreceptions)Increased contractions of smooth muscle: Nicotinic effects (excitation of M- cholinoreceptions and defect of striated muscles)Muscle weaknessFasciculations: CNS Effects (toxic influence of acetilcholine on the cortex of cerebrum and The types and severity of cholinesterase inhibition symptoms depend on:Toxicity of pesticideAmount The easy form of acute intoxication- tachycardia which later changes on bradycardia, At middle degree of severity of acute intoxication to the symptoms of The heavy (comatose) form of intoxication meets rarely, sometimes it finished lethally. Chronic poisonings by phosphorus organic connections it is needed to differentiate with TreatmentAntidote therapy - cholinolitics and reactivates of cholinesterase: at the easy form Intoxication by arsenic connections Arsenic (As)Chemistry:extremely complex because it can exist in metallic form, can be Sources of As	smelting of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc ores	combustion of Arsenic (As)pharmacokinetics and dynamics:absorbed via inhalation, ingestion and dermal exposuremimics phosphate in Arsenic Toxicity Mechanismsbinds to sulfhydryl groups (and disulfide groups), disrupts sulfhydryl-containing enzymes The catarrhal form of acute intoxicationappear from the hit of the aerosol Gastrointestinal format the casual hit of poison in a gastrointestinal tract. metallic Chronic intoxicationmeets in persons, which long time contact in the terms of Arsenic poisoninghttp://manbir-online.com/diseases/arsenic.htmTypical findings are skin and nail changes, such as hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, exfoliative dermatitis, http://manbir-online.com/diseases/arsenic.htm Diagnostic criteria of Chronic arsenicosis.1. At least 6 months exposure to arsenic Dermatological criteria and grading of severity of chronic arsenic toxicityhttp://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/arsenicun4.pdfGuha Mazumder , (In press) LABORATORY FINDINGS When acute arsenic poisoning is suspected, an x-ray of the abdomen TreatmentVomiting should be induced in the alert patient with acute arsenic ingestion.Gastric Intoxication by chlorine organic connections. Chlorinated hydrocarbon (organochlorine) insecticides, solvents, and fumigants are widely used around the 5 groups of organochlorines insecticidesDichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and analogues (eg, dicofol, methoxychlor)Hexachlorocyclohexane (ie, http://www.prn.usm.my/old_website/mainsite/bulletin/1996/prn10.html http://wa.water.usgs.gov/pubs/fs/fs170-96/images/fs-170-96_foodchain.gif Mechanism of toxicityToxicity in humans is largely due to stimulation of the Clinical presentationCNS excitation and depression are the primary effects observed from organochlorine Physical findingsPhysical examinations findings depends on type of exposureIngestionsNausea and vomitingConfusion, tremor, Skin absorption or inhalationEar, nose, and throat irritationBlurred visionCoughAcute lung injury (ALI)DermatitisPhysical findingshttp://emedicine.medscape.com/article/815051-overview#a0104 Chronic exposure (meets in persons who constantly contact with chlorine organic connections: Pulmonary - Increased A-a gradient, hypoxemiaCardiovascular - Sinus tachycardia or bradycardia, QT Prehospital CareDermal decontamination is a priority. Remove clothes.Wash skin with soap and TreatmentGI DecontaminantActivated charcoal is emergency treatment in poisoning caused by drugs and Bile acid sequestrantsThese binding agents are used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia BenzodiazepinesMainstay of treatment for hydrocarbon insecticide–induced seizures.Lorazepam (Ativan) Rate of injection should not AnticonvulsantsClass Summary. Additional options include pentobarbital or propofol for seizure control if Intoxication by mercury organic connections. They are high enough bactericidal and fungicides characteristics and at staining does The organic mercury compounds are of great interest today because they are Structures, physical, and chemical properties of organic mercury compounds Mechanism of mercury toxicityMolecular mechanisms of mercury genotoxicity. Mercury compounds enter the Minamata disease Clinical presentationAtaxiatremors unsteady gait illegible handwriting, slurred speecherythema of the palms and A diagnosis we put when we have special clinical picture and information Treatment-         To wash a stomach and enterosorbtion;-         Antidote - Unitiol, intramuscular 5 Thanks for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Definition
Pesticides (Latin pestis is a plague, contagion, caedere

DefinitionPesticides (Latin pestis is a plague, contagion, caedere – to kill)

– to kill) are chemical matters which are used

in agriculture for a fight against diseases and pests of cultural plants and destroying weeds. Application of such matters is basis for the increase of the productivity, at the same time the wide use of pesticides, in agriculture, constantly multiplies the contingent of persons which contact with them

Слайд 3 Where Are Pesticides Used?
Forests to control insects

Where Are Pesticides Used? Forests to control insects and under-story vegetation;Landscapes,

and under-story vegetation;

Landscapes, parks, and recreational areas to control

weeds, insects, and disease pests;

Rights-of-way along railroads and under electric wires to control vegetation;

Houses, schools, and commercial and office buildings to control insects, rodents, and fungi;
Boat hulls to control fouling organisms;

Слайд 4 Where Are Pesticides Used?
Aquatic sites to control mosquitoes

Where Are Pesticides Used?Aquatic sites to control mosquitoes and weedsWood products

and weeds

Wood products to control wood-destroying organisms

Food preparation areas

to control insects and rodents

Human skin to kill or repel insects

Household pets to control fleas and ticks

Livestock to control insects and other pests.

Слайд 5 Main groups of pesticides
1. Insecticides – substances which

Main groups of pesticides1. Insecticides – substances which are used for

are used for a fight against insects
2. Fungicides –

for treating of plants from mycotic diseases
3. Defoliants – preparations which are used for the delete of leaves of plants

Слайд 6 4. Herbicides – for destroying weeds
5. Bactericides –

4. Herbicides – for destroying weeds5. Bactericides – against bacteria6. Acaracides

against bacteria
6. Acaracides – for destroying of the mites

Rodenticides – against rodents
8. Ovicides – against larvae and caterpillar

Main groups of pesticides

Слайд 7 Classification of pesticides according the chemical structure:
1.     Chlorine

Classification of pesticides according the chemical structure:1.     Chlorine organic connections (chloridan,

organic connections (chloridan, heptachlor, chlorten, polychlorpinen).
2.     Phosphorus organic connections

(karbofos, chlorofos, metaphos, thiophos).
3.     Mercury organic connections (granosan, mercuran, mercur- gexan).
4.     Connections of arsenic (arsenat sodium, arsenat calcium, parisian greenery).
5.     Derivates of carbamic acid (bethanol, carbin, sevin and other).

Слайд 8 Classification of pesticides according the chemical structure:
6.     Cyanides

Classification of pesticides according the chemical structure:6.     Cyanides (cyanic acid, cyanamid

(cyanic acid, cyanamid of calcium).
7.     Preparations of copper (burgundy

liquid, blue vitriol).
8.     Sulphur and its connections (colloid sulphur, sulphuric anhydride, ground sulphur).
9.     Preparations of vegetable origin (anabasine, nicotine, piretrum).

Слайд 9 Aerial
Air blast sprayer
Enclosed cab
Backpack wand
Boom sprayer
Agriculture Pesticide Applications

AerialAir blast sprayerEnclosed cabBackpack wandBoom sprayerAgriculture Pesticide Applications

Слайд 10 Agriculture Jobs
Orchard thinner
Mixer loader

Agriculture JobsOrchard thinnerMixer loaderFlaggerPicker

Слайд 11 90% of pesticides used today are synthetic

90% of pesticides used today are synthetic

Source: EPA Protect Yourself from Pesticides-Guide

ROUTES OF EXPOSURESource: EPA Protect Yourself from Pesticides-Guide of Agricultural WorkersOP’s

of Agricultural Workers
OP’s are readily absorbed:

Across the SKIN with

skin contact

In the lungs with INHALATION of pesticide contaminated air/dust

In the gut by INGESTION of pesticide residue on food/dirt/dust

Слайд 13 The pesticide cycle
Pesticide use has helped increase agricultural

The pesticide cyclePesticide use has helped increase agricultural productivity, pesticides may

productivity, pesticides may move from agricultural land into the

broader environment, thus contributing to environmental contamination of surface and ground waters 

Processes involved in the movement of pesticides from the site of application (Cessna et al. 2005)

Слайд 14 Intoxication by phosphorus organic connections.

Intoxication by phosphorus organic connections.

Слайд 15 Organophosphate poisoning


Organophosphate poisoninghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organophosphate_poisoning

Слайд 16 Organophosphates are used in:
Pesticides sprayed and dusted onto

Organophosphates are used in:Pesticides sprayed and dusted onto cereals, fruit and

cereals, fruit and vegetables
De-wormers and systemic ‘pour-ons’ applied to

farm animals
Fly sprays and vaporizing strips used in industrial, commercial and domestic premises
Flea collars and treatment for pests
Anti-lice shampoo

Слайд 17 Chemical names for organophosphates active ingridients
Methyl parathion
Ethyl parathion


Chemical names for organophosphates active ingridientsMethyl parathionEthyl parathionMalathionDiazinonFenthionDichlorvosChlorpyrifosTrichlorfonparathionDichlorvosChlorpyrifosMalathionhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organophosphate_poisoning

Слайд 18 Pathophysiology
2007 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU), Department of

Pathophysiology2007 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU), Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences.University of Washington opchild@u.washington.edu

Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences.University of Washington opchild@u.washington.edu

Слайд 19 Common causes of OP poisoning
The agricultural use

Common causes of OP poisoningInhalation The agricultural use without adequate protection.

without adequate protection. Airborne inhalation during application of pesticides

to pets or household surfaces and carpets in unventilated areas. Even handling of flea collars for pets may adversely affect a person (sprays or flea collars)


Слайд 20 Ingestion
Consumption of domestic drinking water stored in contaminated,

IngestionConsumption of domestic drinking water stored in contaminated, discarded poison containersConsumption

discarded poison containers
Consumption of fruit and vegetables that have

been treated with pesticides, and not washed properly

Common causes of OP poisoning


Слайд 21 Absorption and ingestion
Failure to wash hands after handling

Absorption and ingestionFailure to wash hands after handling pesticides or pet

pesticides or pet flea and tick control products
Common causes

of OP poisoning


Слайд 23 http://blog.ecosmart.com/index.php/2008/09/19/the-history-of-pesticides/
Clinical picture

Symptoms of acute OP poisoning develop during

http://blog.ecosmart.com/index.php/2008/09/19/the-history-of-pesticides/Clinical pictureSymptoms of acute OP poisoning develop during or after exposure,

or after exposure, within minutes to hours, depending on

the method of contact. Exposure due to inhalation results in the fastest appearance to toxic symptoms, followed by the gastrointestinal route and, finally, the dermal route.

Слайд 24 Commonly reported early symptoms
Hypersecretion (sweating and salivation)
Muscle twitching

Commonly reported early symptomsHeadacheNauseaDizzinessHypersecretion (sweating and salivation)Muscle twitchingWeaknessTremorsIn coordinationVomitingAbdominal crampsDiarrheaParalysis http://www.extension.org/pages/17854/symptoms-of-pesticide-poisoning

Abdominal cramps

Слайд 25 Clinical picture

Basic symptoms of the acute poisoning by

Clinical picture	Basic symptoms of the acute poisoning by phosphorus organic pesticides

phosphorus organic pesticides are owing to muscarinic action, nicotinic

action and by the central action of acetilcholine.

Слайд 26 Muscarinic effects (result of excitation of M- cholinoreceptions)
Increased contractions

Muscarinic effects (result of excitation of M- cholinoreceptions)Increased contractions of smooth

of smooth muscle: GI tract and ureters
Increased secretions of

gland cells: lacrimal, sweet, salivary, gastric, intestinal, pancreatic
Miosis: constricted pupils


Слайд 27 Nicotinic effects (excitation of M- cholinoreceptions and defect of

Nicotinic effects (excitation of M- cholinoreceptions and defect of striated muscles)Muscle

striated muscles)
Muscle weakness
Fasciculations: small, local contractions of muscles visible

through the skin, representing a spontaneous discharge of a number of fibers innervated by a single motor nerve filament
Areflexia: absence of reflexes
Tachycardia: rapid heart rate, >100 beats per min

Слайд 28 CNS Effects (toxic influence of acetilcholine on the cortex

CNS Effects (toxic influence of acetilcholine on the cortex of cerebrum

of cerebrum and medulla)
Oppression and paralysis of vitally important

centers of medulla

Слайд 29 The types and severity of cholinesterase inhibition symptoms

The types and severity of cholinesterase inhibition symptoms depend on:Toxicity of

depend on:
Toxicity of pesticide
Amount of pesticide involved in the

Route of exposure ( inhalation is fastest, followed by ingestion, then dermal)
Duration of exposure

Слайд 30 The easy form of acute intoxication
- tachycardia which

The easy form of acute intoxication- tachycardia which later changes on

later changes on bradycardia, and raises the arterial blood

- the decrease of cholinesterase is marked in blood;
- a disease at the easy form of motion is finished, as a rule, by convalescence.

Слайд 31 At middle degree of severity of acute intoxication

At middle degree of severity of acute intoxication to the symptoms

to the symptoms of previous stage addition;
- a fever with

increase of temperature of body to 40 ºC, excitation which later changes for depression, feeling of fear, appears inadequate reaction on external irritants;
- headache increases, appears expressed salivation and tearing, hyperhidrosis, a muscle weakness grows;
- violation of breathing shows up by hard inhalation and exhalation, with mass of dry whistling and moist large vesicles, little vesicles and vesicular rales;
- appear the signs of oxygen insufficiency, tachycardia which changes on bradycardia, decrease of arterial blood pressure, a heart is extended, tones are quiet;

Слайд 32 The heavy (comatose) form of intoxication meets rarely,

The heavy (comatose) form of intoxication meets rarely, sometimes it finished

sometimes it finished lethally. In the clinic of heavy

form distinguish three stages: excitation, convulsive and paralytic.

Management of a patient with severe organophosphorus poisoning in a Sri Lankan district hospital.
www.thelancet.com Vol 371 February 16, 2008

Слайд 33 Chronic poisonings by phosphorus organic connections it is

Chronic poisonings by phosphorus organic connections it is needed to differentiate

needed to differentiate with astenovegetative neuroses, myocardial dystrophy. By

an important laboratory index which confirms the diagnosis of acute intoxication there is decrease of activity of cholinesterase to 50 % and anymore.

Слайд 34 Treatment
Antidote therapy - cholinolitics and reactivates of cholinesterase:

TreatmentAntidote therapy - cholinolitics and reactivates of cholinesterase: at the easy

at the easy form of intoxication intramuscular enter 1-2

ml of 0,1 % to solution of atropine; at middle and heavy degrees intoxications intensive atropinisation is conducted. Once intramuscular enter 3-5 ml of 0,1 % solution of atropine, and then pass introduction of atropine to supporting. Injections repeat oneself each 5-6 minutes to stopping of muskarinic symptoms and appearance of signs of overdose of atropine (dryness of mycoses, expansion of pupils).
Respiratory support is given as necessary. Gastric decontamination should be considered only after the patient has been fully resuscitated and stabilised. Patients must be carefully observed after stabilisation for changes in atropine needs, worsening respiratory function because of intermediate syndrome, and recurrent cholinergic features occuring with fat-soluble organophosphorus

Слайд 35 Intoxication by arsenic connections

Intoxication by arsenic connections

Слайд 36 Arsenic (As)
extremely complex because it can exist in

Arsenic (As)Chemistry:extremely complex because it can exist in metallic form, can

metallic form, can be in trivalent and pentavalent state

(charge of 3+ or 5+), and can be organic or inorganic
widely distributed in nature (variety of forms)

Environmental fate:
found in surface and groundwater through runoff
accumulates in plants if soil conditions are right
bioaccumulates in aquatic ecosystems (so fish consumption is a source)

From: Klaassen et al., Chap. 19, Philp, Chap. 6

Слайд 37 Sources of As

smelting of gold, silver, copper, lead

Sources of As	smelting of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc ores	combustion

and zinc ores
combustion of fossil fuels
agricultural uses as herbicides

and fungicides, as insecticides for staining of seed, destroying the pests of garden cultures, rice fields, malarial mosquito maggots and for a fight against rodents
cigarette smoke
occupational: largest source is manufacture of pesticides and herbicides

Слайд 38 Arsenic (As)
pharmacokinetics and dynamics:
absorbed via inhalation, ingestion and

Arsenic (As)pharmacokinetics and dynamics:absorbed via inhalation, ingestion and dermal exposuremimics phosphate

dermal exposure
mimics phosphate in terms of uptake by cells

by methylation: decreased rates lead to increased toxicity (individual susceptibility)
Can cross placenta
accumulates in liver, kidney, heart and lung - later in bones, teeth, hair, etc.
half-life is 10 hr, excretion via kidneys

From: Klaassen et al., Chap. 19, Philp, Chap. 6

Слайд 39 Arsenic Toxicity Mechanisms
binds to sulfhydryl groups (and disulfide

Arsenic Toxicity Mechanismsbinds to sulfhydryl groups (and disulfide groups), disrupts sulfhydryl-containing

groups), disrupts sulfhydryl-containing enzymes (As (III))
inhibits pyruvate and succinate

oxidation pathways and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, causing impaired gluconeogenesis, and redu ced oxidative phosphorylation
targets ubiquitous enzyme reactions, so affects nearly all organ systems
substitution for phosphorus in biochemical reactions
Replacing the stable phosphorus anion in phosphate with the less stable As(V) anion leads to rapid hydrolysis of high-energy bonds in compounds such as ATP. That leads to loss of high-energy phosphate bonds and effectively "uncouples" oxidative phosphorylation.

Слайд 40 The catarrhal form of acute intoxication
appear from the hit

The catarrhal form of acute intoxicationappear from the hit of the

of the aerosol of arsenic on the mycoses of

eyes and breathing organs.
- appearance of weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomit, by sweetish taste in a mouse, feeling of fear, shaking, and painful cramps;
- there are an irritation and sharp hyperemia of mucosas of overhead respiratory tracts and eyes that shows up burning of eyes, tearing, cold, sneezing, edema of mucus of nose, cough, sometimes with hemoptysis and pain in thorax;
- the signs of heart insufficiency, astenovegetative syndrome, and also symptoms of defect of gastrointestinal tract, appear later.

Слайд 41 Gastrointestinal form
at the casual hit of poison in

Gastrointestinal format the casual hit of poison in a gastrointestinal tract.

a gastrointestinal tract.
metallic taste appears in a mouth,

dryness, swallowing, incessant vomit (the masses of vomits have a garlic smell), acute abdomen pain, diarrhea.
the amount of urine diminishes;
the loss of liquid conduces to acute dehydration of organism;
an acute weakness, dizziness, develops, sometimes fainting fit, decrease the temperature of body and arterial blood pressure goes down, the collapse state develops;

Слайд 42 Chronic intoxication
meets in persons, which long time contact

Chronic intoxicationmeets in persons, which long time contact in the terms

in the terms of productions with pair or dust

of connections of arsenic, which get to the organism through respiratory tracts or skin.
absence of appetite, hypersalivation, periodic nausea and vomit, stomach pain, violation of stool;
pains in a nose and throat, hoarseness, cough, cold, nose-bleeds, rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis;
rush appears on a skin, ulcers and psilosis;
heavy violations of metabolism result in considerable weight loss, defect of liver, kidneys, appearance of anemia.

Слайд 43 Arsenic poisoning

Typical findings are skin and nail changes, such

Arsenic poisoninghttp://manbir-online.com/diseases/arsenic.htmTypical findings are skin and nail changes, such as hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, exfoliative

as hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, exfoliative dermatitis, and Mees’ lines (transverse white striae of

the fingernails); sensory and motor polyneuritis manifesting as numbness and tingling in a “stocking-glove” distribution, distal weakness, and quadriplegia; and inflammation of the respiratory mucosa.Epidemiologic evidence has linked chronic consumption of water containing arsenic at concentrations in the range of 10 to 1820 ppb with vasospasm and peripheral vascular insufficiency culminating in “blackfoot disease - a gangrenous condition affecting the extremities.Chronic arsenic exposure has also been associated with a greatlyelevated risk of skin cancer and possibly of cancers of the lung, liver (angiosarcoma), bladder, kidney, and colon

Слайд 44 http://manbir-online.com/diseases/arsenic.htm


Слайд 45 Diagnostic criteria of Chronic arsenicosis.
1. At least 6

Diagnostic criteria of Chronic arsenicosis.1. At least 6 months exposure to

months exposure to arsenic levels of greater than 50

mg/L or exposure of high arsenic level from food and air.
2. Dermatological features characteristic of chronic arsenicosis.
3. Non carcinomatous manifestations : Weakness, chronic lung disease, non cirrhotic portal fibrosis of liver with/without portal hypertension, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, non pitting edema of feet/ hand.
4. Cancers : Bowens disease, Squamous cell carcinoma, Basal cell carcinoma at multiple sites, occurring in unexposed parts of the body.
5. Arsenic level in hair and nail above 1 mg/kg and 1.08 mg/kg respectively and/or arsenic level in urine, above 50 mg/L (without any history of taking seafood).

Guha Mazumder , (In press)

Слайд 46 Dermatological criteria and grading of severity of chronic

Dermatological criteria and grading of severity of chronic arsenic toxicityhttp://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/arsenicun4.pdfGuha Mazumder , (In press)

arsenic toxicity
Guha Mazumder , (In press)

 When acute arsenic poisoning is suspected, an

LABORATORY FINDINGS When acute arsenic poisoning is suspected, an x-ray of the

x-ray of the abdomen may reveal ingested arsenic, which

is radiopaque. The serum arsenic level may exceed 0.9 umol/L (7 ug/dL); however, arsenic is rapidly cleared from the blood. Electrocardiographic findings may include QRS complex broadening, QT prolongation, ST-segment depression, T-wave flattening, and multifocal ventricular tachycardia. Urinary arsenic should be measured in 24-h specimens collected after 48 h of abstinence from seafood ingestion; normally, levels of total urinary arsenic excretion are less than 0.67 umol/d (50 ug/d).Arsenic may be detected in the hair and nails for months after exposure.Abnormal liver function, anemia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, proteinuria, and hematuria may be detected.Electromyography may reveal features similar to those of Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Слайд 49 Treatment
Vomiting should be induced in the alert patient

TreatmentVomiting should be induced in the alert patient with acute arsenic

with acute arsenic ingestion.
Gastric lavage may be useful; activated

charcoal with a cathartic (such as sorbitol) may be tried.
Aggressive therapy with intravenous fluid and electrolyte replacement in an intensive-care setting may be life-saving.
Dimercaprol is the chelating agent of choice and is administered intramuscularly at an initial dose of 3 to 5 mg/kg on the following schedule: every 4 hr for 2 days, every 6 hr on the third day, and every 12 hr thereafter for 10 days. (An oral chelating agent may be substituted). Succimer is sometimes an effective alternative, particularly if adverse reactions to dimercaprol develop (such as nausea, vomiting, headache, increased blood pressure, and convulsions). In cases of renal failure, doses should be adjusted carefully, and hemodialysis may be needed to remove the chelating agent-arsenic complex. Arsine gas poisoning should be treated supportively with the goals of maintaining renal function and circulating red-cell mass.

Слайд 50 Intoxication by chlorine organic connections.

Intoxication by chlorine organic connections.

Слайд 51 Chlorinated hydrocarbon (organochlorine) insecticides, solvents, and fumigants are

Chlorinated hydrocarbon (organochlorine) insecticides, solvents, and fumigants are widely used around

widely used around the world. This class comprises a

variety of compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine. These compounds can be highly toxic, and the overwhelming majority have been universally banned because of their unacceptably slow degradation and subsequent bioaccumulation and toxicity.[1]Among the more notable, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is an organochlorine pesticide and its invention won Paul Müller the 1948 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Слайд 52 5 groups of organochlorines insecticides

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and analogues

5 groups of organochlorines insecticidesDichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and analogues (eg, dicofol, methoxychlor)Hexachlorocyclohexane

(eg, dicofol, methoxychlor)
Hexachlorocyclohexane (ie, benzene hexachloride) and isomers (eg,

lindane, gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane)
Cyclodienes (eg, endosulfan, chlordane, heptachlor, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, isobenzan)
Chlordecone, kelevan, and mirex

Слайд 53 http://www.prn.usm.my/old_website/mainsite/bulletin/1996/prn10.html


Слайд 54 http://wa.water.usgs.gov/pubs/fs/fs170-96/images/fs-170-96_foodchain.gif


Слайд 55 Mechanism of toxicity
Toxicity in humans is largely due

Mechanism of toxicityToxicity in humans is largely due to stimulation of

to stimulation of the central nervous system. Cyclodienes (such

as endosulfan), hexachlorocyclohexanes (such as lindane), and toxaphene predominately are GABA antagonists and inhibit calcium ion influx, but also may inhibit Ca- and Mg-ATPase, causing calcium ion accumulation at neuronal endplates, thereby causing sustained release of excitatory neurotransmitters. DDT affects potassium and voltage-dependent sodium channels. These changes can result in agitation, confusion, and seizures. Cardiac effects have been attributed to sensitization of the myocardium to circulating catecholamines.
Some of the more volatile organochlorines can be inhaled while in vapor form or swallowed while in liquid form. Inhalation of toxic vapors or aspiration of liquid after ingestion may lead to atelectasis, bronchospasm, hypoxia, and a chemical pneumonitis. In severe cases, this can lead to acute lung injury (ALI), hemorrhage, and necrosis of lung tissue. In liquid form, they are easily absorbed through the skin and GI tract.


Слайд 56 Clinical presentation
CNS excitation and depression are the primary

Clinical presentationCNS excitation and depression are the primary effects observed from

effects observed from organochlorine toxicity; therefore, the patient may

appear agitated, lethargic, intoxicated, or even unconscious. Organochlorines lower the seizure threshold, which may precipitate seizure activity. Initial euphoria with auditory or visual hallucinations and perceptual disturbances are common in the setting of acute toxicity. Patients may have pulmonary complaints or may be in severe respiratory distress. Cardiac dysrhythmias may complicate the initial clinical presentation.
Other symptoms include the following:
Pulmonary - Cough, shortness of breath
Dermatological - Skin rash
Gastrointestinal - Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
Nervous system - Headache, dizziness, or paresthesias of the face, tongue, and extremities


Слайд 57 Physical findings
Physical examinations findings depends on type of

Physical findingsPhysical examinations findings depends on type of exposureIngestionsNausea and vomitingConfusion,

Nausea and vomiting
Confusion, tremor, myoclonus, coma, and seizures
Respiratory depression

or failure
Unusual odor - Toxaphene may have a turpentine-like odor. Endosulfan may have a sulfur odor


Слайд 58 Skin absorption or inhalation
Ear, nose, and throat irritation

Skin absorption or inhalationEar, nose, and throat irritationBlurred visionCoughAcute lung injury (ALI)DermatitisPhysical findingshttp://emedicine.medscape.com/article/815051-overview#a0104

Acute lung injury (ALI)

Physical findings

Слайд 59 Chronic exposure (meets in persons who constantly contact

Chronic exposure (meets in persons who constantly contact with chlorine organic

with chlorine organic connections: workers of compositions and enterprises

from the production of chemical poisonings)
Renal toxicity
CNS disturbances
Skin irritation

Physical findings


Слайд 60 Pulmonary - Increased A-a gradient, hypoxemia
Cardiovascular - Sinus

Pulmonary - Increased A-a gradient, hypoxemiaCardiovascular - Sinus tachycardia or bradycardia,

tachycardia or bradycardia, QT prolongation, nonspecific ST-segment changes
Gastrointestinal -

Transaminitis and hyperbilirubinemia
Hematological - Leukocytosis and prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
Renal - Acidemia, azotemia, creatinine elevation, hyperkalemia

Physical findings


Слайд 61 Prehospital Care
Dermal decontamination is a priority. Remove clothes.

Prehospital CareDermal decontamination is a priority. Remove clothes.Wash skin with soap

skin with soap and water.
Provide oxygen and supportive care

as necessary
GI decontamination and elimination

Слайд 62 Treatment
GI Decontaminant
Activated charcoal is emergency treatment in poisoning

TreatmentGI DecontaminantActivated charcoal is emergency treatment in poisoning caused by drugs

caused by drugs and chemicals. The network of pores

present in activated charcoal adsorbs 100-1000 mg of drug per gram of charcoal. It does not dissolve in water.
For maximum effect, administer within 30 minutes of ingesting poison.
Multiple dose activated charcoal (MDAC) may be administered at 10-20 g q2-4h without a cathartic

Слайд 63 Bile acid sequestrants
These binding agents are used in

Bile acid sequestrantsThese binding agents are used in the treatment of

the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and have been noted to

bind certain lipid-soluble drugs and enterohepatically recycled drugs. 
Cholestyramine forms a nonabsorbable complex with bile acids in the intestine, which, in turn, inhibits enterohepatic reuptake of intestinal bile salts.


Слайд 64 Benzodiazepines
Mainstay of treatment for hydrocarbon insecticide–induced seizures.
Lorazepam (Ativan) 

BenzodiazepinesMainstay of treatment for hydrocarbon insecticide–induced seizures.Lorazepam (Ativan) Rate of injection should

of injection should not exceed 2 mg/min. May be

administered IM if unable to obtain IV access.
Midazolam (Versed)
Used as alternative in termination of refractory status epilepticus. Because water soluble, takes approximately 3 times longer than diazepam to peak EEG effects. Thus, clinician must wait 2-3 min to fully evaluate sedative effects before initiating procedure or repeating dose.
Diazepam (Valium)
Depresses all levels of CNS (eg, limbic and reticular formation), possibly by increasing activity of GABA.


Слайд 65 Anticonvulsants
Class Summary. Additional options include pentobarbital or propofol

AnticonvulsantsClass Summary. Additional options include pentobarbital or propofol for seizure control

for seizure control if status epilepticus does not respond

to benzodiazepines or phenytoin or fosphenytoin.


Слайд 66 Intoxication by mercury organic connections.

Intoxication by mercury organic connections.

Слайд 67
They are high enough bactericidal and fungicides characteristics

They are high enough bactericidal and fungicides characteristics and at staining

and at staining does not have a negative influence

on a corn, seed of vegetable and technical crops of bobs. That’s why they are basic pesticides that are used for staining of seed.

Слайд 68 The organic mercury compounds are of great interest

The organic mercury compounds are of great interest today because they

today because they are often found in the food

chain and have been used to inhibit bacterial growth in medications. Organic mercury is also found in fungicides and industrial run-off.

Слайд 69 Structures, physical, and chemical properties of organic mercury

Structures, physical, and chemical properties of organic mercury compounds


Слайд 71 Mechanism of mercury toxicity
Molecular mechanisms of mercury genotoxicity.

Mechanism of mercury toxicityMolecular mechanisms of mercury genotoxicity. Mercury compounds enter

Mercury compounds enter the cell through plasmatic membrane or

transport proteins (grey cylinder). (1) Inside the cell, they may produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which react directly with DNA or, indirectly, induce conformational changes in proteins responsible for the formation and maintenance of DNA (DNA repair enzymes, proteins of microtubules). Mercury compounds may be also able to bind directly to: (2) DNA molecules, forming mercury species-DNA adducts, (3) “zinc fingers” core of DNA repair enzymes (white large arrow), affecting their activity and (4) microtubules, avoiding mitotic spindle formation and chromosome segregation.

Слайд 72 Minamata disease

Minamata disease

Слайд 73 Clinical presentation
unsteady gait
illegible handwriting, slurred speech

Clinical presentationAtaxiatremors unsteady gait illegible handwriting, slurred speecherythema of the palms

of the palms and soles
edema of the hands and

desquamating rash, hair loss, pruritus
tachycardia, hypertension, photophobia, irritability, anorexia, insomnia,
poor muscle tone, and constipation or diarrhea.

Слайд 74 A diagnosis we put when we have special

A diagnosis we put when we have special clinical picture and

clinical picture and information of anamnesis, which specify on

a contact with mercury organic connections. The important diagnostic sign of intoxication is a presence of mercury in blood, urine, and at heavy intoxications – in a cerebrospinal liquid.

Слайд 75 Treatment
-         To wash a stomach and enterosorbtion;
-         Antidote

Treatment-         To wash a stomach and enterosorbtion;-         Antidote - Unitiol, intramuscular

- Unitiol, intramuscular 5 % solution on a chart:

in first days 3-4 times in 6-8 hours, on the second days 2-3 times, on third-seven days 1-2 times per a day;
-         Intravenous enter 10 ml of 30 % solution of thiosulphate of sodium.
-         During acidosis intravenous we give 200 ml of 3-5 % solution of hidrocarbonate of sodium.
-         Symptomatic therapy.
-         Hemotransfusion, hemodialysis.
-         During chronic intoxication - Unitiol, the vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, and also symptomatic therapy and procedures of physical therapies.

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  • Количество просмотров: 116
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