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Презентация на тему Obstetric procedures


Content:Procedures for fetal prenatal diagnosis:Ultrasound.Amniocentesis.Chorion villous sampling.Fetal blood sampling.External cephalic version.Operative vaginal delivery:Forceps.Ventouse.Cesarean section.
Obstetric ProceduresDr.NISMA MANSOURIAssistant professor Ob/Gyn consultant Content:Procedures for fetal prenatal diagnosis:Ultrasound.Amniocentesis.Chorion villous sampling.Fetal blood sampling.External cephalic version.Operative vaginal delivery:Forceps.Ventouse.Cesarean section. Ultrasound:Types:Tran abdominal.TransvaginaGuidelines for first trimester:Location of gestational sac.Gestational age by CRL (one Guide for second and third trimesters:Fetal life , number , and presentation.An Amniocentesis:Def: it is a technique for withdrawing amniotic fluid from the uterine Gestation age:   from 11 to term.Complications:Rupture of membranes .Fetal injury Chorionic villus sampling:Dif: small samples of the placenta are taken sent for Indications (CVS):Maternal age : 35 yo at delivery .Previous child with non- Fetal blood sampling (cordocentesis)Indication:Assessment and treatment of confirmed red cell or platelet Complications: (cordocentesis )       As amniocentesis.Cord hematoma.Cord Operative vaginal delivery:Forceps:  Parts: Blade.( cephalic ,pelvic curve )Shank.Lock. (sliding lock Cont. Forceps:Classification:Outlet forceps.Low forceps.Midpelvic forceps.High forceps.Indications for forceps:Heart disease , pulmonary inj. Pre-requisites for forceps application:Head engaged.Vertex presentation.Known position.Fully dilated cx.Mb ruptured.Role out CPD.Local Complication of forceps:Lacerations and episiotomy.Urinary dysfunction .Rectal & anal dysfunction.Febrile morbidity.Low Apgar Vacuum Extraction (Ventouse):Types:Metal cup vacuum.Soft cup vacuum (silastic cup ).Indications &prerequisites: Cont. complication of ventouse:7. Macrosomia.8. Recent scalp blood sampling.Vacuum extraction is reserved Cesarean Delivery (C/S):Indications:Labor dystosia.Fetal distress.Breech presentation.Multiple gestations. Prior c/s.Utrine segments:Upper uterine segment Technique of c/s:Skin incision:Vertical incision.Transverse incision ( pfannenstiel incision ).Uterine incisions:Lower uterine Cnt. Indecation of classical c/s:3.Some cases Placenta previa (ant.) .4. Some cases Complications of cesarean section:Increase maternal mortality &morbidity :Increase maternal death.Bleeding. Infections.DVT.Adhesions.Pain. Vaginal birth after prior cesarean:Benefit:Short stay at hospital.Less blood loss .Fewer transfusion.Fewer Cont. VBAC:LSCS.Institute ER C/S with anest &physician immd. Available.NO contraindications for vag. Delivery.No other uterine scare. External cephalic version :     ( ECV )Definition: It Cont. ECV :AGOC recommendation ECV shoud be available and offered to women Cont. Contraindications ECV :3. No reassuring CTG.4. Hyper extended fetal head. 5. Cont. ECV:Preprocedure requisites: U/S , Bladder empty .Timing : completed 36 weeks
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Content:
Procedures for fetal prenatal diagnosis:
Chorion villous sampling.
Fetal blood

Content:Procedures for fetal prenatal diagnosis:Ultrasound.Amniocentesis.Chorion villous sampling.Fetal blood sampling.External cephalic version.Operative vaginal delivery:Forceps.Ventouse.Cesarean section.

External cephalic version.
Operative vaginal delivery:
Cesarean section.

Слайд 3 Ultrasound:
Tran abdominal.
Guidelines for first trimester:
Location of gestational sac.

Ultrasound:Types:Tran abdominal.TransvaginaGuidelines for first trimester:Location of gestational sac.Gestational age by CRL

age by CRL (one of most accurate indicators of

fetal age).
Presence or absence of fetal life.
Fetal no.
Evaluation of the uterus (include cx ) and adnexal structures (fibroid and ovarian cyst.

Слайд 4 Guide for second and third trimesters:
Fetal life ,

Guide for second and third trimesters:Fetal life , number , and

number , and presentation.
An estimate of the amount of

amniotic fluid (< > N) .
Placenta location.
Assessment of gestation age.
Evaluation of the uterus and adnexal path.
Fetal anatomy.

Слайд 5 Amniocentesis:
Def: it is a technique for withdrawing amniotic

Amniocentesis:Def: it is a technique for withdrawing amniotic fluid from the

fluid from the uterine cavity using a needle via

atransabdominal approach.
Diagnostic indications ex. Prenatal genetic studies.
Ass. Fetal lung maturity.
Fetal infection.
Degree of hemolytic anemia.
Blood or platete type.
Therapeutic procedure.( remove excess fluid ).

Слайд 6 Gestation age:
from 11 to term.

Gestation age:  from 11 to term.Complications:Rupture of membranes .Fetal injury

of membranes .
Fetal injury (direct ,indirect ).
Infection . (

hepatitis ,toxo , CMV, HIV,).
Fetal loss 0.5 -1 %. (significantly affected by maternal age ).
Amnionitis 1/1000.

Cont. Amniocentesis:

Слайд 7 Chorionic villus sampling:
Dif: small samples of the placenta

Chorionic villus sampling:Dif: small samples of the placenta are taken sent

are taken sent for genetic analysis , provides preliminary

cytogenetic results within 48h and final culture result within 7 days.
Time: 10 -12 weeks .
Complications : similar to amniocentesis .
2.transabdominal. ( depend on placenta site ) .
1.Vag. Bleeding.
2.Active genital tract infection.
3.Extreme ante – or retroflexed uterus.

Слайд 8 Indications (CVS):
Maternal age : 35 yo at delivery

Indications (CVS):Maternal age : 35 yo at delivery .Previous child with

Previous child with non- disjunctional chromosome abn.
Parent is carrier

of balanced translocation or other chromosome disorder.
Both parents are carriers of autosomal recessive disease.
Women who are carriers of a sex – linked disease .
Positive first – trimester screen for trisomy 21 or 18 .

Слайд 9 Fetal blood sampling (cordocentesis)
Assessment and treatment of confirmed

Fetal blood sampling (cordocentesis)Indication:Assessment and treatment of confirmed red cell or

red cell or platelet alloimmunization.
Analysis of non – immune

Karyotyping of fetal blood and congenital infection.
Analysis of metabolic & hematological status.
The operator punctures the umbilical vein , usually at or near its placental origin.

Слайд 10 Complications: (cordocentesis )

Complications: (cordocentesis )    As amniocentesis.Cord hematoma.Cord vessel bleeding.Fetal – maternal hemorrhage.Fetal bradycardia.Fetal death.

As amniocentesis.
Cord hematoma.
Cord vessel bleeding.
Fetal – maternal hemorrhage.

Fetal death.

Слайд 11 Operative vaginal delivery:
Blade.( cephalic ,pelvic

Operative vaginal delivery:Forceps: Parts: Blade.( cephalic ,pelvic curve )Shank.Lock. (sliding lock

curve )
Lock. (sliding lock , English lock )
Function of


Слайд 12 Cont. Forceps:
Outlet forceps.
Low forceps.
Midpelvic forceps.
High forceps.
Indications for forceps:

Cont. Forceps:Classification:Outlet forceps.Low forceps.Midpelvic forceps.High forceps.Indications for forceps:Heart disease , pulmonary

disease , pulmonary inj. Or compromise.
Intrapartum infection.
Prolonged second stage

of labour.
Certain neurological condition.
Non- reassuring CTG.
Prolapsed cord , premature separation of placenta.

Слайд 13 Pre-requisites for forceps application:
Head engaged.
Vertex presentation.
Known position.
Fully dilated

Pre-requisites for forceps application:Head engaged.Vertex presentation.Known position.Fully dilated cx.Mb ruptured.Role out

Mb ruptured.
Role out CPD.
Local or regional anesthesia.
Bladder should be

Expert operator.

Слайд 14 Complication of forceps:
Lacerations and episiotomy.
Urinary dysfunction .
Rectal &

Complication of forceps:Lacerations and episiotomy.Urinary dysfunction .Rectal & anal dysfunction.Febrile morbidity.Low

anal dysfunction.
Febrile morbidity.
Low Apgar score.
Facial nerve injury.
Fetal truma (

Erb palsy ,fratured clavicle ).
Retinal hemorrhage.

Слайд 15 Vacuum Extraction (Ventouse):
Metal cup vacuum.
Soft cup vacuum (silastic

Vacuum Extraction (Ventouse):Types:Metal cup vacuum.Soft cup vacuum (silastic cup ).Indications &prerequisites:

cup ).
Indications &prerequisites:
as forceps.
Inability to ass. Fetal

High station.
Suspicion of CPD.
Non vertex presentations.
Fetal coagulopathy.

Слайд 16 Cont. complication of ventouse:
7. Macrosomia.
8. Recent scalp blood

Cont. complication of ventouse:7. Macrosomia.8. Recent scalp blood sampling.Vacuum extraction is

Vacuum extraction is reserved for fetus 34 weeks or

Scalp lacerations & bruising.
Subgaleal hematoma.
Intracranial hemorrhage.
Neonatal jaundice.
Subconjuctival hemorrhage.
Clavicular fracture.

Слайд 17 Cesarean Delivery (C/S):
Labor dystosia.
Fetal distress.
Breech presentation.
Multiple gestations. Prior

Cesarean Delivery (C/S):Indications:Labor dystosia.Fetal distress.Breech presentation.Multiple gestations. Prior c/s.Utrine segments:Upper uterine


Utrine segments:
Upper uterine segment .(active seg. ) contacts ,retracts

,expels fetus ,mainly muscular.
Lower uterine segment .( passeve seg. ) dilate ,expande ,thinned –out . Fibromuscular .
So lower & upper seg. Differ anatomically & physiologically.

Слайд 18 Technique of c/s:
Skin incision:
Vertical incision.
Transverse incision ( pfannenstiel

Technique of c/s:Skin incision:Vertical incision.Transverse incision ( pfannenstiel incision ).Uterine incisions:Lower

incision ).
Uterine incisions:
Lower uterine segment transversely incision.
Lower uterine segment

vertical incision (may be used).
Upper uterine segment vertical incision ( classical incision) . Rare.
Indications for classical c/s :
Can not expose lower seg.
Transverse lie ,large fetus ,rup. Mb.

Слайд 19 Cnt. Indecation of classical c/s:
3.Some cases Placenta previa

Cnt. Indecation of classical c/s:3.Some cases Placenta previa (ant.) .4. Some

(ant.) .
4. Some cases small ,breech ,premature .
5. Some

cases massive obesity when upper seg. Accessible.
Advantage of LSCS:
Easier to repair .
Less likely to rupture during subsequent pregnancy .
Dose not promote adherence of bowel or momentum at the incision line .
Less bleeding .

Слайд 20 Complications of cesarean section:
Increase maternal mortality &morbidity :

Complications of cesarean section:Increase maternal mortality &morbidity :Increase maternal death.Bleeding. Infections.DVT.Adhesions.Pain.

maternal death.

Слайд 21 Vaginal birth after prior cesarean:
Short stay at hospital.

Vaginal birth after prior cesarean:Benefit:Short stay at hospital.Less blood loss .Fewer

blood loss .
Fewer transfusion.
Fewer infections.
Fewer DVT.
Risk of VBAC:
Uterine rupture.

morbidity .(b.tran.).
Fetal death or damage.

Слайд 22 Cont. VBAC:
Institute ER C/S with anest &physician immd.

Cont. VBAC:LSCS.Institute ER C/S with anest &physician immd. Available.NO contraindications for vag. Delivery.No other uterine scare.

NO contraindications for vag. Delivery.
No other uterine scare.

Слайд 23 External cephalic version : (

External cephalic version :   ( ECV )Definition: It is

Definition: It is a procedure by which an

obstetrician turns the baby from the breech to the cephalic position by manipulating the baby through the maternal abdomen .
The procedure increases the chance of cephalic presentation at onset of labor and decreases the rate of cesarean delivery.

Слайд 24 Cont. ECV :
AGOC recommendation ECV shoud be available

Cont. ECV :AGOC recommendation ECV shoud be available and offered to

and offered to women with breech presentation at term

Risk : Discomfort , ERC/S , Transient bradycardia is less common ,placental abruption , premature labor .
Cost : cost-effective .
Contraindications :
Indications for c/s .
Rupture membranes .

Слайд 25 Cont. Contraindications ECV :
3. No reassuring CTG.
4. Hyper

Cont. Contraindications ECV :3. No reassuring CTG.4. Hyper extended fetal head.

extended fetal head.
5. Significant fetal or uterine anomaly

6. Abruptio placentae .
Relative contraindications :
Previous c/s .
Maternal hypertension, obesity .

  • Имя файла: obstetric-procedures.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0