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Презентация на тему Using mobile phones in a public place

First of all, we shouldn't use our mobile phones at the cinema, at the library, at the theatre, at school because we are concerned about talking on our phone and disturbing people near us.
Using mobile phones in a public place.  Innovation of phone was First of all, we shouldn't use our mobile phones at the Also,children are just wasting money and time on them, and it could damage their health. But on the other hand we think, that we shouldn't switch Not so long ago people didn't use mobile phones and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 First of all, we shouldn't use our

First of all, we shouldn't use our mobile phones at

mobile phones at the cinema, at the library, at

the theatre, at school because we are concerned about talking on our phone and disturbing people near us.

Слайд 3 Also,children are just wasting money and time

Also,children are just wasting money and time on them, and it could damage their health.

on them, and it could damage their health.

Слайд 4 But on the other hand we think,

But on the other hand we think, that we shouldn't

that we shouldn't switch our mobile phones off, because

our parents can need our help and we must go home.

  • Имя файла: using-mobile-phones-in-a-public-place.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 125
  • Количество скачиваний: 1