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Презентация на тему Open lesson: Can your friend play the dombyra?

Aim of the lessonEducational aim: To teach and explain modal verb “Can” to the children Developing aim:To develop children speaking, thinking, and writing skills
OPEN LESSON 5 th form The theme of the lesson: Can your Aim of the lessonEducational aim: To teach and explain modal verb “Can” The procedure of the lesson: Organization momentChecking-up the home workNew themePhonetic drill I. Organization moment II. Checking-up the home work Find the odd Check-up the home workFind the odd word2nd teamShy   beautiful Can your friend play the dombyra?NEW LESSON New vocabulary Can [kæn] – iстей алуCan you play? – Сен ойнай Can / Can not : Can етістігі адамның бір нәрсені істей The formation Exercise 2. Match the sentences and pictures I can use a computer. Complete the sentences1st team  I _______ use a computer. And now discuss with your partner what you CAN and what Can’t Home task: Exercise 9. Answer the questions. Thank s for Your attention  Have a nice day
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Aim of the lesson
Educational aim:
To teach and

Aim of the lessonEducational aim: To teach and explain modal verb

explain modal verb “Can” to the children
Developing aim:

develop children speaking, thinking, and writing skills

Слайд 3 The procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment
Checking-up the

The procedure of the lesson: Organization momentChecking-up the home workNew themePhonetic

home work
New theme
Phonetic drill
Work with the book

the sentences
Work with the picture
Make the sentences
Find the words
Home work

Слайд 4 I. Organization moment II. Checking-up the home work
Find the

I. Organization moment II. Checking-up the home work Find the

odd word
1st team
Tall short

write not very tall

Favourite slim clever lazy

Hard-working sociable good-looking like

Слайд 5 Check-up the home work
Find the odd word
2nd team

Check-up the home workFind the odd word2nd teamShy  beautiful

beautiful brown house


radio round fire

Thin black find tall

Слайд 6 Can your friend play the dombyra?


Can your friend play the dombyra?NEW LESSON

Слайд 7 New vocabulary
Can [kæn] – iстей алу

New vocabulary Can [kæn] – iстей алуCan you play? – Сен

you play? – Сен ойнай аласың ба?
A school orchestra

[sku:l ‘Ɔ : kistrә] – мектеп оркестрі
Instruments – аспаптар
The flute [‘flu:t] – флейта
The guitar [gi’ta:] – гитара
The dombyra [dom’bra] - домбыра
The violon [vaiә’lin] – скрипка
The cello [’tɭelәu] – виолончель
The piano [pia’nәu] - пианино

Слайд 8 Can / Can not :
Can етістігі адамның бір

Can / Can not : Can етістігі адамның бір нәрсені

нәрсені істей алатын қабілетін немесе сөйлей алатындығын көрсету үшін


Modal verb “Can” using when explaining an ability to do something

Can’t - Can not

Слайд 9 The formation

The formation

Слайд 10 Exercise 2. Match the sentences and pictures

Exercise 2. Match the sentences and pictures I can use a

can use a computer. It is match with the

picture number …..
Can your sister play the tennis? Yes, she can. It is match with the picture number …..
Can your brother ride a bike? No, he can’t. It is match with the picture number …..
My father can stand on his head . It is match with the picture number …..
Can you ride a horse ? No, I can’t. It is match with the picture number …..
She can swim. It is match with the picture number …..
I can’t dance. It is match with the picture number …..
I can play the dombyra. It is match with the picture number ….



Слайд 11
Complete the sentences
1st team
I _______

Complete the sentences1st team I _______ use a computer.

use a computer.

______ your sister play

the dombyra ? Yes, she can.

_______ your father ride a horse ? No, He _____

2nd team

Can you ______ a bike ? Yes, I can.

They ______ dance.

________ you play the kobyz ? No, I _______

Слайд 12 And now discuss with your partner what you

And now discuss with your partner what you CAN and what

CAN and what Can’t do

I can ………

I can’t ………

Read play the dombyra ride a horse

Play the kobyz speak English dance

Swim play the guitar use a computer

Cook play football stand on head

Слайд 13 Home task:

Exercise 9. Answer the questions.

Home task: Exercise 9. Answer the questions.

  • Имя файла: open-lesson-can-your-friend-play-the-dombyra.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 110
  • Количество скачиваний: 0