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Презентация на тему Анализ психологической уязвимости студентов Смоленской государственной академии физической культуры

The purpose of the studyThe early detection of psychological vulnerability and predisposition to the use of psychoactive substances among the students of the Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, as well as the
THE ANALYSIS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL VULNERABILITY OF STUDENTS OF THE Smolensk State Academy The purpose of the studyThe early detection of psychological vulnerability and predisposition Tasks: • identification of prepathology, boundary condition, which may cause the use Interpretation of the results.To carry out the tasks of the research the Devil's Dozen TSKV The comparison of the data according to two methods.We have identified 5 Let`s compare the data with similar ones of the research made in Thus, the analysis of psychological vulnerability of students to the use of Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The purpose of the study
The early detection of

The purpose of the studyThe early detection of psychological vulnerability and

psychological vulnerability and predisposition to the use of psychoactive

substances among the students of the Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, as well as the identifying of problem areas in the preventive work to avoid possible pathology.

Слайд 3 Tasks: • identification of prepathology, boundary condition, which may

Tasks: • identification of prepathology, boundary condition, which may cause the

cause the use of psychoactive substances (PAS); • study of

psychological vulnerability to the reception of psychoactive substances on the results of questionnaires, associated with a different type of character accentuation; • formation of risk groups; • identifying of problem areas in the preventive work.

Слайд 4 Interpretation of the results.
To carry out the tasks

Interpretation of the results.To carry out the tasks of the research

of the research the students of different specializations of

the Smolensk state academy of physical culture, sports and tourism were surveyed. The test Devil's Dozen and the questionnaire TSKV were used. The group of risk is determined on the base of the comparison of the data according to two methods.

Слайд 5 Devil's Dozen

Devil's Dozen

Слайд 7 The comparison of the data according to two

The comparison of the data according to two methods.We have identified

We have identified 5 grades of risk and the

category of norm. The data are listed below in descending order of risk.
The 1st grade - there is the accentuation, and the attitude to drugs is determined by a combination of levels of 3/2, 2/3, 1/2/3, 3/1/2, 2/1/3, 3/2/1.
The 2nd grade - there is the accentuation, and the attitude to drugs is determined by variants 2, 2/1.
The 3rd grade - there is accentuation according to the test TSKV, level 1 or ½, or there is no accentuation according to the test TSKV , level 3
The 4th grade – there is no accentuation, and the attitude to drugs is determined by a combination of levels of 3/2, 2/3, 3/1/2, 3/2/1, 2/3/1.
The 5th grade – there is no accentuation and the attitude to drugs is determined by level 2 or 1/3 according to the test TSKV

Слайд 8 Let`s compare the data with similar ones of

Let`s compare the data with similar ones of the research made

the research made in 2012. 60% of 90 respondents

have no threatening accentuation. It approximately corresponds to the current results (59.3%).

Слайд 9 Thus, the analysis of psychological vulnerability of students

Thus, the analysis of psychological vulnerability of students to the use

to the use of drugs has identified the problem

area of preventive work among teenagers and young adults on their individual level:

- correction of hypertrophic features of character, potentially dangerous, which create the ground for psychoactive substances ;
-providing by the information necessary for the realization of the balanced position in the attitude to psychoactive substances;
-formation of the stable negative attitude to psychoactive substances.

  • Имя файла: analiz-psihologicheskoy-uyazvimosti-studentov-smolenskoy-gosudarstvennoy-akademii-fizicheskoy-kultury.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 89
  • Количество скачиваний: 0