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Презентация на тему Animals of belarus

What animals can be found in Belarus?lynxelkdeerwild boarwolvesharebeaverEuropean bisonfox
Animals of Belarus What animals can be found in Belarus?lynxelkdeerwild boarwolvesharebeaverEuropean bisonfox Have you ….?Have you ever seen a lynx in the wild? Have Belarusian animalslynxelkdeerwild boarwolvesharebeaverEuropean bisonfox What have you just read about the…?What can you say about the What have you just read about beavers? Answer the questions- What animals have you read about?- Where do these In dangerlynxdeerelkgarden dormouseEuropean bisonbrown bearbadger Press ConferenceWhat countries have …?I’ve ……. Poland, Spain, Italy and Greece.…. to HomeworkExercise 3 (3, 4) pages 43, 44(draw a postcard and write to Thanks for attentionGood-bye
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What animals can be found in Belarus?
wild boar

What animals can be found in Belarus?lynxelkdeerwild boarwolvesharebeaverEuropean bisonfox


Слайд 3 Have you ….?
Have you ever seen a lynx

Have you ….?Have you ever seen a lynx in the wild?

in the wild?
Have you ever travelled to

Belovezhskaya Pushcha?
What wild animals have you seen in Belovezhskaya Pushcha yet?
Have you fed a European bison in the wild yet?
Have you ever touched an elk on its antlers?
Have you ever hunted with a fox?
Have you run after a hare yet?
Have you ever swum with a beaver?
Have you ever played with wolves?
Have you taken photos of wild animals yet?

Слайд 4 Belarusian animals
wild boar
European bison

Belarusian animalslynxelkdeerwild boarwolvesharebeaverEuropean bisonfox

Слайд 5 What have you just read about the…?
What can

What have you just read about the…?What can you say about

you say about the place it lives?
What’s its size?

does it eat?
What are its specific characteristics?
How many of them are there in Belarus?
Is it endangered?
What else can you add about a European bison or a beaver?

Слайд 6 What have you just read about beavers?

What have you just read about beavers?

Слайд 7 Answer the questions
- What animals have you read

Answer the questions- What animals have you read about?- Where do

- Where do these animals live?
- Which of these

animals are endangered?
- Are these animals the national animals?
- What animals are endangered in Belarus?

Слайд 8 In danger
garden dormouse
European bison
brown bear

In dangerlynxdeerelkgarden dormouseEuropean bisonbrown bearbadger

Слайд 9 Press Conference
What countries have …?
I’ve ……. Poland, Spain,

Press ConferenceWhat countries have …?I’ve ……. Poland, Spain, Italy and Greece.….

Italy and Greece.
…. to Belarus yet?
Well, ……twice. Last time

it ….ago.
What places……yet?
I’ve already…..and I’ve seen …. .
Have ….a European bison?
No, I haven’t …or…yet. I prefer to…domestic …
Have you … photos of ….times?
I’ve seen … and I’ve taken... of… .
I’d like to know what other places… .
Oh, I’ve …Lake…twice. And I’ve… . They were busy with their… .

Слайд 10 Homework
Exercise 3 (3, 4) pages 43, 44
(draw a

HomeworkExercise 3 (3, 4) pages 43, 44(draw a postcard and write

postcard and write to your English friend about a

beaver or a bison)

  • Имя файла: animals-of-belarus.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 6