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Презентация на тему Art people of kazakhstan

Aisha Garifovna Galimbaeva (December 29, 1917, in Issyk, Almaty Province - April 21, 2008) is a painter of Kazakhstan. The first artist in Kazakhstan to be recognised professionally, she was a National Artist of Kazakh SSR.
Art people of kazakhstan Aisha Garifovna Galimbaeva (December 29, 1917, in Issyk, Almaty Province - April Her famous works Bouquet of flowersIssyk villageAlmaty patioNear yurtMy grandmaBouquet of rose Bouquet of flowersPrice: $ 4000 - 5500She used bright colors to show Issyk villagePrice: $ 5500 – 7000It was painted in 1956This painting describes Almaty patioPrice: $ 4500 – 5500It was painted in 1953It was painted
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Aisha Garifovna Galimbaeva (December 29, 1917, in Issyk,

Aisha Garifovna Galimbaeva (December 29, 1917, in Issyk, Almaty Province -

Almaty Province - April 21, 2008) is a painter

of Kazakhstan. The first artist in Kazakhstan to be recognised professionally, she was a National Artist of Kazakh SSR. She graduated from Almaty Art School in 1943 and worked at the АН-Union State Cinematography Institute in Moscow. Her artwork was noted for its colorfulness and joyfulness. She was the first professional woman-Kazakh painter.

Galimbayeva Aisha

Слайд 3 Her famous works
Bouquet of flowers
Issyk village
Almaty patio
Near yurt

Her famous works Bouquet of flowersIssyk villageAlmaty patioNear yurtMy grandmaBouquet of rose

Bouquet of rose

Слайд 4 Bouquet of flowers
Price: $ 4000 - 5500
She used

Bouquet of flowersPrice: $ 4000 - 5500She used bright colors to

bright colors to show the beauty of flowers.

picture was painted by using of watercolors.
It was painted in 1960
Little details complement the picture

Слайд 5 Issyk village
Price: $ 5500 – 7000
It was painted

Issyk villagePrice: $ 5500 – 7000It was painted in 1956This painting

in 1956
This painting describes the every day life of

Issyk village.
It was painted on canvas with drawing oil

  • Имя файла: art-people-of-kazakhstan.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 247
  • Количество скачиваний: 0