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Презентация на тему Business valuationof Казмунайгаз

Company StrategyIn implementing the Development Strategy JSC NC KazMunayGas adheres to shareholders goals: to increase the long-term value of the Company’s assets and assist in the modernization and diversification of the Kazakhstani economy.Mission: To ensure
Business Valuation of «Казмунайгаз»Complied: Turussbekova Z.Shilin V.1401 SPO finance Company StrategyIn implementing the Development Strategy JSC NC KazMunayGas adheres to The following 15 strategic goals have been identified in the KMG core Risk management systemRisk management is part and parcel of the operations of Information on shares and dividendsfollowing the results of 2006 the dividend amount Financial Statement Analysis of “KazMunayGas” vertical and horizontal analysis Turnover ratio Liquidity Ratio Profitability Ratio Business Valuation of «Казмунайгаз» Balance Sheet Balance Sheet metodNet assets=Total assets-Total liabilitiesNet assets(Company value)= 11 122 820 243 Income Statement Income statement metodCompany value=net income*price earning ratioPrice earnig ratio= Price per share/earning
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 Company Strategy
In implementing the Development Strategy JSC

Company StrategyIn implementing the Development Strategy JSC NC KazMunayGas adheres

NC KazMunayGas adheres to shareholders goals: to increase the

long-term value of the Company’s assets and assist in the modernization and diversification of the Kazakhstani economy.
Mission: To ensure maximum benefits for Kazakhstan from the Company’s participation in development of the national oil & gas industry:
­to increase the Company’s long-term value and profitability, and ensure industrial safety;
­to become a highly competitive vertically integrated oil & gas company on the international market;
­to conduct socially responsible business, support domestic suppliers of goods and services, assist in the development of local personnel.
Vision: KMG is a highly effective and competitive vertically integrated oil & gas company. The Company meets the highest standards of industrial safety.
Ambitions: To become among the top 30 largest oil & gas companies in the world based on liquid hydrocarbon reserves (oil and condensate) and oil production volume.
The Company will strive to achieve sustainable development and increase its efficiency in the following strategic areas:
­Exploration and Production;
­Oil Transportation;
­Oil Refining and Oil Products Marketing;
­Gas Transportation and Marketing;
­Oil and Gas Service Sector;
­Management System.

Слайд 5 The following 15 strategic goals have been identified

The following 15 strategic goals have been identified in the KMG

in the KMG core business areas which will allow

the Company to become among the top thirty largest oil & gas companies in the world by 2022:
Increase of the Proven Recoverable Reserves of Liquid Hydrocarbons (Oil and Gas Condensate);
Increase of Oil and Gas Production;
Ensuring Stability of Oil Transportation;
Increase of Oil Refining;
Refining Upgrade at Kazakhstan’s Petrochemical Plants;
Increase of the Share of Petrochemical Products in the Market;
Increase of Gas Transportation;
Increase of the Share of Gas Sold on the Domestic Market;
Increase of ROACE;
Increase of EBITDA;
Decrease of the Debt / EBITDA Coefficient;
Improvement of Corporate Governance;
Increase of Labor Productivity;
Increase of the Share of Local Content in the Total Amount of Services and Goods Purchased;
Increase of the Level of Innovative and Technological Development.

Слайд 6 Risk management system
Risk management is part and parcel

Risk management systemRisk management is part and parcel of the operations

of the operations of JSC NC "KazMunayGas" (KMG) and

is aimed to identify, assess and monitor all material risks, and to take measures for reducing the level of the risks that may negatively impact the value and reputation of KMG, and its group of companies.
The company carries out continuous improvement of the Company’s enterprise risk management system, including actualization of the regulatory documents in the sphere of risk management for ensuring their alignment with the Company’s objectives and range of activity, new regulatory requirements, and recoding the accumulated experience and best practices in risk management.
Policy on Corporate Risk Management System of “NC “KazMunayGas” JSC and its Subsidiary and Dependent Organizations approved by Resolution of the Board of “NC “KazMunayGas” JSC dated «26» August 2014 (hereinafter - the Policy), determines the goals, objectives and basic principles of risk management and the functions of the participants of the enterprise risk management system.

The Company’s Risk Management Policy shall be based on the following principles:
The unity of the methodological framework: Corporate Risk Management System (hereinafter – CRMS) processes shall be implemented on the basis of common approaches and standards for all the structural units of the Company.
Continuity: CRMS shall operate on a continuous basis.
Integrity: CRMS shall apply to all the Company’s activities and all types of emerging risks. Control procedures function in all the Company’s business process at all levels of management.
Accountability: the organizational structure of the CRMS shall define the competence in decision-making and control in risk management at all levels of the Company’s management.
Information content and timeliness of communication: the risk management process is accompanied by fact-based, reliable and latest information.
Rationality: the Company shall rationally use the resources for the implementation of risk management activities.
Reasonable assurance: the CRMS may only provide reasonable assurance of achieving the Company’s goals, but it cannot absolutely guarantee this due to the limitations of internal environment.
Adaptability: the CRMS shall be regularly updated to ensure identification of all possible risks and the effective use of risk control and management methods.
Precise regulation: all operations shall be conducted in accordance with the order of their implementation established by the internal normative documents.
Active participation of the management: the management of KMG and SDOs shall be actively involved in and support implementation and improvement of the risk management system in KMG and SDOs.
Policy determines relationship of the risk management process with strategic planning and operational activities, budgeting and motivation

Слайд 8 Information on shares and dividends
following the results of

Information on shares and dividendsfollowing the results of 2006 the dividend

2006 the dividend amount per one ordinary share made

up KZT 27.73, total received and paid dividends in the amount of KZT 8,766,059,040;
following the results of 2007 the dividend amount per one ordinary share made up KZT 92.40, total received and paid dividends in the amount of KZT 29,209,331,;
following the results of 2008 the dividend amount per one ordinary share made up KZT 92.59, total received and paid dividends in the amount of KZT 29,268,028 100;
following the results of 2009 the dividend amount per one ordinary share made up KZT 53, total received and paid dividends in the amount of KZT 16, 940,104,;
following the results of 2010 the amount of dividend per one ordinary share was KZT 117, 68, total received and paid dividends in the amount of KZT 45 796 382 550.
following the results of 2011 the amount of dividend per one ordinary share was KZT 293.35, total received and paid dividends in the amount of KZT 143,201,087,066.
following the results of 2012 the amount of dividend per one ordinary share was KZT 75.19, total received and paid dividends in the amount of KZT 38,961,363,784.
following the results of 2013 the amount of dividend per one ordinary share was KZT 158.08, total received and paid dividends in the amount of KZT 69,577,485,076.
at the end of 2014 the amount of dividend per one ordinary share amounts to 53 tenge 24 tiyn, total dividends to be paid amount to 31,104,442,350 tenge till 30 September 2015.
Quantity of the authorized shares of NC KMG amounts to 849,559,596 shares.
Quantity of the floated shares of NC KMG amounts to 584,207,465 shares.
Nominal value – KZT 500.

Слайд 9 Financial Statement Analysis of “KazMunayGas”

Financial Statement Analysis of “KazMunayGas”

Слайд 10 vertical and horizontal analysis

vertical and horizontal analysis

Слайд 12 Turnover ratio

Turnover ratio

Слайд 14 Liquidity Ratio

Liquidity Ratio

Слайд 16 Profitability Ratio

Profitability Ratio

Слайд 18 Business Valuation of «Казмунайгаз»

Business Valuation of «Казмунайгаз»

Слайд 19 Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet

Слайд 21 Balance Sheet metod
Net assets=Total assets-Total liabilities

Net assets(Company value)=

Balance Sheet metodNet assets=Total assets-Total liabilitiesNet assets(Company value)= 11 122 820

11 122 820 243 – (1 005 183 985

+ 4 040 140 163) = 6 077 496 095

Слайд 22 Income Statement

Income Statement

Слайд 25 Income statement metod
Company value=net income*price earning ratio
Price earnig

Income statement metodCompany value=net income*price earning ratioPrice earnig ratio= Price per

ratio= Price per share/earning per share
Earning per share=Net income/namber

of common share
Earning per share= 209 940 852/849 559 596=0,25
Price earnig ratio= 8,8021/0,25= 35,2084
Company value=209 940 852*35,2084=7 391 681 494

  • Имя файла: business-valuationof-kazmunaygaz.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 94
  • Количество скачиваний: 0