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Презентация на тему Chapter 1computer system overview


RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques
Chapter 1 Computer System OverviewOperating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 6/E William Stallings RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques Operating SystemExploits the hardware resources of one or more processorsProvides a set A Computer’s  Basic ElementsProcessorMain MemoryI/O ModulesSystem Bus ProcessorControls operation, performs data processingTwo internal registersMemory address resister (MAR)Memory buffer register Main MemoryVolatileData is typically lost when power is removedReferred to as real I/O ModulesMoves data between the computer and the external environment such as:Storage System BusCommunication among processors, main memory, and I/O modules Top-Level View RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques Processor RegistersFaster and smaller than main memoryUser-visible registersEnable programmer to minimize main User-Visible RegistersMay be referenced by machine languageAvailable to all programs – application Data and  Address RegistersDataOften general purposeBut some restrictions may applyAddressIndex RegisterSegment pointerStack pointer Control and  Status RegistersProgram counter (PC)Contains the address of an instruction RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques Instruction ExecutionA program consists of a set of instructions stored in memoryTwo Basic Instruction Cycle Instruction Fetch  and ExecuteThe processor fetches the instruction from memoryProgram counter Instruction RegisterFetched instruction loaded into instruction registerCategoriesProcessor-memory, processor-I/O, Data processing, Control Characteristics of a  Hypothetical Machine Example of  Program Execution RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques InterruptsInterrupt the normal sequencing of the processorProvided to improve processor utilizationMost I/O Common Classes  of Interrupts Flow of Control  without Interrupts Interrupts and the  Instruction Cycle Transfer of Control  via Interrupts Instruction Cycle  with Interrupts Short I/O Wait Long I/O wait Simple  Interrupt Processing Changes in Memory and Registers for an Interrupt Multiple InterruptsSuppose an interrupt occurs while another interrupt is being processed.E.g. printing Sequential  Interrupt Processing Nested  Interrupt Processing Example of  Nested Interrupts MultiprogrammingProcessor has more than one program to executeThe sequence the programs are RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques Memory HierarchyMajor constraints in memoryAmountSpeedExpenseFaster access time, greater cost per bitGreater capacity, The Memory HierarchyGoing down the hierarchyDecreasing cost per bitIncreasing capacityIncreasing access timeDecreasing Secondary MemoryAuxiliary memoryExternalNonvolatileUsed to store program and data files RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques Cache MemoryInvisible to the OSInteracts with other memory management hardwareProcessor must access Principal of LocalityMore details later but in short …Data which is required Cache and Main Memory Cache PrinciplesContains copy of a portion of main memoryProcessor first checks cacheIf Cache/Main-Memory  Structure Cache Read Operation Cache Design IssuesMain categories are:Cache sizeBlock sizeMapping functionReplacement algorithmWrite policy Size issuesCache sizeSmall caches have significant impact on performanceBlock sizeThe unit of Mapping functionDetermines which cache location the block will occupyTwo constraints:When one block Replacement AlgorithmChooses which block to replace when a new block is to Write policyDictates when the memory write operation takes placeCan occur every time RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques I/O TechniquesWhen the processor encounters an instruction relating to I/O, it executes Programmed I/OThe I/O module performs the requested action then sets the appropriate Programmed I/O Instruction SetControlUsed to activate and instruct deviceStatusTests status conditionsTransferRead/write between process register and device Programmed  I/O ExampleData read in a word at a timeProcessor remains Interrupt-Driven I/OProcessor issues an I/O command to a module and then goes Interrupt- Driven I/OEliminates needless waitingBut everything passes through processor. Direct Memory AccessPerformed by a separate module on the systemWhen needing to Direct Memory AccessI/O operation delegated to DMA moduleProcessor only involved when beginning
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Roadmap
Basic Elements
Processor Registers
Instruction Execution
The Memory Hierarchy
Cache Memory
I/O Communication

RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques


Слайд 3 Operating System
Exploits the hardware resources of one or

Operating SystemExploits the hardware resources of one or more processorsProvides a

more processors
Provides a set of services to system users

secondary memory and I/O devices

Слайд 4 A Computer’s Basic Elements
Main Memory
I/O Modules
System Bus

A Computer’s Basic ElementsProcessorMain MemoryI/O ModulesSystem Bus

Слайд 5 Processor
Controls operation, performs data processing
Two internal registers
Memory address

ProcessorControls operation, performs data processingTwo internal registersMemory address resister (MAR)Memory buffer

resister (MAR)
Memory buffer register (MBR)
I/O address register
I/O buffer register

Слайд 6 Main Memory
Data is typically lost when power is

Main MemoryVolatileData is typically lost when power is removedReferred to as

Referred to as real memory or primary memory
Consists of

a set of locations defined by sequentially numbers addresses
Containing either data or instructions

Слайд 7 I/O Modules
Moves data between the computer and the

I/O ModulesMoves data between the computer and the external environment such

external environment such as:
Storage (e.g. hard drive)
Communications equipment
Specified by

an I/O Address Register

Слайд 8 System Bus
Communication among processors, main memory, and I/O

System BusCommunication among processors, main memory, and I/O modules


Слайд 9 Top-Level View

Top-Level View

Слайд 10 Roadmap
Basic Elements
Processor Registers
Instruction Execution
The Memory Hierarchy
Cache Memory
I/O Communication

RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques


Слайд 11 Processor Registers
Faster and smaller than main memory
User-visible registers

Processor RegistersFaster and smaller than main memoryUser-visible registersEnable programmer to minimize

programmer to minimize main memory references by optimizing register

Control and status registers
Used by processor to control operating of the processor
Used by privileged OS routines to control the execution of programs

Слайд 12 User-Visible Registers
May be referenced by machine language
Available to

User-Visible RegistersMay be referenced by machine languageAvailable to all programs –

all programs – application programs and system programs
Types of

registers typically available are:
condition code registers.

Слайд 13 Data and Address Registers
Often general purpose
But some restrictions

Data and Address RegistersDataOften general purposeBut some restrictions may applyAddressIndex RegisterSegment pointerStack pointer

may apply
Index Register
Segment pointer
Stack pointer

Слайд 14 Control and Status Registers
Program counter (PC)
Contains the address

Control and Status RegistersProgram counter (PC)Contains the address of an instruction

of an instruction to be fetched
Instruction register (IR)
Contains the

instruction most recently fetched
Program status word (PSW)
Contains status information

Слайд 15 Roadmap
Basic Elements
Processor Registers
Instruction Execution
The Memory Hierarchy
Cache Memory
I/O Communication

RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques


Слайд 16 Instruction Execution
A program consists of a set of

Instruction ExecutionA program consists of a set of instructions stored in

instructions stored in memory
Two steps
Processor reads (fetches) instructions from

Processor executes each instruction

Слайд 17 Basic Instruction Cycle

Basic Instruction Cycle

Слайд 18 Instruction Fetch and Execute
The processor fetches the instruction

Instruction Fetch and ExecuteThe processor fetches the instruction from memoryProgram counter

from memory
Program counter (PC) holds address of the instruction

to be fetched next
PC is incremented after each fetch

Слайд 19 Instruction Register
Fetched instruction loaded into instruction register

Instruction RegisterFetched instruction loaded into instruction registerCategoriesProcessor-memory, processor-I/O, Data processing, Control

Data processing,

Слайд 20 Characteristics of a Hypothetical Machine

Characteristics of a Hypothetical Machine

Слайд 21 Example of Program Execution

Example of Program Execution

Слайд 22 Roadmap
Basic Elements
Processor Registers
Instruction Execution
The Memory Hierarchy
Cache Memory
I/O Communication

RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques


Слайд 23 Interrupts
Interrupt the normal sequencing of the processor
Provided to

InterruptsInterrupt the normal sequencing of the processorProvided to improve processor utilizationMost

improve processor utilization
Most I/O devices are slower than the

Processor must pause to wait for device

Слайд 24 Common Classes of Interrupts

Common Classes of Interrupts

Слайд 25 Flow of Control without Interrupts

Flow of Control without Interrupts

Слайд 26 Interrupts and the Instruction Cycle

Interrupts and the Instruction Cycle

Слайд 27 Transfer of Control via Interrupts

Transfer of Control via Interrupts

Слайд 28 Instruction Cycle with Interrupts

Instruction Cycle with Interrupts

Слайд 29 Short I/O Wait

Short I/O Wait

Слайд 30 Long I/O wait

Long I/O wait

Слайд 31 Simple Interrupt Processing

Simple Interrupt Processing

Слайд 32 Changes in Memory and Registers for an Interrupt

Changes in Memory and Registers for an Interrupt

Слайд 33 Multiple Interrupts
Suppose an interrupt occurs while another interrupt

Multiple InterruptsSuppose an interrupt occurs while another interrupt is being processed.E.g.

is being processed.
E.g. printing data being received via communications

Two approaches:
Disable interrupts during interrupt processing
Use a priority scheme.

Слайд 34 Sequential Interrupt Processing

Sequential Interrupt Processing

Слайд 35 Nested Interrupt Processing

Nested Interrupt Processing

Слайд 36 Example of Nested Interrupts

Example of Nested Interrupts

Слайд 37 Multiprogramming
Processor has more than one program to execute

MultiprogrammingProcessor has more than one program to executeThe sequence the programs

sequence the programs are executed depend on their relative

priority and whether they are waiting for I/O
After an interrupt handler completes, control may not return to the program that was executing at the time of the interrupt

Слайд 38 Roadmap
Basic Elements
Processor Registers
Instruction Execution
The Memory Hierarchy
Cache Memory
I/O Communication

RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques


Слайд 39 Memory Hierarchy
Major constraints in memory
Faster access time, greater

Memory HierarchyMajor constraints in memoryAmountSpeedExpenseFaster access time, greater cost per bitGreater

cost per bit
Greater capacity, smaller cost per bit
Greater capacity,

slower access speed

Слайд 40 The Memory Hierarchy
Going down the hierarchy
Decreasing cost per

The Memory HierarchyGoing down the hierarchyDecreasing cost per bitIncreasing capacityIncreasing access

Increasing capacity
Increasing access time
Decreasing frequency of access to the

memory by the processor

Слайд 41 Secondary Memory
Auxiliary memory
Used to store program and data

Secondary MemoryAuxiliary memoryExternalNonvolatileUsed to store program and data files


Слайд 42 Roadmap
Basic Elements
Processor Registers
Instruction Execution
The Memory Hierarchy
Cache Memory
I/O Communication

RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques


Слайд 43 Cache Memory
Invisible to the OS
Interacts with other memory

Cache MemoryInvisible to the OSInteracts with other memory management hardwareProcessor must

management hardware
Processor must access memory at least once per

instruction cycle
Processor speed faster than memory access speed
Exploit the principle of locality with a small fast memory

Слайд 44 Principal of Locality
More details later but in short

Principal of LocalityMore details later but in short …Data which is

Data which is required soon is often close to

the current data
If data is referenced, then it’s neighbour might be needed soon.

Слайд 45 Cache and Main Memory

Cache and Main Memory

Слайд 46 Cache Principles
Contains copy of a portion of main

Cache PrinciplesContains copy of a portion of main memoryProcessor first checks

Processor first checks cache
If not found, block of memory

read into cache
Because of locality of reference, likely future memory references are in that block

Слайд 47 Cache/Main-Memory Structure

Cache/Main-Memory Structure

Слайд 48 Cache Read Operation

Cache Read Operation

Слайд 49 Cache Design Issues
Main categories are:
Cache size
Block size
Mapping function

Cache Design IssuesMain categories are:Cache sizeBlock sizeMapping functionReplacement algorithmWrite policy

Write policy

Слайд 50 Size issues
Cache size
Small caches have significant impact on

Size issuesCache sizeSmall caches have significant impact on performanceBlock sizeThe unit

Block size
The unit of data exchanged between cache and

main memory
Larger block size means more hits
But too large reduces chance of reuse.

Слайд 51 Mapping function
Determines which cache location the block will

Mapping functionDetermines which cache location the block will occupyTwo constraints:When one

Two constraints:
When one block read in, another may need

to be replaced
Complexity of mapping function increases circuitry costs for searching.

Слайд 52 Replacement Algorithm
Chooses which block to replace when a

Replacement AlgorithmChooses which block to replace when a new block is

new block is to be loaded into the cache.

replacing a block that isn’t likely to be needed again
Impossible to guarantee
Effective strategy is to replace a block that has been used less than others
Least Recently Used (LRU)

Слайд 53 Write policy
Dictates when the memory write operation takes

Write policyDictates when the memory write operation takes placeCan occur every

Can occur every time the block is updated
Can occur

when the block is replaced
Minimize write operations
Leave main memory in an obsolete state

Слайд 54 Roadmap
Basic Elements
Processor Registers
Instruction Execution
The Memory Hierarchy
Cache Memory
I/O Communication

RoadmapBasic ElementsProcessor RegistersInstruction ExecutionInterruptsThe Memory HierarchyCache MemoryI/O Communication Techniques


Слайд 55 I/O Techniques
When the processor encounters an instruction relating

I/O TechniquesWhen the processor encounters an instruction relating to I/O, it

to I/O,
it executes that instruction by issuing a

command to the appropriate I/O module.
Three techniques are possible for I/O operations:
Programmed I/O
Interrupt-driven I/O
Direct memory access (DMA)

Слайд 56 Programmed I/O
The I/O module performs the requested action

Programmed I/OThe I/O module performs the requested action then sets the

then sets the appropriate bits in the I/O status

but takes no further action to alert the processor.
As there are no interrupts, the processor must determine when the instruction is complete

Слайд 57 Programmed I/O Instruction Set
Used to activate and instruct device

Programmed I/O Instruction SetControlUsed to activate and instruct deviceStatusTests status conditionsTransferRead/write between process register and device

status conditions
Read/write between process register and device

Слайд 58 Programmed I/O Example
Data read in a word at

Programmed I/O ExampleData read in a word at a timeProcessor remains in status-checking look while reading

a time
Processor remains in status-checking look while reading

Слайд 59 Interrupt-Driven I/O
Processor issues an I/O command to a

Interrupt-Driven I/OProcessor issues an I/O command to a module and then

and then goes on to do some other

useful work.
The I/O module will then interrupt the processor to request service when it is ready to exchange data with the processor.

Слайд 60 Interrupt- Driven I/O
Eliminates needless waiting
But everything passes through processor.

Interrupt- Driven I/OEliminates needless waitingBut everything passes through processor.

Слайд 61 Direct Memory Access
Performed by a separate module on

Direct Memory AccessPerformed by a separate module on the systemWhen needing

the system
When needing to read/write processor issues a command

to DMA module with:
Whether a read or write is requested
The address of the I/O device involved
The starting location in memory to read/write
The number of words to be read/written

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