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Презентация на тему Children have rights

Children have the right to live in a clean environment okruzhayyuschey
Children have rights Children have the right to live in a clean environment okruzhayyuschey Children have a right to life Children deimeyut right to protection from harm and abuse Children have the right to education Children have the right to express their opinions Fourteen teenagers to issue a passport For a crime they may be sent to a special prison Children have the right to manage property
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Children have the right to live in a

Children have the right to live in a clean environment okruzhayyuschey

clean environment okruzhayyuschey

Слайд 3 Children have a right to life

Children have a right to life

Слайд 4 Children deimeyut right to protection from harm and abuse

Children deimeyut right to protection from harm and abuse

Слайд 5 Children have the right to education

Children have the right to education

Слайд 6 Children have the right to express their opinions

Children have the right to express their opinions

Слайд 7 Fourteen teenagers to issue a passport

Fourteen teenagers to issue a passport

Слайд 8 For a crime they may be sent to

For a crime they may be sent to a special prison

a special prison

  • Имя файла: children-have-rights.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 0