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Презентация на тему Elite & mass tourism

Reasons for appearing:EliteAppearing of transportNecessity in getting educationTreatmentThe main obstacle: expensive bad quantity of roads only a group of people could afford this
ELITE & MASS TOURISM Reasons for appearing:EliteAppearing of transportNecessity in getting educationTreatmentThe main obstacle: Main characteristics:EliteIn contrast to the mass, the elite tourism designed for wealthy Tourism aristocratic -- as a tourism, that has developed more rapidly in Elite Mass tourismcould only have developed with the improvements in technology, allowing the EliteThe first steamship was constructed and built by Fultonom in 1807. Thomas Cook-the founder of mass tourismThe father of modern mass tourism was AdvantagesElite Was the only opportunity to see the worldGood educationPrestige Opportunity to DisadvantagesEliteis regarded only for rich consumersMasswon't involve local peopleharm and kill wildlifedestroy
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Reasons for appearing:
Appearing of transport
Necessity in getting education

Reasons for appearing:EliteAppearing of transportNecessity in getting educationTreatmentThe main obstacle:

main obstacle:

bad quantity of roads
only a group of people
could afford this activity


Appearing of alternative transport
Desire of ordinary people to take part in travelling

Слайд 3 Main characteristics:
In contrast to the mass, the elite

Main characteristics:EliteIn contrast to the mass, the elite tourism designed for

tourism designed for wealthy clientele. For this category of

consumer price level in the market does not really matter, but they place high demands on the quality of products and services. In this regard, it should be noted the role that tourism plays in the upmarket tourist development of the business. Here you set the pulse of the industry of tourism. It promotes the adoption and diffusion of new, higher standards of service and, ultimately, helping to improve the quality of life of the population.


The concept of mass tourism was introduced and used as an alternative to the aristocratic tourism of the XIX century to the separate expensive forms of tourism oriented on the selected audience and for tourism in developing countries, where access to tourism benefits the local population is limited because of the low standard of living.

Слайд 4 Tourism aristocratic -
- as a tourism, that has

Tourism aristocratic -- as a tourism, that has developed more rapidly

developed more rapidly in the Middle Ages, when tourism

was the main consumer of the nobility. The young nobles often went into a kind of grand European tour to Europe: England (London), France (Paris), then - in Italy (Genoa, Milan, Florence, Rome), then - in Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands.

Слайд 5 Elite


Слайд 6 Mass tourism
could only have developed with the improvements

Mass tourismcould only have developed with the improvements in technology, allowing

in technology, allowing the transport of large numbers of

people in a short space of time to places of leisure interest, so that greater numbers of people could begin to enjoy the benefits of leisure time.

Слайд 7 Elite
The first steamship was constructed and built by

EliteThe first steamship was constructed and built by Fultonom in 1807.

Fultonom in 1807.

Слайд 8 Thomas Cook-the founder of mass tourism
The father of

Thomas Cook-the founder of mass tourismThe father of modern mass tourism

modern mass tourism was Thomas Cook who, on 5

July 1841, organized the first package tour in history. He arranged for the rail company to charge one shilling per person for a group of 570 temperance campaigners from Leicester to a rally in Loughborough, eleven miles away.

Слайд 9 Advantages
Was the only opportunity to see the

AdvantagesElite Was the only opportunity to see the worldGood educationPrestige Opportunity

Good education
Opportunity to buy unique things
promotes the adoption

and development of new and higher standards of service


- job creation
- new local facilities
- increase in economy
- positive multiplier effect
- boom in the construction industry

  • Имя файла: elite-amp-mass-tourism.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 80
  • Количество скачиваний: 2
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