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Презентация на тему Elizabeth petrovna favourite secrets love

Cheerful queen Was Elizabeths: Sings and has fun, The order only isn't present.
Elizabeth Petrovna favourite secrets love Cheerful queen Was Elizabeths:  Sings and has fun,  The order only isn't present. Elizabeths Empress Elizabeth and King Louis XV Moritz of Saxony Up to the accession to the throne of Elizabeth flashed The German  Prince Charles Augustus Ensign Alex  Shubin. Alexander  settlement Elizabeth and Alexei Razumovsky Nadir Shah The end
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Cheerful queen Was Elizabeths: Sings and has fun, The

Cheerful queen Was Elizabeths: Sings and has fun, The order only isn't present.

order only isn't present.

Слайд 3 Elizabeths


Слайд 5 Empress Elizabeth and King Louis XV

Empress Elizabeth and King Louis XV

Слайд 6 Moritz of Saxony

Moritz of Saxony

Слайд 7 Up to the accession to the

Up to the accession to the throne of Elizabeth flashed

throne of Elizabeth flashed her name in many European

mating combinations among her suitors were listed Karl August, Prince-Bishop Lyubsky, Prince George English, Carl Brandenburg-Bayreuth, the Infante Don Manuel Portuguese, Mauritius Count of Saxony, the Infante Don Carlos of Spain , Duke of Courland Ferdinand, Duke Ernst Ludwig of Brunswick and many more, even the Persian Nadir Shah. Elizabeth was happy with their favorites, not only see men, but also skillful rulers.

Слайд 8 The German Prince Charles Augustus

The German Prince Charles Augustus

Слайд 9 Ensign Alex Shubin.
Alexander settlement

Ensign Alex Shubin. Alexander settlement

Слайд 10 Elizabeth and Alexei Razumovsky

Elizabeth and Alexei Razumovsky

Слайд 11 Nadir Shah

Nadir Shah

  • Имя файла: elizabeth-petrovna-favourite-secrets-love.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 86
  • Количество скачиваний: 0